The negative psychology of race-hate

Based on feedback from readers, I offer the following clarifications on the text below. 

(1) I heal people regardless of race, gender, age and regardless of whether they inhabit and manifest positive or negative psychology.

(2) When I refer in the text to those Muslims who regress to being race-Europeans, this specifically refers to Muslims who manifest fanatical, hate-based psychology which their own community speaks out against.

(3) The ailment-energy that I take on through healing and that gets disbursed to those who hate me (and their loved ones) won’t disappear when I die. The suffering will continue. But there is always scope to make peace with me while I’m alive.


When I was permitted access to detailed confidential information as to why humans differ, one of the most startling facts to emerge was the ‘mutated bio-frame’ of certain psychologies that allowed them to stand out from other human-animals.

The theory of animal to human evolution is partially true. But it only accounts for the psychological aspect, that is, the movement of a given ego-psychology from one type of physical encasement to another.

Current human memory does not recollect solar system evolution. Wars were waged using power more destructive than can be imagined. One such war-episode obliterated an orb, the remnants of which exist in our solar system. Another war-episode, far more destructive, vaporized another orb; and a hollow artificial orb was manufactured and dragged into its position in order to maintain equilibrium. We see that orb when we look up into the celestial sky.

A decision was made to separate humans into varying groups differentiated by their respective retarded and advanced divine evolutionary psychologies. Thus, an easily identifiable marker was engineered into the human bio-structure, geared towards either the sharing or indeed curtailing of advanced information, knowledge, and awakening.

A further decision limited the physical capabilities of a negative psychology, making it meander through various such states until the psychology had appreciated the need to curb harmful, knee-jerk impulses.

Additionally, a new credit-based system-program came into vogue. This acknowledged accentuated awakening and was relevant for that psychology which transmuted from animal to human; while a sub-section was also reserved for normal humans who abused their entity-force by engaging in negative activity – a psychology with negative credit, we might say.

These sub-sections had an identifiable signature that helped normal humans to recognise differing layers of evolving psychology. Thus, a hierarchical structure was established.

The negative and evil psychology sub-section also lost its ability to limit the effects on it of the virulent diseases suffered by higher order humans. Such human-transmitted disease would maintain its potency and effect through no less then nine generations of the lower order human who triggered internal hatred towards another living being.

In today’s panorama this means that when a negative psychology human hates, it automatically pulls sustained suffering and disease into its own lineage. The benefit of this to the higher order (positive psychology) human is progress in to greater refinement, and towards permanent release from the confines of this iron-ore rust bucket we call mother earth, such that they become fully-fledged members of the air-, water-, and food-free sentient being of the cosmos.

However, when the negative sub-section psychology refrains from hatred and mindless killing of another being – be that nature, plant, animal or human – it is promoted into the next higher order. This realm is a confused section. It is Janus-like, looking in both directions, such that it cannot leave behind its bloodthirsty historical journey, but has aspirations to become a refined, liberal, protective psychology no longer imprisoned by the bio-structure of this planet.

Now let me make some sense out of all this.

From childhood I recognised that amongst other things I was a healer. I healed by making a decision in my mind for the benefit of the ailing. If I was happy, they improved. If I was hurt or unhappy, then they suffered throughout life, and their misery was transmitted through to their offspring and emotional love line. Thus far, the longest continual misery I’ve witnessed is now into its fourth generation. Conversely, there have been incidents at hospitals where patients have experienced accelerated improved health, simply because I was in a happy mood and they extended goodwill towards me and my sister.

Naturally, ailment-energy once lifted has to go somewhere, because I cannot suffer from it continuously. I usually don’t have to look far. Your typical, hate-filled Anglo-Saxon hates me for my brown skin, turban and beard; and ends up absorbing their own projected hate completely into their and their loved ones lives, causing them interminable suffering.

Here is the best part. These hate-suffused suffering individuals long for death, but death does not come to their aid. This is pretty serious stuff when you consider the six main diseases a human does not currently wish to suffer. The potency and virility of these diseases increases in each one of you who currently are out to murder me and my sister. You could be a thousand miles away but your hatred for me will automatically trigger in you the six diseases. Enjoy.

Those of you who think stalking me by walking threateningly ever closer behind me, in your typical cowardly race-European manner of attacking people from behind, suck up the pool of diseases that I have removed from those who I feel need help as they cross my path…and doctors will not have an answer, because after one disease is tackled, the next one will manifest in its place.

The meek, says the Bible, shall inherit the earth. The meek is the negative psychology kingdom.

Further clarity: The sub-section of negative psychology humans comprises those I call race-Europeans. The Janus-like race I refer to are Muslims. Muslims, upon regression, rebirth as race-Europeans; and race–Europeans regress into animals of varying kinds. An upwardly mobile race-European, meanwhile, seldom escapes becoming a Muslim…and they say God does not have a sense of humour.

Additional clarity: It is mandatory that the highest accolade afforded a Sikh is for him to be confronted by one hundred and twenty-five thousand people. Hell, I am confronted with sixty million in the UK alone, and I am told my image has been shared globally by the Anglo-Saxons. So I, a lone Gursikh, am up against countless millions of race-Europeans. What an accolade. I have got sixty million UK race-Europeans eagerly waiting to see which one murders me and my 70 yr old sister. As a Sikh, I am going to go down in Sikh folklore history as a warrior par excellence.

Insight: In less than a generation, an Asian country will develop a weapons system that will make nuclear weapons null and void. Race-Europeans will find that we, the other races, have long memories; and in the same way that you once wiped out races in your empire of north and south America, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, you are going to experience the same termination, and the lands you colonized will revert to the original dwellers.

This transition can be peaceful (as in South Africa) or bloody – it all depends on how you treat brown/black people today.

I did not ask for this race violence. You insulted my Sikh turban, my Sikh faith, my Sikh race, and then you threatened to kill me and my sister.

Do you think I, an old-fashioned Sikh, an old-fashioned fighter, and an old, old-fashioned warrior, am going to back off ???

Remember, in your mind you may be six foot two and twenty stone (that’s 280lbs), but to me you are just a large target, making my defensive job easier.

You are going to find out the hard way that when brown/black skin comes down to your level of psychopathic psychology then you will bruise. When they hit you, you will bleed. And when they hit even harder, your bones will break. And when they put a bullet in you, you will die. There is nothing strong about you. The only difference thus far has been that brown/black people have not wanted to come down to the level of the psychopath.

You can timetable each and everyone of my journeys. All I have to do is suck you into a trap. Your eagerness to kill me or attempt murder means I have you where I can lead you a merry dance; and just when you think you have me cornered, guess what?

Back in the 40s, and again during the Suez Canal crisis, one of the nicknames for the British (English) was three and a half inch Johnny.

The modern day version of that is three and a half inch Enoch. Go figure. And England is Enochland. There you go, your birthright finally recognised: Enochland.

Personally, I cannot wait for Brexit, and your long held wish to drive all brown/black skins out of Enochland. The best part is, you genuinely believe all you have do to is smile at the simple brown skins and they’ll come rushing, begging for your trade, as in the old days when you held a gun at our heads thinking you were brilliant businessmen. That’s a day brown/black globally people long to see.

Oh, by the way, why try so hard to become a fake Indian showing off a third rate tan?

Three and a half inch Enoch, there is a fitting term for you guys in today’s terminology. It is confused dot com.