Dignified Poverty. Prudence must be honoured.

Trolling by cantankerous and insurpassably ignorant  paleo-politicians who ennoble petty rhetoric, is part of the odyssey of perpetually subjugating the most weak and financially deprived members of society.

When the welfare state was enacted in the UK, the rest of the western world didn’t even consider the concept. It was anathema to the very sensibilities of the elite. Yet, almost a century later the idea of a welfare state is envied globally. Others have copied and improved on it; and yet each has missed the critical point: that poverty must have dignity.

The income-deprived must have dignity and a sense of self-worth. It must be recognised that not everyone is capable of holding a job (albeit that some are indeed denied employment due to state persecution in the United Kingdom, and forced to accept state welfare benefit).

The problem with the United Kingdom state welfare benefit system – a flaw in its design – is that it keeps the financially impoverished in undignified poverty: And they are penalised if found in breach of  its many draconian restrictions. This maintains the elite and the deprived in a fief-serf relationship.

In order to police benefit claimants, for example, a veritable army is employed by the U.K. Department of Works and Pension (DWP) to investigate and frankly fabricate “evidence” against claimants. Speculative remarks are added to a claimant’s file encouraging further investigation. 

Local authorities are invited to harass and victimise welfare claimants through further investigations. So a person is subjected to the demeaning, stressful, and often unwarranted hell of a two-tier investigation. This escalates to include magistrate court visits, where dates are not disclosed to the defendant, or else the case is adjourned; bailiffs are instructed to collect undisclosed amounts of monies; and often it is the local authority’s own revenue department staff who sit reviewing a person’s case at the magistrates  court.

Additionally, there are seven tiers of investigation that involve other government enforcement agencies, some of which are listed below.

1. Continuous bureaucratic harassment. 

One example is the many cases in which the date of birth of a claimant is changed on the DWP system. This causes benefit payments to be revoked, and claimants invited to reapply. Since date of birth on the new application does not match with the information held by the DWP (which has been changed somewhere along the line), this is flagged as fraud, and invites further investigation. There then follows a demand for documents, photocopies of which are already in the DWP system; and claimants are blamed for filling out the wrong date of birth on the original form which the DWP  never produces as evidence.

2. DWP surveillance.

Regular employees of the DWP are engaged to tail claimants. They usually work in male/female pairs, so they don’t stand out. They are so uncomfortable in their role play however that anyone with a semblance of alertness can pick them out in a crowd. In fact shoppers will mouth a warning to others when they see them around.

3. Shared surveillance across agencies 

Supermarket, department store and shopping centre CCTV footage is invariably passed to the DWP team. This breaks the law. But the DWP functions outside the law, most of the time. 

4. Surveillance in private religious spaces

Asian temples, most without their knowledge, have their CCTV directly connected to a central gathering department. The surveillance from this then gets disseminated throughout various government enforcement agencies. So claimants finding sanctuary, and  practicing their faith, in religious space do not do so in freedom. 

DWP and other agencies’ harrassment of welfare claimants is coordinated in the round, as we see above, and is finely tuned to maximizing people’s stress and anxiety. It is undoubtedly a form of mental abuse. And it is maintained by a system of thought which takes ‘all claimants are liars’ as a gospel truth.

Starting from the baseline that claimants are all engage in fraud, the DWP engages private investigators at horrendous cost to the public purse. These people are unbelievably ham-handed and stand out like a sore thumb. Seldom do they collate anything amounting to substantive evidence against a claimant. There is no value for money. Paltry results require fabricating evidence to justify ongoing investigation, which further burdens the public purse.   

A further source of harrassment and false claims of fraud accrue from the fact that many claimants are simply prudent with their money. The simple truth is: they have to be. And what that sometimes means is that because of their self-imposed spending limits they begin to save. The savings limits and provisions that apply to welfare claimants, under current regulations, are unduly stringent. Consequently, people are caught in a bind about where to keep their savings. In many cases they become victims of their own prudence.

The savings limitations applied to welfare claimants must be excluded absolutely when assessing their applications. Prudence should not be punished. 

The argument that if you have savings you cannot get state benefits is both wrong and archaic. 

Do the wealthy also not work? They have savings and assets, and on top of this enjoy lucrative remuneration packages. How come their existing wealth is not a deciding factor in the remuneration they receive? If a socially inept person is unable to hold down a job but happens to be prudent in managing their money then why should they be penalised for asking for a weekly benefit for everyday living? If they exhaust their savings this has two negative impacts on the nation’s wealth. First, deposit from banks is depleted; and second, the person becomes an emotional health burden on top of a financial burden. The emotional health burden costs far in excess of the loss of the wealth that person has been penalised for in order to receive state benefits.

People work not only to purchase consumer goods but to live a reasonable and comfortable lifestyle within their income bracket. The desire for a comfortable lifestyle maintains people in employment, while allowing them to increase their savings. The DWP system violates a person’s right to pursue a comfortable life that would allow them to save while receiving benefits. It demands that those seeking benefits form, and are maintained as, a kind of under-class in society: to live in perpetual and undignified poverty, without hope of something better.

Simply because you are socially inept or have other reasons for being unable to work does not mean you should be automatically excluded from accessing a better life.  

The benefit of removing savings limits on benefit claimants has national advantages also. 

Money that circulates outside the banking and accounting system can become part of the nation’s wealth if claimants are able to deposit their savings in banks. This means that banks can then securitize to lend to a greater field of borrowers, which includes the claimants. 

The national benefit to the treasury is that securitized funds will be used several times over for valid tax generation via the purchase of goods and services. This decimates the unseen economy, while strengthening the GDP of the UK.

In the process, government agencies like the DWP can be streamlined and made for more effective, as they do not need to create bogus arguments about fraud, nor maintain the bloated number of staff required to police this. Granted, the DWP staff do work very hard in that department, but in order to retain their jobs they are forced to fabricate information about a claimant, following directives from higher up the management structure. 

With Dignified Poverty wasteful investigations are stopped. Wealth is integrated into, and begins to circulate within formal systems. Prudence is no longer penalised. And, in turn, claimants’ mental well-being inevitably means they have less need for medical intervention. And more than all that, it would  enable them to live in dignity.

Death Seduces Life: Expanded consciousness & Mental Health 

The facebook inspired race hatred Anglo-Saxon with support from their fascists mainland European counterparts are still following me on their social media sites and ran another run in my local high street to see my reaction prior to an attack. This time I informed the police who I understand took decisive action. I thank the UK police for that. I am still capturing the faces of the individuals involved and will begin to post them online as race-hate fascists.

Death Seduces Life: Expanded consciousness & Mental Health 

Romans 6:23 claims the ‘wages of sin is death’. But what of those people who hear voices and go on to commit suicide?

In today’s world, so many kinds of pressure can and do lead to suicide, and they aren’t necessarily always preceded by suicide indicators such as self-harm or socially visible depression. Suicide rates in the United Kingdom are declining, and have been since the highs of the 1980s and 1990s, but they appear more prevalent in the media, and are increasingly talked about in terms of mental health.

Now, death has always seduced life. Rather than bringing fear, panic, terror, and distress, it has always been noted as a welcome mergence of life into death for the individual. But this is only true about natural death. Suicide presents a difficult configuration altogether.

For one thing, suicide appears to transgress the natural relationship between life and death, to sin against the rules. These rules say that life must be lived, endured even, with fortitude and resolution. The gift of life, once given, must not be rejected. To do so is to sin. Such obscene views refuse to countenance the dire predicaments that may lead somebody to punish – or seek release for – themselves, and give their lives over to the disquieting and resonant voices telling them to die.

Rabid disregard for the collapse of a person’s entire personal, social, professional, psychological ecology leads preachers to reduce suicide to sin, and leads colleagues in the workplace to dismiss it as a personality trait, a weakness. Either way suicide is cast as the ultimate in moral turpitude.

The question remains however: What compels people to commit suicide?

Regrettably, the obscene distaste of dealing with the issue, whereby theological thinking is masked by a modern charade of sound-bites, is as useful as holding up a candle to the midday sun.

So why do I not support the view that suicide is a punishment or indeed a sin?

Indulge me; as I explain my position using metaphors and analogies. For me, they deliver scriptural and divine reasoning in simple terms.

To explain the personal hell and conflict of an individual we have to understand concepts of reality using a ‘states of sentience’ construct.

I have a burning desire to drive form London to Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan. One day I set out. On the ferry across from England to France I meet a party who has traveled from Bristol, a city ninety miles west of London, and who is also heading to Tashkent. Their vehicle is big whereas mine is light and carries just me, my sister and her daughter. There are five routes to Tashkent. We debate their relative merits and ease, and we agree that only two routes suit us given our starting point. Upon alighting the ferry I take the lead and create distance between myself and the Bristol party. I make several leisurely stops on the way. One day, I note the Bristol party in my rear-view mirror. And in the distance, in front of me, I note a vehicle heading towards me from the direction of Tashkent. 

I drive leisurely now, allowing the Bristol party to get close enough to overtake me. As it does the vehicle from Tashkent passes me in the opposite direction. 

In this analogy, the Bristol party represents my past setting off ninety miles behind where I am in London. The Tashkent vehicle is my future – passing me by and heading into my past. The point where we meet is the fulcrum portal, where past, present, and future exchange vital information and energies. 

Depending on which of the three vehicles’ occupants is more dominant, which is more malleable, and which more inert, the exchange will impact them accordingly. But the confluence of their different energies will certainly leave all three parties with a new set of emotional overloads that will need readjusting to.

An unknown truth seldom shared with the general public, but borne out by ethnographies of people and societies around the world, is that the future has already happened and that it shapes and makes the past. The past does not make the future. Furthermore, the past and the future coexist at whatever point is considered the present. 

Another analogy:

Consider a ten storey tower block. The apartments on each floor follow a daily activity pattern, right from the ground floor to the penthouse suite. Individual activity differs, but the dawn-to-dusk, general lifestyle pattern is identical. Wealth and technology are more developed the higher one gets, with the lower floors being poorer and having allotments to grow their own vegetables.

Each floor is a relative future to the one(s) below. Now, if there is an electrical fault then the entire tower suffers, and a collective calamity is experienced; but as the electrical failure takes time to ascend the tower, the timing of each floor and each apartment’s experience of the calamity varies. And if people from an apartment aren’t at home during the electrical failure, and return after it’s been fixed, then of course they will not have suffered at all. Likewise, the higher floors have an independent generator for precisely such mishaps, and they sail through the problem unaware.

This is our actual reality. We are imprisoned as assets into a set layer of karma. Karma is not the action-reaction chain that people believe. That is samskar. Karma is the set-in-stone collection of conditions that cannot be changed: thus, what will be, will be. This is why divine Beings never interfere in the scheme of things. The overall administrator of this is the one Atma. Atma is incorrectly explained as the soul. Soul is antrekarna in eastern thought – the parameters within which the individual organs of anything in a particular plane of existence operate. This means that albeit the organs are identical, the antrekarne, the soul, differs in its expression. In the same way the organs of a person from the future will be similar to ours but its antrekarna, the soul – the internal working mechanism – will differ from ours. 

To return to the three cars from Bristol, London and Tashkent… when they crossed each other, the sharing of that time–space meant all parties carried an indelible mark from the impact. They each experienced a kind of excess, but since they could each only make sense of that excess in their own set operational parameters, one of the parties could interpret it as a sensation to drive in such a manner a to commit suicide. One of the parties, conversely, might experience the exchange of energies as a creative sensation.

Thus, a person who feels compelled to commit suicide is not suffering from mental health problems but from the experience of expanded consciousness, which we all have, and which is in fact our natural birthright to enjoy. 

Mental health, as currently framed and discussed, does not exist. Individuals are experiencing expanded consciousness – an excess of energies – which the current western medical councils do not understand. This is nowhere more evident than in the ever-compendium of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders, which labels every emergent form of expanded consciousness as a disorder and hence reduces it to ‘mental health’.  

I ask each of you who is feeling suicidal: consider this sensation, this impulse, as the resonance and channeling of past and/or future through you, creating an excess which your organs decipher as suicidal – because the reality is that you are not programmed to commit suicide.

The above is a very simplistic explanation, as I have not added multi-functionality as a component of the explanation and analysis that would help round out our understanding of suicide. With the integrated understanding that multi-functionality provides, a much clearer picture emerges; but that requires a book. 

Brexit Mirage

The Facebook inspired race-hatred Anglo-Saxons with support from their fascists mainland European counterparts are still following me on their social media sites and ran another run-in on my local high street to see my reaction prior to an attack. This time I informed the police who I understand took decisive action. I thank the UK police for that. I am still capturing the faces of the individuals involved and will begin to post them online as race-hate fascists.

Brexit Mirage

Brexit, like autism, requires understanding, care, empathy, and direction. It is an abstract concept, whose admirers are mesmerised by a cheery, sentimental blend of world domination that none but a very privileged few ever experienced. Ordinary slum citizens were treated in that world with much the same contempt as the conquered. And who were the conquered? Civilised peoples who treated the colonizing strangers at their door as friends, though they turned out to be anything but.  

Worship of machines, lack of sophistication, technical ignorance of distant lands, and a pith-helmet mentality coalesced to induce in the ordinary Anglo-Saxon citizen a dream-like belief that they and their killing machines were unassailable. They faithfully believed that regardless of geopolitical changes the bully spirit would prevail – needing only to intimidate, harass, threaten, and maybe kill some browns and blacks, and subjugate and enslave them, in order to maintain their sadistic mastery over the world.

However, the politicians in the era of ‘empire’ knew the truth; just as the politicians of today know the truth – that it’s all bull. But the desire for power and a very healthy pension is itself so powerful, beguiling, and corrupting, that politicians will do literally anything to secure their political futures: buying votes with barefaced lies that trade on people’s latent and enduring belief in their own sovereign supremacy. It is the only way to truly guarantee the prize that is the politician’s pension. Let’s see how genuinely Brexiteer politicians hold their beliefs when asked to share their generous incomes and eventual pensions with ordinary Brexiteers living on income support.

When hard-nosed Brexiteer MPs go on their several holidays a year, how many of them invite their loyal, low income, Brexit supporters to join them?

The problem with us, the voters, is that we are ignorant and gullible enough to buy into anything that suggests our country’s ills are down to the hard-working foreigner. 

UK politics is rife with free-market ideology, except when foreigners ‘take British citizens’ jobs’. In fact, Brexit MPs supported the free market forces that allowed this to happen – after all, they’re close associates of the employers who take on foreigners. But they pretend not to be, and get the unsuspecting public to vote Brexit in order to shore up their political futures, and the generous salaries and pensions that accrue from that.    

The Brexit debacle is a stitch up, and each one of us has been sewn up like a kipper.

The top politicians knew exactly what their role was to be in Brexit. The whole drama is contrived: a strictly controlled, totally stage-managed act, in which we have been duped into siding with one of the two camps.

Consider the UK’s GDP in 2017 – it was 2.6 trillion. By comparison, Germany’s was 3.5 trillion, France’s 2.5 trillion, the USA’s 19 trillion, the European Union’s 19 trillion, and China’s 12.2 trillion.

The UK going it alone is like an Asian corner-shop opening up next to a big four supermarket despite having 0.000000001% of the latter’s turnover! And I am being extremely generous to the Asian corner-shop turnover in this analogy, given that it would never have the buying power of the supermarket. What the supermarket achieves in turnover in its busiest five minutes, the local Asian corner-shop cannot achieve in over ninety years. 

Ordinary Brexiteers don’t seem to understand this simple fact. Their Brexit-baying MPs do.

However, Brexiteer MPs don’t care that they are skinning you, duping you into lining their pockets by re-electing them because of your misplaced sentimentality about Britian uber alles – while you the citizen will suffer when the post-Brexit squeeze occurs.

And here is the best part. The same MPs will still crop your social security payments – no small thing in a country where Anglo-Saxons comprise the largest ethnic group living on social benefits, the majority of them Brexiteers.

You are buying into the fake news that your Brexiteer MPs are targeting foreigners, when the truth is that you, their supporters, are the ones being mercilessly squeezed.

Do you seriously believe that the UK’s politically savvy politicians didn’t know that the Prime Minister cannot repeatedly bring the same deal to a vote in Parliament? Even an elementary student of politics knows this can’t be done.

Watch the news anchors who are championing the Brexit agenda. Have you ever wondered why they are so vociferous in their support? Because all semi-intelligent people know how bad an idea Brexit is, but the charade requires that news anchors and talk-show hosts keep the news alive by continuously peddling the idea of Brexit. The fires of ethno-nationalism have to be stoked continually. 

The vote for Brexit has always been about one thing: racism. The majority of Anglo-Saxons want Britain populated by a pure Anglo-Saxon race. They want all foreigners, and citizens with brown and black skins, removed or indeed killed in race hate massacres. But the Brexiteer MPs know that without foreigners and people of brown/black skins, this country will go into economic free-fall.

As I watched the charade of a third referendum, (the first was when the UK joined the EC, the second was when the UK decided – with a wafer thin majority – to leave), I felt sorry for the ordinary citizens who’ve been led by their emotional noses, like a dancing bear with a rope through its nose.

Brexit cannot happen. The painful truth is that the average Anglo-Saxon is painfully work shy, lacks any sense of responsibility, and is mired in rudeness, aggressiveness, thoughtlessness, and a deep sense of entitlement.

If you were running a business who would you employ? A work-shy, entitled, jobsworth; or someone who goes the extra mile each and every day? 

And given that Brixteer MPs’ incomes depend on the country maintaining its wealth, just who do you think those MPs believe is most likely to help achieve and maintain that wealth? 

Brexiteer MPs poured fuel on your demand for foreigners to be kicked out of the NHS, and two years later they are recruiting people with brown skin at an unprecedented rate to replace the East Europeans who are being kicked out.

When these Brexiteer MPs visit brown/black areas their spiel is that without the rich and valuable contribution of those goups’ workforce, and their businesses, the UK would struggle. Yet when they visit your area they fuel racism and hatred against the same brown and black people. 

We the citizens are mugs. We are prepared to steal from each other, and kill each other. But Brexiteer MPs don’t threaten, steal from, or want to kill their anti-Brexit MP colleagues.


Because the Brexit drama is a charade. No more, and no less.

The facebook inspired race hatred Anglo-Saxon with support from their fascists mainland European counterparts are still following me on their social media sites and ran another run in my local high street to see my reaction prior to an attack. This time I informed the police who I understand took decisive action. I thank the UK police for that. I am still capturing the faces of the individuals involved and will begin to post them online as race-hate fascists.

The Truth About Mary Magdalene: an exploration of ‘free’ will, morals, demons and mental illness

Mahatma Gandhiji said ‘reading the Sermon on the Mount gives me as much pleasure as reading the Gita.’

In this essay, I explore the Bible’s treatment of Mary Magdalene, but it is not my intention to rob you of the comfort, support and sustenance the Bible may provide you.

There are some points to note first, before I begin, which provide context to my assessment of, and argument against, the Bible’s characterization of Mary Magdalene. These are as follows:

Jesus, the person, lived several centuries earlier than indicated in biblical history.

His lifetime coincided with the global influence of Buddhism, and it is likely that he – and others of his ilk – would have studied eastern philosophy and made certain self-discoveries through that.

It follows, therefore, that Jesus most likely would never have uttered the statements attributed to him in biblical texts.

Thus, the Bible’s author/s can be said to have created a myth.

Biblical myth, like most other powerful myths, communicate core beliefs that permeate through folklore and storytelling across the ages. They draw on the past, and on real historical personages, and mythologise these.

One such historical figure would have been the real Jesus, who – like Buddhaji  – was  already a synonym for particular attributes and high-minded values at the time the Bible was written.

Hence, the Bible crystallizes an idea or concept and set of folkloric stories that have gathered force and come to assume a kind of powerful reality.

Taking all this into account, the story of Mary Magdalene’s interaction with Jesus of Nazareth, shines a light on the evolution of kinship, fellowship, and morality, and helps illuminate the theme and process of personal transformation. It does so, I would argue, in quite distinct ways from – and more accurately than – the Bible sets out.

In the Bible, Mary Magdalene is repeatedly described as a prostitute. However, since we know that she comes from a wealthy family, that simply isn’t possible in the terms that we understand prostitution today (and presumably at the time of the Bible’s authorship). 

For one thing, wealth confers a particular loosening of moral mores and restrictions  – just look at news about the elite in our society, and the almost self-congratulatory rite-of-passage they pass through: various addictions, affairs, etc. The uninhibited freedom of the wealthy elite is the same today as it has ever been.

Mary lived in a time of Roman occupation, and high-society would have mimicked Roman high-life, which in turn mimicked Greek high-life before it. This high-life would have comprised relaxed moral codes and sexual freedoms. In this context, Mary might conceivably have been a courtesan. This differs from prostitution in the sense that it centres on companionship as much as sex, on being an intelligent and witty person with whom to spend time, and being in some ways an equal partner in the interaction.

Given that her brother lived in a leper’s colony, Mary and her older sister would likely also have assumed the role and responsibility of the eldest male family member, meaning interacting with men as equals, and with candour and ease. Twinned with the promiscuity of the wealthy elite of whom she was herself a member, this potentially makes Mary a very unpalatable figure to the religious orthodox of her own time, and those who authored the Bible. 

Here was a woman embodying the liberal values and behaviours of high society, exhibiting tomboyish flamboyance, enjoying free interaction with men because of her responsibility – all of which coalesced to subject her to accusations of, and characterization as, a prostitute. Mary thus exemplified all that was pernicious, and was an affront to – the Laws of Moses and the Law of God. 

The case of her affair with an older married man with children was likely the perfect foil for making an example of Mary. In a sting set up by the Pharisees, which perhaps her lover colluded in, in exchange for everlasting anonymity, Mary was cast as the ultimate fallen woman.

But there was more at stake than Mary’s reputation – and her possible stoning to death. The Pharisees were also hell-bent on testing Jesus’ adherence to the Laws of Moses and the Law of God. 

I’m not necessarily talking about the real Jesus, who, as pointed out earlier, preceded the Bible by several centuries; but then, neither is the Bible referring to him per se, rather to the legend of Jesus, to a man with Jesus-like qualities.

So, what would Jesus do, when confronted with a fallen woman whose death was likely imminent because of her immoralities? In the Bible, he writes in the earth his condemnation of, as well as the hidden secrets of her accusers. As depicted in c.15th paintings, writing in the earth is akin to making a definitive statement, issuing a decree, it is what gives us the saying ‘written in stone’. The real Jesus’ interaction with eastern philosophy and its theatrical, allegorical, and allusive modes of delivering lessons makes it impossible to believe that he would ever have acted in such a way. It is inimical to the way in which people like us, people of our ilk, behave or communicate the god-concept.

What else does the Bible say about Mary Magdalene and Jesus? That she was possessed by no fewer than seven devils. (This number is interesting, as in other cultures the devil is associated with number nine, fifty-four, and even one hundred and eight). The devils made her act in the way she did; they made her promiscuous.  From an orthodox religious perspective, the flexible mores and conduct of the wealthy elite are indeed (then as now) anathema to living a moral and correct life in fear of god – they are considered to be under the influence and control of the devil.

The devil is a wonderful invention. – a placeholder and catch-all for all the actions and attitudes, the behaviours and beliefs that hard-right fanatics can’t fathom or explain, and which they don’t wish to try and understand or comprehend because doing so would dent their rigid exclusion of morals and logics other than their own.

But the devil concept is, in its reductiveness, singularly unhelpful.

Jesus, like others of our ilk, would have been vehemently dismissive of the devil concept. While publicly he would have assimilated himself to prevailing language and concept norms, he would have recognised that the ‘devil’ so-called was entirely irrelevant to explaining and resolving Mary’s situation.

Why? Because the devil concept rests on the assumption that a person has free will and a normative moral compass to begin with, and that bad and immoral behaviour results from this being perniciously thwarted. In fact, though, free will, reasoning and thinking are themselves complete fabrications. Which is to say, what comes across as our ‘free’ will is in fact already written into us: pre-ordained. 

It is difficult to explain this to laypeople. The pathway to understanding such things entails a process of pain that moves from one’s humiliation, through humility, humbleness, and passivity, before evolving into and merging with the potent vital energy: calmness. And no ascending soul (antrekarna) can make the journey alone, on its own merit and talent; it happens through the grace of a high being and only if one is selected to be given such grace.


So, Jesus knew that Mary’s fallen status was not due to devil possession, and was not a result of her own ‘free’ will as we understand it. Rather, she was pre-programmed by her own bio-chemistry to be the person she was, and to act as she did – that programming establishing itself before conception, crystallizing during gestation, and playing out in the course of her life and actions. Even with all this knowledge, how was he going to save her?

Jesus knew the matter pivoted not on Mary’s adultery per se, but on whether he was seen to uphold God’s law by denouncing her, and saving himself from being labelled a heretic.

It’s important to know here that those of us with psychic privileges have access to everybody’s past, present and future. We see the traps and the miseries that have befallen and will befall people. We see the liars, the deceitful, the haters; just as we see the innocent and the pious. We see the skeletons in everybody’s closet and their virtues. We hear their confessions, their secrets; we provide counsel, support. We are powerful, but we proceed delicately. Such would have been Jesus’ knowledge and role too.

 So, what did Jesus do? Well, for those of our ilk, the protection of the defenceless – with no thought for ourselves – is de rigeur. Jesus will have sought to protect Mary; not to hasten her death even if it meant his own. Jesus surveyed the bio-signature (not the same as the debunked concept of the ‘transient aura’) of each of Mary’s accusers, and without naming and shaming them, he made reference to their failings and their skeletons. Doing so causes perceptible changes in mannerism and mental outlook in the person who is being subtly told off, as I have found when deploying the same tactic. We know this tactic better through the now enduring soundbite: ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ So, Mary’s accusers were chastened by Jesus’ knowledge of their own wrong-doings, as the Bible reports.

The Bible also goes on to say that Mary asked for deliverance of her soul, that the devils possessing her were cast out, and her soul was able to move forward unencumbered. How we do make sense of this? On one hand, Mary’s bio-signature pre-determined her actions, so saved from one tragic situation it’s reasonable to assume that she would have reverted to type – to being the uninhibited person she was. We can think of it in terms of the analogy of the repeat offender.

But something did indeed change in Mary. What? How?

Well, she came into the conduction, convection and radiation range of a high being (a Jesus figure) and was enveloped in the latter’s psychic care and protection. This overwhelmed and reconfigured her own bio-structure, and established a bond between her and Jesus that would persist through multiple lifetimes. They would be inexorably drawn together each lifetime – she towards his charismatic protection; he towards the need to help emancipate and liberate her from the cycle of life and death.

What of the Bible’s depiction of how Mary reacted to being saved? It says she washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, and wiped them dry with her hair. At the time, the practice of kneeling down, bending forward, and touching one’s forehead to the feet of one’s saviour (or high being) was globally widespread (outside race-European environments and societies). So this likely is a true depiction of events. Where Mary dried Jesus’ feet with her hair, men would have done so with their beards.

Consequently, Mary would have become a silent observer at Jesus’ feet, a humble server, and a life-long student. Quietly and conscientiously.

What, you are wondering, has any of this to do with mental health? 

In contemporary Britian – and elsewhere in the West – Mary Magdalene’s bio-signature which pre-determined her behaviour, and which was misunderstood by the religious right as a manifestation of devil possession, would be cast as mental illness. Here was a woman with deep psychological problems, going back to childhood abandonment, mistreatment, abuse; which she perpetuated or reacted against by her own subconscious set of behaviours. 

In today’s mental health landscape, Mary would be prescribed psychotropic drugs to quell her nature, silence the demons, change her chemistry. But the Jesus figure of her time managed to ‘save’ her without resorting to drugs or causing disequilibrium to her internal organs. He extended her his psychic protection, and that altered her bio-structure so deeply and so effectively that she was, so to say, tamed, saved, a model citizen of the society she lived in. 

In contrast with the character of Mary Magdalene prior to her being ‘saved’, is the character of the lonely person, the social introvert. At different ends of the spectrum, they are both equally subject to being labelled mentally ill. 

Briefly: there is a world of difference between aloneness and loneliness. The former involves active enjoyment in being alone with one’s self, giving oneself over to contemplation, as a kind of pleasurable activity. For such people, the thrill of social engagement pales in comparison. It is a panacea they do not need, though they partake of it happily enough at times and with particular people. Their strength does not cohere in social settings, nor their enjoyment. Aloneness is a skill, but oftentimes just as much a need for people. 

Loneliness is the experience of aloneness as a form of unhappy isolation. Sociability is key to people who feel lonely; their sense of self, of inner stability and calm, dependent on others’ company. Their experience of aloneness as isolation consolidates it is their mind as a disease. For them, solace is other people. 

It is all too easy to teach that being alone with oneself is a mental health issue; such is the environment we live in today. But perhaps, as with Mary Magdalene, the trick is to take what is written, what is cast as normal and true, and explore what contexts and other realities that narrative – of the fallen woman, or of the lonely person – might be missing; and how the guidance of a high being can bring us to enhanced knowledge of what is in fact really going 

Police Desecrate Sikh Gurdwara (West London) and Racially Profile Sikhs Entering Parliament

Facebook-inspired, rate-hate Anglo-Saxons are – with support from fascist European counterparts – still following me on social media. Recently they staged another dry-run on a local high street in London to assess how I would react in the event of a personal and potentially fatal attack against my older sister and myself. This time I informed the police, who, I understand, took decisive action – my thanks to them for doing so. Meanwhile, I continue to capture images of the individuals involved and post these online to expose them as race-hate fascists. 

Desecrating Darbaarsahibji

On 8th December 2018, Gurdwara Singh Sabha in Alice Way, Hounslow was desecrated by approximately 25 Metropolitan police officers, who entered the inner sanctum – addressed respectfully as Darbaarsahibji – wearing shoes, and with their heads uncovered. They did so consciously and with malice aforethought against the edicts of Sikhism. Their actions were designed to insult, denigrate, and demonstrate utter contempt for, Sikhism. 

How do we know the police desecration of Darbaarsahibji was deliberate? 

Because the Metropolitan Police trains and tutors officers in observing correct religious protocol, and paying heed to religious sensitivities and sensibilities. They are culturally aware. Therefore, there is no excuse for the manner in which the police officers entered the Gurdwara’s inner sanctum on 8th December. It can and must be viewed as a premeditated violation against the sacredness of Darbaarsahibji – a malicious cultural attack no less heinous than the Jawalianbagh massacre of Sikhs in 1919 ordered by General Dwyer of the British Army.  

The dispute that was underway at the Gurdwara in Alice Way, Hounslow, and to which the police officers were responding, was an internal Sikh dispute which the congregation should have been left to resolve. Those involved in the affray were barefoot and unarmed; and there was no threat to life. There was, in other words, no emergency. An impassioned disturbance of the peace, perhaps, in the confines of Darbaarsahibji, but nothing else. The situation did not, in any way, therefore call for the police to forego their cultural training – to go in with heads uncovered and shoes on.

The sad fact – illustrated in photographs of the event – is that the police were smiling smugly at having denigrated a Sikh place of worship, as if to say: I have just raped you, your religion, your Guru; and there is fuck all you can do about it.

At a bare minimum, the Metropolitan Police ought to pay for re-carpeting and for everything required to resacralise the holy space of Darbaarsahibji at the Gurdwara in Alice Way. I won’t bother demanding that the officers involved get re-trained in ethnic, cultural, religious etiquette – that’s the standard go-to, a soft way of appeasing victims which does nothing to remove the seed of racism that persists in offenders’ minds.

So what will be the repercussions of the police insult to Sikhism? Those of my ilk know that the spiritual-divine realm will exact punishment. Acts of deliberate desecration by one people against another are always severely punished. In this case, henceforth, the assailants will suffer from a multitude of diseases that which will affect and take the dignity and lives of everybody in their blood- and love-lines.

Ethno-religious profiling at U.K. Parliament

On 7th January 2019, my sister and I visited the U.K. Parliament. It was a break from our usual routes and routines when out and about, which the police monitor via trackers on our car and mobile phones.

But because we were venturing off the beaten track, plainclothes police officers and trained observers were also out in force – standing, walking, sitting at points along our car journey, supposedly inconspicuously, but in fact standing out like the proverbial sore thumb. They provided an extra layer of surveillance, useful for when I – in my mischievousness – manage to escape the tracker, which I did for a few minutes on the day of our visit to Parliament. (Note: counter-surveillance professionals use jamming devices, I just use my wits).

After a few minutes of escape, I resurfaced, and the look on the faces of plainclothes surveillance teams dotted around the landscape was one of pure relief as I went about parking the car and walking to the gates of Parliament to meet the group we were visiting with.

The first male police officer I encountered as we walked to enter looked at me and jabbed a finger at a chart citing prohibited items. No greeting, just that jabbing finger. I acknowledged him, viewed the chart, and walked on, at which point he spoke harshly and menacingly: ‘and no ceremonial knives either.’ I ignored the officer and walked on. I was with a group of mostly senior women citizens, after all, and the visit to Parliament was meant to be a treat which I didn’t want to spoil.

Under other circumstances, I would have engaged the officer directly and robustly about his lying, his deliberate denigration of the Sikh kirpan, and the ethno-religious profiling which framed his actions and words as follows:

  • The Offensive Weapons Act of 2018 is being amended to exclude the Sikh kirpan, as it is expressly a religious item.
  • Prior to the introduction of the law, it has been customarily agreed upon and accepted that the kirpan is religious, and can be carried everywhere by baptised adherents of the Sikh faith as one of the five kakkars.
  • Racial profiling is illegal.  

I did not, for reasons explained above, engage the offending police officer on these points. I simply walked on to security. There white people were asked to walk through one security channel, while everybody else was made to walk through another channel. 

The segregation was palpable.

Now, from experience at every security checkpoint I have ever been through, I know to pack an overloaded bag. For this simple reason: carrying only a small wallet, which is my preference, inevitably results somewhere along the line after security has been passed in my being body-searched, often – as happens at airports to most if not all non race-Europeans – invasively and verging on sexual abuse.

To avoid that, I stuff a bag full of items that has to be opened by security, so that if pat-downs occur they are part of the necessary process and not an explicit and smug violation. What can I say, I like to control the situation as much as possible. It gives me power, and takes away power from others to choose to violate me. Plus, it’s fun watching security jumping through hoops. 

At Parliament, everything at security went to plan: smug white officer smiling broadly at his colleagues around him as he announced that my stuffed bag needs to be opened and searched; all the officers beaming, collectively thinking probably that this ‘humiliation’ was as good as raping my mother; me succumbing, safe in the knowledge that the officer hadn’t had the chance this time to arbitrarily pick me out to be body-searched, and get an even bigger kick.

So, security navigated, we entered Parliament and took the 90minute tour. Eagle-eyed and observant as ever, I was able to make the following assessment of the officers who guard Parliament. It’s quite sobering…

Every officer inside Parliament looks like a sugar-puff. They collectively look to be suffering from a concoction of diseases, including diabetes, kidney problems, high cholesterol and heart problems. They appeared too unfit to walk 100 metres at a very brisk pace, let alone run more than 10 yards without gasping for air. The entire security personnel and apparatus in the U.K. Parliament could be overrun by ten adequately trained men in an attempted takeover. Armed officers I saw on my visit only appear bullish – they’d flee at the first sign of being overwhelmed. Helicopters hovering above the building would be powerless to do anything in response to the action unfolding inside. 

Parliament security is often referred to as a ‘ring of steel’. It is no such thing. Here is how to safeguard Parliament: using the same equipment and funds, replace the current personnel with Sikhs. Remove the concrete barriers around Parliament – they stink of fear and self-defeat. Remove signs prohibiting this and that – they read as ‘we, the race-Europeans are scared of you’. Allow free and unfettered access to Parliament for all. Nobody is going to attack with Sikhs on guard – their reputation for putting down aggressors is a matter of significant historical record; and one that the British colonizers relied on (along with that of the Nepali Gurkhas) to save their asses in war. It doesn’t say much for the current police safeguarding democracy if an officer could be so easily killed, as happened in London last year. (Unless you believe  that the death was collateral damage by a police force seeking to justify its demands for more funding). 

Let’s face it, current so-called security at Parliament is all smoke and mirrors, It is peopled by officers put out to grazing on soft operational duty, because they simply aren’t good enough to join the force outside or because they’re counting down the clock to retirement and a healthy pension. It is an absolute insult to the offices of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and all elected and non-elected members of Parliament – and to the so called bastion of western democracy!


I recall, a few decades ago, the jubilant football terrace chant of ‘eight-nil’. It referred to eight Indians who had been killed in a motorway accident, and was chanted by the English, who either believed we Asians didn’t get the reference and were gullible enough to take the chant at face value, or who knew that we knew and knew they could get away with the taunt by couching it in seemingly innocuous football banter. 

One day, while visiting the city of Sheffield, I was racially accosted and subjected to the 8-0 chant by a group of skinheads. One of their number threatened me, saying that an 8-0 could be arranged at any moment of their choosing. I was incensed. At the time, I was undergoing intense spiritual training and so I curbed my anger. But the racist encounter left me with a deep monochromatic pain, as it did so many Indians at the time who were similarly threatened. It was a long drive back home afterwards. 

Samskar always kicks back in a painful way. And for the city of Sheffield that has meant that minor mishap evolved to become a major tragedy for the city and its people.

Similarly, if we take Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, which seemingly references the one-way killing of coloured residents in the UK, samskar holds that the blood of brown and black people will amount to a pool, but it is the blood of the whites that will constitute the  river.

That is to say, Enoch Powell’s speech will come true. There will be a full-scale civil war in the country. Immigrants will indeed be the initial targets of violence, and their blood will spill. But the river to which Powell alludes? When it comes, it will be white blood.

How are we to make sense of this? 

It is easy enough when we consider how much violence and suffering is stage-managed by the country’s security forces. The Grenfell tragedy so-called is more than that – it was a massacre, the outcome of a warning to Islamists. Likewise, the Salisbury Novichok poisoning was a provocation to heat up the country’s conflict with Russia. In short: the security forces have to keep the spectre of an enemy – of multiple enemies – alive in the public imagination, lest they lose precious government funding and become obsolescent. 

From the Grenfell massacre and the Salisbury poisoning to the current spate of wild west knife-killings in London – all are stage-managed.

But how?

Operating in the realm of calculating, cut-throat darkness that is their norm, the spooks are deploying a fantastic weapon. The grenade they control is in the hands of each and every one of us. It is the mobile phone.

What have mobile phones to do with London’s knife crime?

Well, the killings began with one highly sensitive and emotionally unstable person receiving an offensive text from a rival. Under normal circumstances, the text would have incurred a counter-text, equally as offensive. And that would be an end to the matter. However, this time it has led to a spate of fatal stabbings – in broad daylight, no less.

Mobile phones have three purposes: as a communicative device, to pinpoint a person’s location, and to engage in mind manipulation. 

The mind control function of mobile phones works by amending the screen flicker rate to trigger a specific emotion and response in any given individual. Turning your phone off does not mitigate or prevent mind control taking place through these devices. When switched off, they can be used to deliver an audio frequency beyond conscious human and (animal) hearing.

So, a given target will have their voice recorded while they are speaking to another person. The captured recording will be put through software which determines the brain-wave pattern associated with that person’s speech. Brain-wave patterns are as unique as fingerprints and DNA. Now, an audio message can be composed and communicated to the target that is modulated precisely for their brain-wave pattern – only they will be able to ‘hear’, albeit not in the normal sense of hearing. Over time these wave signals build up the required emotional mindscape in a person, necessitating only a trigger wave signal to impel that person to act or respond to a situation in a highly specific way. 

Thus, a rival’s needling and offensive text message will no longer yield a correspondingly offensive text in response. Through the mobile phone device, the mapping and control of emotions is delivered via wave signals, leading the text recipient to go and stab their rival instead. 

The end result is the domino-effect stabbings that have erupted across London this year.

That the murders are black-on-black help the police and other security forces make the argument that more money and powers need to be allocated to them by the government. On the other hand, if the spate of killings gives rise to efforts to redress the social and other problems that the black perpetrators and victims face, and which force them into this life of kill or be killed, then the police and security forces would lose out. Thus, the problem has to appear to be relatively multi-racial, to affect not only young black men but people in the capital generally. So, the spooks have allowed some (a tiny proportion!) white people to be targeted through the mobile phone delivered wave signals 

Returning to Enoch Powell’s prophecy; it will come to pass. That much is true. It will be triggered by the kind of technological mind control techniques already in use in the examples described above. Civil war will be ignited in the UK by an external force beaming a relay of mind-control waves that affects the entire population. Cyber war is not about machines facing off against other machines. Not yet. It will start with humans using the latest technology to attack, kill, and conquer fellow humans without launching a formal invasion.

Controlling a person’s brain-wave to execute the kill order requires abjectly high levels of anger. This is built up over time, through successive wave signals being transmitted to a person to reconfigure their emotional mindscape. But it also works wonderfully in people who already exhibit and have existing high levels of anger. Anglo-Saxons excel in this – especially towards people of other races.

Race-hate is a fantastically easy portal through which to gain access and control the mass population. The enemy, sitting thousands of miles away, does not even need to cross borders to push a target people’s self-destruct button. It only needs to cue up the visual images that trigger hatred in one person towards another, in one group towards another – and access to execute civil war, and mass death, is there for the taking.

For an international example, we need look no further than the India PM’s introduction of Adhaar cards. These store biometric, financial, employment, tax and all other public forms of information about the country’s citizens. The best part is that Modi is storing this information off-shore – in the USA. He claims that it is safe and secure there. Really? A foreign power holds details pertaining to every part of your citizens’ life, and we trust them to keep it secure? I don’t think so. America can – and will – make use of the information to ignite civil war in India. And other countries are jumping on the bandwagon, which means the USA could ultimately hold control over – and manipulate – people across the world. It is the start of nouveau-slavery and recolonisation from a distance.

Reverting to the UK once more: Although non-whites will die – so too, in mass numbers, will the white of the UK – and theirs will be the river of blood that Enoch Powell foresaw.

Is there a buffer to prevent mass mind control?


Will I share it with you?


Why not?

Because you guys are awaiting your opportunity to murder me and my sister. So, do you really think that I am going to help you in any way, let alone to access your natural and organic defence mechanisms against your own eventual destruction?


First year anniversary of race-hatred and stalking by a Death Squad


The above named took part in attacking Sikhism and the Sikh turban, Sikh race, Sikh diet, and Sikh skin colour in the most derogatory terms as members of the Facebook group “ALL JOKES, ONE LINERS & GAGS WITH REASONABLE ADMIN” (as it was known on 7th October 2017). Following investigation by the UK police, Facebook went on to close the group for its racist, fascist, misogynist, in-your-face diatribe. But “ALL JOKES, ONE LINERS & GAGS WITH REASONABLE ADMIN” is back up and running again, laughably claiming to be the antithesis of its original self!   



On 7th October 2017, encouraged by my family I joined Facebook, my first foray into social media. 

I joined groups whose members were mature adults. One such group was a no-holds barred sense of humour, with 18,000 members, whose Facebook images were all non-white (though this turned out to be a lie). My own sense of humour is quite English, based on wry observation and dry wit, so the Facebook group called, “All Jokes, One liners & Great Gags with Reasonable Admin” seemed right up my street. I’ve lived in the UK my entire life, and am more English than not in terms of my outlook, attitude and choices, so I thought I’d enjoy participating in the group’s banter. At the same time, however, my ethics are those of a turban-wearing Sikh. I’ve worn the turban since childhood, and never renounced it even when fear of constant attack drove so many other Sikhs to abandon theirs.

Anyway, I was accepted into the group and noted the members’ typical English banter: Misogynism, racism, and vile hate-language was the norm. I limited my interaction to those who were middle-of-the-road. However, on the very first day of my joining, one member took an exception to my turban (I had uploaded a photo of myself in my naiveté) and began hurling racial abuse of the sort that I’d not heard since the early 1960s. This person wasn’t even alive then – unlike me – which means race-hatred has been alive and thriving through generations of white British people. In response to their disgusting and derogatory remarks I put one over the person in the course of our interaction, and another member asked them how it felt to be played.

The group member went ballistic. This seems odd given that English banter is all about getting one over the other person, and acknowledging when you’ve come off second best. What this lot didn’t understand was that I grew up hearing race-hate abuse. I have several putdowns ready in response to each one. But it all depends on the situation. Most of the time, we Asians will leave the matter alone.

After-all, race-hate has a limited grammar and set of expressions even as it touches on every single aspect of another’s identity – their image, religion, culture, heritage, history, attire, and diet – in the most disgusting way possible. So most of the time you sit, bide your time, wait for the dust to settle and for things to return to normal.

On 13th October 2017, six days after joining the Facebook group “All jokes, One Liners & Great Gags with Reasonable Admin”, Terence Woods, the group administrator, barred me. 

And suddenly began one whole year of threats to kill me and my 70 yr old sister.

The race-hatred against me and my sister spans the UK as well as the continent, and both our images have been posted on various social media sites. The race-haters arrange themselves in large groups, monitoring our movements using mobile phones. They’ve done several test runs to see how I’d react to an attack from the front, side, and behind. As a Sikh I am honoured that it takes 15-20 of these brave-heart British bulldogs, who are in their 20s – 40s to threaten and intimidate me. The UK police force initially and now once again (after a hiatus) is officially helping them to pinpoint my movements using nationwide CCTV cameras. 

The anniversary of the race-hate stalking and intent to kill me is around the corner. The race-haters will settle their score with me during this period. Several have knocked on the door of the house to make sure I have got the message and know what’s coming. But not a single one of these brave-hearts is willing to leave his full name and address so that I and a couple of Sikhs and other Asians can visit his house at my convenience.

This is your – white people’s – country, right? And you want us non race Europeans out? Well, brown and black people make up the majority population on the planet – so how about you get off my planet?

You love Brexit, and you are just waiting for it to come into force so that you can kill us and drive us over the white cliffs of Dover, right? Well, how about you get out of the lands where you are lording it over indigenous people and their lands. Let’s start with you lot getting out of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and north and south America.

On 19th October 2017, in a Mail Online article, Isobel Frodsham reports a Mr Joshua Dryden, a worker at Sainsbury’s Kingsway branch, Derby, as saying, ‘They live in my country, but do not talk my language, they wait for the prices to be cut and then buy..’ 

The point of this race-hate expression is not that ‘they’ do not speak my language. The reality is that ninety-nine percent of white Brits hate all people of colour, and it has sod all to do with whether they speak the goddamn language or not. 

How many white Australians speak any of the Aboriginal languages?

How many race-Europeans in north and South Americans speak any of the First Nation languages?

The rule of speaking a country’s mother tongue clearly only applies to the non-English in the UK, and it is nothing more than an excuse for, and expression of, your deep and genuine psychopathic hatred and desire to kill anything you feel like.

You begged the rest of the world to come to your defence in your hour of need, during what you call the first world war. Sikhs answered your call out of COMPASSION (not gullibility!), and once things had been settled in your favour in 1918, your colonel Reginald Dyer went on to shoot and kill 1000 Sikhs in a massacre in Amritsar.

The Sikhs never forgot that massacre, the thank you they got for laying down their lives during the First European war 1914-1918. 

Yet when you came begging a second time, in the Second European war of 1938-1945, they again answered the call out of COMPASSION. 

Sikhs and Indians living here in the UK have learned at close quarters that the English do not understand COMPASSION. And if ever another cry for help comes out to us, we will not come to your aid out of compassion. 

You have taught us to become cold-hearted, fledgling psychopaths just like you.

Bear that in mind as the October period draws near, and the moment of your murderous intent with it, remember I will do whatever it takes to defend my 70 yr old sister’s life.

You can still back off permanently from your murderous intent towards me and my sister. 

You can choose to accept with good grace that we non-race Europeans who have lived among you for so long can give as good as we get when it comes to making disgusting race-based remarks masked by good old English humour.

However, with pride I have to acknowledge that history will judge this moment where almost 65 million white Brits have gathered together to kill one orthodox Sikh.

How Power of Calmness Leaves Death in its Wake

I ask the newbies, as was asked of me at the start of my study-development: What is the most powerful energy in duality? Remember, Beings from duality cannot experience non-duality; and nor has that arena been described by lower-order advanced Beings who have journeyed into it and beyond, because three-dimensional duality has very limited speech-expression-phases.

Thus the question, limited to duality, is: What is the most powerful energy in creation?

I recall hesitating in answering, as I listened to others offer the reasoning behind their thoughts on this question. Their answers fluctuated from the atom bomb, to volcanoes, to the Big Bang. I dismissed the Big Bang as it is just a theory, and not real. I waited and pondered further, and His Holiness smiled as he listened to the various answers and counter-arguments made by others, occasionally glancing over at me. They all followed the theme that the most powerful, potent, and virile energy had to be destructive. I intuitively knew this could not be the case, as it ran counter to everything I knew and accepted about creation. Eventually I was put on the spot, and at that point, I was analytically clueless. But in a flash my thought had reasoned things out and I blurted out my answer: calmness.

The group laughed and shook their heads, which left the floor open for me to expand on my reasoning. I explained that regardless of how powerful an explosion is it is enveloped in calmness. Calmness overwhelms it. Calmness reigns supreme, regardless of the size of the explosion. An explosion has to succumb to the enveloping calmness. Thus, I am convinced that calmness is the most potent, virile, and powerful energy in creation. Counter-arguments followed. Somebody mentioned peace and others agreed.

Peace, I maintained, through lengthy and logical argument, is just the path to calmness. Peace has a ying-yang nature, calmness does not. Peace will only take one up to a certain point. Thereafter, the sole path into calmness is abject humbleness. Calmness is poise: unerring, immovable, constant. It is not inertia, which we discussed and dismissed in favour of Soun (the highest abode championed by Buddhaji). But it is also not Soun. 

Soun is recognition of the point where sound, the unstruck melody, ceases – or as the Sikhs’ Guru Nanakdevji proves, where it is sourced. But Guru Nanakdevji went one step further than Buddhaji. He maintained there was a higher state than Soun (unstruck melody), an entity/presence which he called not simply Akaal but Akaal Purakh to reflect it as an entity-environment. Out of this higher state, maintained Guru Nanakdevji, emerged another – hue, luminosity, light – beyond the unstruck melody of Soun (referred to by the pre-Sanskrit term Satnam) – which he called Waheguru (similarly pre-Sanskrit in origin).

(Note: Neither Waheguru nor Satnam can be experienced as ordinary sound and light.)

We all looked over at His Holiness; his demeanor had changed and in his reflective thought he nodded his agreement to my answer.

Several months later, I had made a mess of an assignment and expected a rollicking by His Holiness. He remained silent. I sought permission to speak. In dharma, the etiquette in dealing with one’s seniors is that you always seek permission before speaking, even when answering a question they have put to you. This environment, dharma, is full of subtle observation and delicate nuances, and we can tell an advanced student by the internal manner and external behaviour with which he conducts himself.      

Permission given, I extended an apology and asked why I had thus far not received the requisite rollicking from his Holiness. 

A brief silence followed, then very quietly his Holiness asked: ‘Do you know the meaning of the word Ang?’

‘Permission to speak?’ He gave a gentle nod. ‘It means one’s own, like a limb of a body, no demarcation or division: oneness’. 

‘That is what you are to us. You do not recognise it yet, but you are part of the continuum, and as such you will wield enormous influence and power; however, it is for you to decide where your progress stops. And if you wish later to go beyond that point we will not aid, assist, or help. The journey is unforgiving, fraught with nightmares, personal suffering and loss. There is no easy way to ascend the path, and as you progress you will recognise that you have trodden aspects of the path in each of your previous incarnations, going further each time. However, the opportunity on offer here has never been granted to you before, so you must consider your options carefully before you decide to accept the invitation’.

Having spoken, his Holiness warned me that the offer could also be a ruse to thwart my progress attained over many incarnations, and lead me into sophisticated devil worship and hell. Secular people do not realise that the difference between god and the devil is zero, but for their methodology: to cut corners or not. We, at our level, still have to be mindful who is guiding us. But at the secular level, god and devil are one and the same, and cannot be identified or separated. ‘Yes, you have made a mistake’, His Holiness continued, ‘but you will learn from it. In this cycle the most difficult punishment for what you have done is the following: henceforth, whether right or wrong in your decision, you will always be right’. He looked over to me and asked, ‘Do you understand what this means?’

It meant that I could do all the evil imaginable and would be absolved of my heinous deeds in the immediate term. But the repercussions would reverberate through each of my  incarnations, dragging me back to the animal, maybe even the plant, kingdoms without an end to the downward spiral of negativity. The punishment for always being right was that severe.

And thereafter, before venturing an opinion, I thoroughly examined, scrutinised, analysed and censored beforehand, lest it be wrong or evil. With time, the process got faster, and I was able to offer a balanced view quicker. I could anticipate problems long before others could, and I was able to set in motion a sequence of events that would bear fruit decades into the future without anybody knowing. Another limitation on my capacity to commit wrong was that unlike others – who could deliver a painful strike at a moment’s notice – I had to refer the problem to those higher up the scale and await their decision.

So I mastered patience and, through that, humbleness, whereas others became champions of haughtiness and arrogance.

Then 1988 happened and brought with it death and destruction, as a whole new set of sequences took shape around me at a personal level.  

This essay focuses on how those who targeted me suffered. Revenge may indeed be a dish best served cold; but when we at our level defend against a blow or strike the repercussions of the assault against us reverberates through generations of our assailants’ and their family’s lives. Initially, the attacker’s mental and physical health declines (often written off as age related), but the decay is stealthy and long term. Only the very lucky ones die relatively quickly, or immediately. 

On the other hand, those who extend kindness towards me will flourish and enjoy great success. One person recently has become a main supplier to two major retail outlets, all because he extended kindness to us. The health of those who have treated my sister or me with kindness has always stabilised. Children are born to the desperate, if they have treated us both with thoughtfulness, consideration and kindness. It is not a matter of putting me on a pedestal, a position I really hate. Just be kind, caring, humorous and normal; and, certainly, don’t be duplicitous.

In 1988 a husband  and wife team connected with the Rotary Club (UK), called upon its members who were in policing and banking to help twist the knife into me. They succeeded. But only now that I have spoken about the situation have they begun to realise that their intense suffering was the direct consequence of targeting me.  

There are a number of examples of the self-inflicted suffering of the English who have set out to harm, and even kill, me.

1. A Sikh gentleman ran a car parts business and would arrange for my car to be serviced locally, mostly via English owned garages. He had a male English staff member who always kept an eye on me, and acted as liaison between the garages and the gentleman from the Rotary club. 

During one incident the garage put the brake pads of one wheel the wrong way around. The car would not brake properly. I took it back for inspection, and the garage told me all was fine, and that I must be imagining the problem. But the wheel would heat and the brake would lock at the slightest touch of the brake paddle. I had to carry a gallon of water to pour over the wheel to cool it down, thus enabling the car to move, but even then I had to be very careful about how and when I used the brakes. I began to drive with greater care.

One day at a local roundabout I flicked the brake paddle in order to control the car’s forward roll, intending to accelerate to catch the large gap between a passing car and a slower truck following it. The brake ceased, I could not move and the truck was forced to take evasive action to miss me. Sister and I missed death by inches. 

I poured water on the wheel, releasing the car’s movement, and I drove back home to call the English man. He answered and I let him have it with both barrels. Responding in typical English fashion when talking to an Asian, he shouted back, and accused me of taking the wheel off and repositioning the brake pads the wrong way around after I had left the garage. I was livid. My sister’s life had been put in jeopardy, and we both could have died but for the grace of god; and this man was blaming me?!

I slammed the phone down and invoked higher Beings (that’s prayers to the uninitiated) to adjudicate in the matter. 

One clear day about a week later, the Englishman’s sister was on her morning commute on a long clear stretch of road when she rammed her car into an oncoming truck. She died immediately. A few days later, while watching evening television a member of his family began flailing his arms about and shouting, in an attempt to ward off an attack that only he could see; he too died. I am told there was also a third death in the family.

The English man never looked me in the eye again after that. He knew that I only need you to look into my eyes momentarily, and I have access to you. Those were the days when I was still mastering my career. Now, you can be living in another country, totally unknown to me, and if you mess with me then rest assured I will mess with you and yours. 

2. The security apparatus in the UK at one time placed me in the most difficult and painful position. My sister was distraught and traumatized, and we went through hell. The matter took several months to resolve. The repercussion of our suffering was that four members of the security community killed themselves, and one killed his own family before taking his life. Furthermore, a number of security personnel were brought before court on various charges. 

3. In relation to my victimisation by the UK security apparatus, I approached my then local MP, plus the person who would replace them as my MP, as well as another MP who was head of a powerful government committee detailed with maintaining oversight and authority over the security community. Both my local MPs repeatedly dismissed me while the latter refused to even acknowledge my letters. My then local MP and their spouse both suffered career-ending humiliation followed by death; and the person who chaired the powerful government committee now lives in professional disgrace. 

4. Likewise, a media mogul who I approached about my victimisation several times rebuffed me repeatedly and invited me to go back to my own country. He died in humiliation having lost his wealth, name, and fame in the process.

5. The then newly appointed head of the official race relations body in the UK, a Sikh, was initially supportive when I approached him about the victimisation and we exchanged information. He later changed his mind and began mocking me. He too went on to suffer humiliation.

6. The attack need not be directed towards me personally. I am honour-bound to protect and defend the weak, defenseless and vulnerable in society and their right to dignified life – even the racists and fascists among them. So when successive Home Secretaries, and Secretaries for Department of Work and Pensions have needlessly targeted the jobless and the homeless, they have naturally attracted my displeasure. Consequently they have left their jobs in disgrace, experiencing a multiple of professional and personal problems.

 7. And just so that you don’t feel alone, watch what happens to my current MP, who took copious notes about the mess the state security had put my family through before she got elected, and afterwards said, ‘Sorry who are you? What notes? I do not recall ever having spoken to you’. Watch that MP and their family members’ lives unravel. The same goes for the local council personnel, local ward councillor, and the leader of my local council who masterminded yet another distressful situation for my sister.


After more than seven years of daily relentless attacks, which have traumatised my family, with us never knowing when or where the next security-led problem would occur, I called in the senior most Being. I announced that I wanted out, as I could no longer handle the pressure, especially without the ability to hit back at my own discretion. He looked at me and said, ‘We have been watching you. No one has managed even eighteen months of the pressure you have handled these past seven years. Ask for what you want; you have earned it’. 

‘It is for you to give’, I replied, ‘for you alone are privy to my future. All I know is that I need to be able to defend my sister and myself, and hit back as and when I feel it appropriate. If that means I halt my own progress then so be it. I’ve had enough’.

He closed his eyes momentarily and with that he granted me access to whatever I needed to deal with a situation. Additionally, I was promoted and informed that my views would carry absolute influence at our level. In other words, I had been given a seat at the high table, even though I operate at the level of a fieldworker.

I have had input on some of the most important global and geo-political changes that Europe has seen, and my input has been globally valued. My and my sister’s deaths, and the manner of these, will bring in their wake the dismantling and destruction of the race-European empire.

The seniors agreed with my concern that the pillage and plunder of deep earth minerals and resources cannot go on unabated. The race responsible has to be culled. You have thoroughly race-hated me, but I am not allowed to hit you back along race-hate lines, so, I found another way to get back. And it seems I am going to have the last laugh, albeit this will happen in one of my next incarnations, but it will happen.


Race empowerment

In meditation, one’s aim is to surpass duality and attain non-attachment. However, the possibility of doing so is utterly dependent on your bio-frame confinement and limitation. Racial pigment and DNA dictate bio-frame confinement insofar as advanced meditation is concerned. There are ofcourse several other configurations that control DNA, but secular science has not figured them out yet, and I am not permitted to indicate them.

The meditation pathway is a very precise one. Non-human animals are in many cases superior to human-animals in as much as experience and maintenance of awakening state is concerned. The human-animal is caught in the illusionary frame, where it seeks to maintain superior awakening; while a veil is thrown over the consciousness of its psychology and its physical ability, predilection for desire, envy, and greed. These, in connection with the most vile ideas, produce new human lows that become the new normal.

Where a human does advance – maintaining detachment and aloofness while remaining kind, thoughtful, and selfless in their endeavours – then they move from the raw skin of the race-Europeans into a semi-pigmented skin tone. However, they retain their deeply negative hate psychology. Such development conjoined with hate refers to a group called the Muslims and/or the ultra right-wing orthodox.

However, if a Muslim or ultra right-wing orthodox advancing person continues to maintain a detached, aloof, selfless and thoughtful demeanour, it is reborn within the global influential sphere-space known as the landmass of India.

Having birthright in India, initially in northern India to be precise, the same obstacles have to be surmounted as before. The human-animal advances to the next birth-stage, which takes place in the south India genetic framework. Advancement from here moves into the darker skins associated with African and Aboriginal genetic frameworks.

Yet those of advanced genetic framework – Africans, Aborigines, and Indians among them – have in recent centuries been brutally conquered by vulgar and thoughtless race-European killing mechanisms and armaments. Globally, brutality was the byword of the race-European presence across the world, in exactly the same way as the ultra-orthodox Muslim presence is perceived today. It was ‘our way or death’.

But India has never seen the invader as an invader. The victims may be the Indians, but according to their psyche the humiliation is the invaders’ alone. Low level, un-evolved, fresh out of the mire of the marshes – this is how Indians historically have seen the invader; something to be pitied rather than a source of advanced theosophical concepts and realism.

Race-European ideas of imposition and subjugation are regarded by the Indian psyche as alien and retrograde. India’s maturity affords it the possibility of regarding the invader as a friend from whom to learn, and who no doubt will become part of the land as s/he learns about it. But make no mistake, while the British Raj is seen by British people as an exercise in power, to Indians you came as a bunch of idiots, and you left having learned very little about personal spiritual progress.

Now, Indians’ inner psyche tenders two options for dealing with the invader in their midst: (1) lose their advanced awakening state by mimicking the behaviour of the invader, and thus give up countless lifetimes of progress to accommodate and mirror the ignorance of the disdained and lowly invader, or (2) maintain their hard-earned advanced meditation status, and stay true to the ethos that is instilled in them from birth, namely, that each life has a purpose as well as its own reasoning complex.

And herein lays my current problem with Indians who land high positions in any given sector of a race-European institution. They attempt (very badly) to mimic race-European attitudes and behaviours. Their psyche counsels against this, which is why you often hear them exasperatedly proclaim that ‘the goras (whites) just don’t get it’. But regardless, these Indians continue to mimic the race-European. In doing so, they are forced into limiting their own ecological and spiritual solutions to the drive for enhanced productivity, where profits are not the sole criteria and responsibility to nature is paramount.

Take, for example, crime and punishment. Prior to the annex of Panjab, and India in general, the concept of theft didn’t exist. Sikhism and its kingdom was founded upon the concept of no wrong-doing at a personal level, such that even a murderer was exempt from prison but was made to work on his emotional state while working and living within the community. In the same historical period, people were hung for stealing an apple or a loaf of bread in Britain. Imprisonment without trial was unheard of in non-Muslim India and during the Sikh Raj of Panjab; whereas in Britain people were thrown in dungeons without trial for the most frivolous of reason.

Indians in the UK police force must bring the Indian mindset and viewpoint to bear on tackling crime here. So, for example, a person driving over the speed limit on a clear motorway should not be penalised, since nobody other than the driver and/or car occupants are affected. This is the kind of common-sense and humanity-based approach that Indian police officers should strive to instill in the police force, rather than mimicking their race-European colleagues. They must become vocal about applying commonsense interpretations and judgments when dealing with an incident.

The problem with breaking a problem down into it core elements, rather than taking a holistic and contextual approach, is that humans end up treating each other like machines.

We are not machines.

We require laws that reflect humanity, and human subjectivity in all matters. English law is geared for organizing society like a machine whose parts must be kept in good working order, but which is automated and un-human. It accepts only right or wrong; there is no grey area. This is perfect for running and maintaining an automated production line, but not for dealing with humans.

My call to Indians – and indeed other races – is not to mimic race-Europeans. You may think that in doing so you’re on a fast-track to equality. But as I argued in my previous post on female empowerment, equality is a nonsense; dignity must be the aim of all.

I leave you with one question – and be honest with yourself when answering: Precisely how materially and spiritually evolved do you think race-Europeans, including Anglo-Saxons, can possibly be after four hundred years and counting of killing darker skin-toned people across the globe?

And you want to be equal with them?!

No, me neither.

Ms Cressida Dick, Metropolitan Police Commissioner

On 22nd July 2005, Mr Jean Charles de Menezes was shot eight times at point blank range by the Metropolitan Police’s CO19 firearms unit. Cressida Dick – current Metropolitan Police Commissioner – was in charge of the operation. The then Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, justified de Menezes’ execution on the basis that he refused to obey police instructions. Scotland Yard added that de Menezes’ clothing and behaviour aroused suspicion.

Mr de Menezes lived in a building that was under police surveillance. On the day he was killed people who fitted the police’s racial profiling were stopped a short distance from the building and asked to produce ID. However, de Menezes was not stopped a short distance from the building. As pre agreed at the highest operational level, he was allowed to board a bus and then a tube, before being shot seven times in the head at point blank range on the orders of Ms Cressida Dick, the current Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

The inquest into Mr de Menezes’ death returned an open verdict, implying that the police’s account of the event was unconvincing.

Now, I have long championed people breaking the glass ceiling at work, including the Asian men who broke through a decade ago to become Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioners, and Ms Dick herself.

Ms Cressida Dick: Ma’m, congratulations on your promotion.

But now as then, I remain gravely concerned about whether such promotions amount to anything more than window-dressing and a nod to affirmative action, rather than a decision based on merit. Among the Asian males who rose to the top echelons of the Met Police’s leadership I sensed a lack of intellectual nous, and of clear as well as flexible decision-making and judgement.

The same can be said of the Metropolitan Police’s female Commissioner. Her colleagues may well laud her as an excellent operations manager, but leading an operation and leading the Metropolitan Police are vastly different jobs, each with its own specific skill-set. The first is largely tactical whereas the latter is a multi-dimensional, strategic, oversight role, from which police forces in other countries take their cue.

My own latest experience confirms that just as Ms Dick was in charge of the police’s race-hate execution of de Menezes more than a decade ago, so it is that under her tenure under-the-radar right-wing fascist police officers use police apparatus to tag my and my sister’s movements (as has been the case since 1988). Now, though, the information is immediately shared with right-wing fascist lay people, who according to my information have been assured that if they attack my 70 year old sister and myself all CCTV footage will be deleted and the assailants will not be identified. But, the UK right-wing has gone one step further: it has struck a deal with right-wing fascists from mainland Europe to go in for the kill, assuring them that they will get free passage back to their country afterwards.

In a nutshell, with or without her knowledge, Ms Dick has since her appointment created an atmosphere in the Met Police whereby any right-wing activity by her subordinates will be covered up.

On Saturday 10th March 2018, I took my 70 year old sister for her weekly food shopping, and her usual cup of tea at a well known coffee outlet. We were following a well established pattern of movement and activity. Both the coffee outlet and the supermarket have a customer base comprising a balance of Asians and race-Europeans. But on this day there was a noticeable lack of Asians within a particular age-range at both venues. In their place was an overflow of race-hating race-Europeans of the same age, all exhibiting the same hateful looks and mannerisms, and threatening gait.

You have to realise, the same people visit the same outlets at approximately the same time each day/week. Thus, to a person like me, who is well versed about who my fellow shoppers are and their age group, anybody out of the ordinary stands out like a sore thumb.

At the coffee outlet a group of two men and two women – who took a detour before following us into the café, where they met with a female already seated – were aggressive and confrontational; they were looking for an opportunity to attack both of us. Meanwhile, a third man stood alone along the pathway that we always take. A table conveniently became free and we sat down.

Opposite us, a woman wore an ear-piece and angled a phone equipped with a surveillance-enhanced microphone towards us, as one would position a listening device. She was part of a one-woman, one-man team. She and her partner launched into an over-the-top argument, stopping suddenly to adjust her earpiece and reposition her phone to better capture our voices when my sister and I began speaking.

Later that day, I asked what had happened to the Asian lads who were meant to back me up in such situations. Two separate sources told me that plainclothes police had warned them to stay away, as an operation was under way, else they would be arrested under the terrorism act. A similar threat had already been levelled about a decade ago against a Muslim gentleman I knew well, whose home was raided because of our close association; the police said they were responding to a phone call for help from his house, and he impressed upon them that this could not have been the case as his grandmother who spoke no English was the only person at home at the time. To this, the police officers retorted menacingly that they would arrest him under the Terrorist Act and see how his grandmother with her non-existent English would secure his release from jail.

Race-European police officers with a balanced mindset – yes, they do exist – had warned me some time earlier that since Ms Dick’s and Sara Thornton’s applications for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner job fascist police officers had been gleefully congratulating each other that under the leadership of either woman they would now have a free hand to ‘deal with’ matters, as one of their own was certain to get the post. In my case, they warned me that was in the interest of the fascist police to assist in my and/or my sister’s murder to send a message to Asians in general that they are not allowed to insult the white race in a white country, especially using humour, while the whites can say whatever they feel like about us and others. Subsequently, I was told that this message to put certain types in their place had come directly from the current Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s office, according to the police canteen talk. Since 1988 information from internal police officers has proven to be accurate.

There you have it. As of Saturday 10th March 2018, the Met Police – and by default the UK’s police forces – are under orders to facilitate my and/or my sister’s killing at the hand of right-wing fascists.

Ms Cressida Dick: Ma’am, I do not doubt you will back and support your officers to the hilt once I and /or my sister are killed. Upon retirement, you will be able to bask in the achievement of having officially managed to kill at least three brown people, just because you and your officers could – and of course will – get away with it.

The negative psychology of race-hate

Based on feedback from readers, I offer the following clarifications on the text below. 

(1) I heal people regardless of race, gender, age and regardless of whether they inhabit and manifest positive or negative psychology.

(2) When I refer in the text to those Muslims who regress to being race-Europeans, this specifically refers to Muslims who manifest fanatical, hate-based psychology which their own community speaks out against.

(3) The ailment-energy that I take on through healing and that gets disbursed to those who hate me (and their loved ones) won’t disappear when I die. The suffering will continue. But there is always scope to make peace with me while I’m alive.


When I was permitted access to detailed confidential information as to why humans differ, one of the most startling facts to emerge was the ‘mutated bio-frame’ of certain psychologies that allowed them to stand out from other human-animals.

The theory of animal to human evolution is partially true. But it only accounts for the psychological aspect, that is, the movement of a given ego-psychology from one type of physical encasement to another.

Current human memory does not recollect solar system evolution. Wars were waged using power more destructive than can be imagined. One such war-episode obliterated an orb, the remnants of which exist in our solar system. Another war-episode, far more destructive, vaporized another orb; and a hollow artificial orb was manufactured and dragged into its position in order to maintain equilibrium. We see that orb when we look up into the celestial sky.

A decision was made to separate humans into varying groups differentiated by their respective retarded and advanced divine evolutionary psychologies. Thus, an easily identifiable marker was engineered into the human bio-structure, geared towards either the sharing or indeed curtailing of advanced information, knowledge, and awakening.

A further decision limited the physical capabilities of a negative psychology, making it meander through various such states until the psychology had appreciated the need to curb harmful, knee-jerk impulses.

Additionally, a new credit-based system-program came into vogue. This acknowledged accentuated awakening and was relevant for that psychology which transmuted from animal to human; while a sub-section was also reserved for normal humans who abused their entity-force by engaging in negative activity – a psychology with negative credit, we might say.

These sub-sections had an identifiable signature that helped normal humans to recognise differing layers of evolving psychology. Thus, a hierarchical structure was established.

The negative and evil psychology sub-section also lost its ability to limit the effects on it of the virulent diseases suffered by higher order humans. Such human-transmitted disease would maintain its potency and effect through no less then nine generations of the lower order human who triggered internal hatred towards another living being.

In today’s panorama this means that when a negative psychology human hates, it automatically pulls sustained suffering and disease into its own lineage. The benefit of this to the higher order (positive psychology) human is progress in to greater refinement, and towards permanent release from the confines of this iron-ore rust bucket we call mother earth, such that they become fully-fledged members of the air-, water-, and food-free sentient being of the cosmos.

However, when the negative sub-section psychology refrains from hatred and mindless killing of another being – be that nature, plant, animal or human – it is promoted into the next higher order. This realm is a confused section. It is Janus-like, looking in both directions, such that it cannot leave behind its bloodthirsty historical journey, but has aspirations to become a refined, liberal, protective psychology no longer imprisoned by the bio-structure of this planet.

Now let me make some sense out of all this.

From childhood I recognised that amongst other things I was a healer. I healed by making a decision in my mind for the benefit of the ailing. If I was happy, they improved. If I was hurt or unhappy, then they suffered throughout life, and their misery was transmitted through to their offspring and emotional love line. Thus far, the longest continual misery I’ve witnessed is now into its fourth generation. Conversely, there have been incidents at hospitals where patients have experienced accelerated improved health, simply because I was in a happy mood and they extended goodwill towards me and my sister.

Naturally, ailment-energy once lifted has to go somewhere, because I cannot suffer from it continuously. I usually don’t have to look far. Your typical, hate-filled Anglo-Saxon hates me for my brown skin, turban and beard; and ends up absorbing their own projected hate completely into their and their loved ones lives, causing them interminable suffering.

Here is the best part. These hate-suffused suffering individuals long for death, but death does not come to their aid. This is pretty serious stuff when you consider the six main diseases a human does not currently wish to suffer. The potency and virility of these diseases increases in each one of you who currently are out to murder me and my sister. You could be a thousand miles away but your hatred for me will automatically trigger in you the six diseases. Enjoy.

Those of you who think stalking me by walking threateningly ever closer behind me, in your typical cowardly race-European manner of attacking people from behind, suck up the pool of diseases that I have removed from those who I feel need help as they cross my path…and doctors will not have an answer, because after one disease is tackled, the next one will manifest in its place.

The meek, says the Bible, shall inherit the earth. The meek is the negative psychology kingdom.

Further clarity: The sub-section of negative psychology humans comprises those I call race-Europeans. The Janus-like race I refer to are Muslims. Muslims, upon regression, rebirth as race-Europeans; and race–Europeans regress into animals of varying kinds. An upwardly mobile race-European, meanwhile, seldom escapes becoming a Muslim…and they say God does not have a sense of humour.

Additional clarity: It is mandatory that the highest accolade afforded a Sikh is for him to be confronted by one hundred and twenty-five thousand people. Hell, I am confronted with sixty million in the UK alone, and I am told my image has been shared globally by the Anglo-Saxons. So I, a lone Gursikh, am up against countless millions of race-Europeans. What an accolade. I have got sixty million UK race-Europeans eagerly waiting to see which one murders me and my 70 yr old sister. As a Sikh, I am going to go down in Sikh folklore history as a warrior par excellence.

Insight: In less than a generation, an Asian country will develop a weapons system that will make nuclear weapons null and void. Race-Europeans will find that we, the other races, have long memories; and in the same way that you once wiped out races in your empire of north and south America, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, you are going to experience the same termination, and the lands you colonized will revert to the original dwellers.

This transition can be peaceful (as in South Africa) or bloody – it all depends on how you treat brown/black people today.

I did not ask for this race violence. You insulted my Sikh turban, my Sikh faith, my Sikh race, and then you threatened to kill me and my sister.

Do you think I, an old-fashioned Sikh, an old-fashioned fighter, and an old, old-fashioned warrior, am going to back off ???

Remember, in your mind you may be six foot two and twenty stone (that’s 280lbs), but to me you are just a large target, making my defensive job easier.

You are going to find out the hard way that when brown/black skin comes down to your level of psychopathic psychology then you will bruise. When they hit you, you will bleed. And when they hit even harder, your bones will break. And when they put a bullet in you, you will die. There is nothing strong about you. The only difference thus far has been that brown/black people have not wanted to come down to the level of the psychopath.

You can timetable each and everyone of my journeys. All I have to do is suck you into a trap. Your eagerness to kill me or attempt murder means I have you where I can lead you a merry dance; and just when you think you have me cornered, guess what?

Back in the 40s, and again during the Suez Canal crisis, one of the nicknames for the British (English) was three and a half inch Johnny.

The modern day version of that is three and a half inch Enoch. Go figure. And England is Enochland. There you go, your birthright finally recognised: Enochland.

Personally, I cannot wait for Brexit, and your long held wish to drive all brown/black skins out of Enochland. The best part is, you genuinely believe all you have do to is smile at the simple brown skins and they’ll come rushing, begging for your trade, as in the old days when you held a gun at our heads thinking you were brilliant businessmen. That’s a day brown/black globally people long to see.

Oh, by the way, why try so hard to become a fake Indian showing off a third rate tan?

Three and a half inch Enoch, there is a fitting term for you guys in today’s terminology. It is confused dot com.


My last post detailed the racist abuse that has befallen me since I joined a Facebook group that described itself as a no-holds-barred humour group. Taking the group at its word, I engaged in open, honest banter; but it turned out that this was a privilege enjoyed only by the group’s overwhelmingly white membership, and not by me, a turban-wearing Sikh. To my shock and horror, the group was a race-hatred group – nothing more or less. Despite reporting them and the subsequent abuse I’ve suffered to the police, the group continues to operate, albeit under a superficial banner of political correctness; and I and my 70yr old sister remain vigilant about attempts to murder us – collating a gallery of photos, of the faces and car registration numbers, that follow us during our excursions outside home.

The ongoing matter lays bare the hypocrisy of the so-called indigenes of the UK. They demand integration by people of colour while actively preventing a turban-wearing, lifelong, senior UK citizen from exchanging humorous quips on par with themselves. If I’m stripped of what is frankly my English sense of humour, because of how I look, then what does that say about the call to integrate? That it’s a lie; because as integrated or English-like as you might become, you will always be an ‘other’; the indigenes will always find a way to make you an outsider.

The truth is that the English cite political correctness about integration, but it is evident that we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Remain insular and closed off, and you become a target of race-hatred; make visible your British traits and characteristics, and, well, you become a target of race-hatred.

In fact, since we became targets following the Facebook fiasco, things have moved on: the whites have gotten West Indian youths involved, and they are now waging a campaign of race-hatred against me and my sister, including an imminent physical attack on us.

Here’s the thing though: if my family and I are hurt, there are certain groups of people – in whom we’ve confided the identities of our imminent attackers and those inciting them – who will retaliate.

On the macro-scale, the ongoing killing of brown bodies will cause business deals, foreign exchange, and foreign investment to dry up. Brexit has yet to bite, and already we can see the effects of chasing out hard-working migrants, whose jobs remain vacant because indigenous Britons won’t take them.

And here’s the irony: modern Britain and its financial solvency is due solely to immigrants. Chase us out and the United Kingdom will become a mirror-image of both Idi Amin’s Uganda and Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.

A further irony of British racism is this: Europe, including Britain, was once the playground of the old Arya (Indian) Empire. Traces of this history remain, for example in the Sanskrit root and origins of many words; and in the dark skin and hair of many so called British indigenous people – a legacy of the Arya who chose to remain after the Empire ended.

And for those who think there is such a thing as a single white race, historical maps of Britain and Europe show this to be a myth. Indeed, during the early twentieth century, US Immigration classed many newcomers from the continent as black, including the Irish, Italians and Jews, such was the depth of miscegenation among Aryans and later Caucasian settlers.

To this day the Irish, Scots and Welsh are treated as inferior subjects by the English. And in the context of Brexit, they – like other non-whites in the country – are becoming emboldened to say: enough is enough. In recent days, for example, the home countries have sought to break away from the stranglehold of the English by demanding the right to negotiate with the EU as independent entities.

Everywhere England is facing a negative sea change in opinion and tolerance. Those who were once hospitable and forgiving are turning resistant and hostile. For so long we – the ‘others’ of the UK – immersed ourselves in the whiteness of England. We did so despite knowing that the structure, system, and institutions of the country were designed to prevent us from reaching our full potential; and despite knowing that no matter how English our humour or frames of reference our bodies were always at most risk of being threatened, stopped in their tracks, and incarcerated.

To each hater, I wish a long life. I wish you get your ‘white’ England. When you do, be sure to not go abroad for holidays, or buy foreign-produced goods. Let’s see how your insular country survives.

East Africa is begging its expelled Asians to return, especially the Sikhs. None are going back. Once the people you refuse to accept as part of the country are made to leave, they will never return. You won’t stand a chance of enjoying things as they are today: that is, being a land where others will want to live and work, even on slave-like wages.

Recent history shows that countries that have welcomed Sikhs flourished far in excess of their own natural ability.

In me you have picked a fight with an old fashioned Sikh. I am an old fashioned warrior. I’ll die, but will I cower to your race-hatred intimidation?

Try never.

I give you my word as a Sikh – I will not die alone. My patience has a limit. If I feel any threat to my sister, rest assured I will protect her and if that means you get killed, then so be it.

I’m going to live as a free man.

The sad part is the tossers who partook in the original FB group are hiding, and inciting others to fight their fight.


Having lived in the United Kingdom for over 50 years I thought I had seen all the good, bad and ugly that Great Britain has to offer. Yet since the mid-70s I have held the view that I am living in the UK on borrowed time, as integration is solely dependent on the indigenous people’s willingness to allow dignified cultural and religious disparity to take place while maintaining equal access to resources and amenities for all.

I recall vividly the degrading and disgusting names Sikhs were called regarding their turban, as well as in reference to their brown colour skin and their consumption of garlic, onion and ginger-enriched food.

In those days, out of sheer politeness and maturity in the face of what they recognised as the retarded mentality of the locals, the Asians in the UK kept their opinions about the natives to themselves.

Then race laws were introduced, banning racist references. Equality became enshrined in law. Cooperation and coexistence seemed feasible and, on the whole, tolerance, understanding and mutual appreciation evolved over the ensuing decades.

On 7th Oct 2017, I ventured into the social media platform of Facebook for the first time. Using a photo of myself and an Indian nickname that also sounded a tad anglicized, I joined several groups. One of these was called “ALL JOKES, ONE LINERS AND GREAT GAGS WITH REASONABLE ADMIN”. The group had 18,600 members, made no bones about the fact that it was a hard-hitting, over-the-top, no-holds-barred, adult humour group. I was happy joining since my humour and second-rate wit can on most occasions hold their own; and of course, the group wasn’t likely to throw anything at me that I had not heard before. Approval to join the group came through and I began to read the posts.

As promised, the FB group was hyper-racist, homophobic and misogynist to the core. Reference to female genitalia was an accepted and standard norm in the construction of any given sentence by the contributors, who were white men. I only came across two women: one with a sensible, middle-of-the-road humour and wit, and the other engaging in badly disguised full-on race hatred.

I introduced myself to the group, my profile image visibly establishing me as a Sikh gentleman with a full grey beard and a white turban. I wrote that I had already heard most, if not all, of the stuff they were likely to hurl at me, and that rest assured I would give as good as I got.

Right from the start, my religion and turban were targeted. Indeed, an initial remark used the exact same wording we Sikhs used to hear in the 1960s. This means that although racism was successfully removed from open public dialogue decades ago, it has been passed down the generations, from great-grandfathers through to great-grandchildren. Without hesitation, I retorted with a frank put-down, which silenced the guy who made the racist remark. He never made a comment to me again. I, in my social media naivete, thought he had gone on holiday until I was told he had blocked me. It became clear to me that I was dealing with grown men who could dish it out but became cry babies when it came to taking it.

Generally, I would make an observation, draw people into responding, and then fend them off with a sophisticated put-down, leaving a third person who was observing the exchange to smile and ask the other person, ‘What does it feel like to be played?

Rather than take it all in good grace, once the members of the FB group realised I could match their observational humour, the gloves came off. Explicitly degrading and disgusting religious, racial, cultural and dietary remarks came thick and fast.

By this time, I was on my third day into this experience. Concerned that there were zero non-white contributors, I scoured the list of group members and found pages and pages of people with African and Southeast Asian images and names – who had never participated in the group at all and seemed, to all intents and purposes, to be fake accounts. They were a front for the UK natives to spout their vitriolic race-hatred could flourish unbounded. The penny dropped that this was the real underbelly of the ordinary natives of Great Britain: their race hatred had flourished throughout the decades, and been passed down through the generations. It did not begin with Brexit.

The attacks on me by members of the FB group became more personal and direct. Seven days later, I decided to write my first post. I informed the group that in many cases their names, when translated into Asian languages, have explicit toilet meanings; and that they, like the rest of the animal world, have disgusting body odour, bad breath and stinky homes. In fact, if they were to meet an honest South-east Asian, this person would tell them that the average European’s freshly-washed smell is like sick.

Well, I could not believe it, my post disappeared. I inquired about what had happened to it. Terrance Ward, one of the group administrators, wrote back: ‘Didn’t you get the message?’ ‘What message is that?’ I asked in all innocence. I had been blocked. Given that the FB group was advertised as an adult, no-holds-barred humour group and its members posted the same, why block me when I had suffered a whole gambit of racial, cultural, religious and dietary abuse?

I left it there, trying to see the funny side of the group’s hypocrisy. My last exchange with them was on 13th October 2017.

Since then, I and my 70 yr old sister have suffered an onslaught of race-hate intimidation, leaving both of us in no doubt that we, and especially me, are going to be killed. The type of race-hate that was the norm in the 1960s is alive and well in our locality. All the Anglo-Saxons of our area check out the car when we are out driving, then the car registration number, and me with my white turban. In the initial days following the final denouncement of my FB group experience, a volley of venomous racial abuse spewed from their mouths. The underlying violent intent was immediately evident, and required only a trigger to be unleashed.

We reported the matter to the police. They noted the details of our case and our genuine belief that we are going to be murdered. The local community police officers contacted us subsequently, and set in motion the requisite procedures.

Like all people, our days follow a set itinerary. It is incredibly easy to log our movements and target us. Thus, regardless where we travel in our locality we are targeted. They, the rednecks, work in teams via multimedia mobile phones: logging the time they see us, they pass the message onwards about the direction we’re traveling, and as soon as we reach a certain landmark another two lookouts are already there waiting to check us out and pass the information further down the line. This has now translated into the message going out to a collective and who-so-ever thereafter notices us feeds back our movement information.


Now, the question for Anglo-Saxons is this: If you, the indigenous can dish out racist toilet humour then how come you guys can’t take it?

All of a sudden the British bulldogs have turned into pussies? Integration and tolerance means verbal abuse is a two-way street. But for you Anglo-Saxons it just seems to mean that you get to rant, rave, and blame ‘others’ for everything without showing any modicum of maturity. You dish out abuse but can’t take the truth that comes your way. And an inferiority complex and low self-esteem leads you to kill rather than accept that, to others, perhaps your names do reference toilet habits, and you do smell.

You’re a race of psychopaths.

The media who represent you – e.g. The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and a selection of LBC radio presenters – should do the honourable thing for once and publicly announce what you and they really believe: that integration is bullshit (before returning to their usual racial venom).

Because real integration means that if you’re going to indulge in degrading racial abuse towards others, you have to accept the same back.

Re-claim the Nipple & Public Breastfeeding

It is a curious cultural phenomenon that images of the female chest are considered solely as objects of sexual titillation and fodder for male masturbation. Bovine udders don’t seem to hold the same fascination for men, so why do the female human equivalents?

Breastfeeding in public, in race-European countries, has become subject in the recent past to a discourse about (sexual) morality – as if feeding one’s young were about social principles rather than say, survival. Mothers are verbally abused, called derogatory names, and emphatically told to stop nursing their babies.

Apparently, this is civilised behaviour!

It is civilised to stop feeding the defenseless, helpless, and hungry in race-European societies. The fact that the defenseless, helpless, and hungry person being fed is a baby is neither here nor there.

The great sadness, as an exploration of internet sex websites based around race-European participants shows, is that the female breast is never caressed, tenderly stroked or lovingly kissed. It is used as a set of handles to hold or demonically squeeze, or indeed the nipples are pulled as if tugging grapes off the vine.

So degraded has the female breast become in the western world that it is reduced to a titillating advertising gimmick and masturbating mechanism.

Thus, the brutal onslaught against public breastfeeding isn’t about the morality of public nakedness at all – it is about ferociously safeguarding the female breast as a source of titillation, masturbation, and money-making.

But it’s worth remembering that this wasn’t always the fate of the female breast, or of breastfeeding. Back in the 1960s, public breastfeeding was pretty widely practiced in the UK.

However, easy access to the worldwide web seems to have perverted the minds of race-European men and increasingly of women too with regards what the female breast’s primary use is – to feed babies, lest we forget! – to the point that women are often even more vociferous than men in shaming breastfeeding mothers. The latter are rudely told to cover up in public, to go feed their child in the toilet.

And this is civilised behaviour?

Exactly how many of you lop-sided prudes are prepared to, and will henceforth, eat your meal in a public toilet?


It’s an absolute perversion that race-European perverts have not only led in the degradation of the female breast, but have also steadfastly refused to lift the ban on the nipple in public and on natural feeding practices, while audaciously laying claim to being the enlightened race.

On this basis, the anti-breastfeeding brigade must all be unequivocal supporters of women wearing the burkha…but they aren’t, are they?!

Please, those of you who belong to the self-righteous anti-breastfeeding brigade, come out in full support of the hijab and burkha as required clothing for all women, globally.

In my recent travels to India, I once again came across public breastfeeding. Not a single member of that conservative country deemed it offensive. However, here in race-European countries the very act is close to being criminalized.

The furore against breastfeeding and showing the female nipple in public for such purposes strongly suggests to me, as an outsider studying race-Europeans, that they are perverts on the cusp of becoming fully-fledged pedophiles.

Because, let’s face it, if a babe suckling at its mother’s breast sexually arouses you – and honestly, has the sight of a nipple ever made a man ejaculate in his trousers? – then you are a closet pedophile and pervert. Otherwise, explain your rationale and objection to a hungry and defenseless babe being nourished by its mother.

I request people to please grow-up and act with dignity as mature and accepting human beings. Or are you the person who forces a woman to wear long heavy garments, and then chops off her ankle if said ankle dares to stray into your sight, because you are too immature to control your sexual urges?

Race-Europeans, decide which side of the fence you wish to stand on: Pervert or evolved.

Sister/Brother responsibility, India style: “RAKHRI”

Psychically, women are superior to men and embody considerateness, forgiveness, and tolerance. However, at the conscious level – a level that cannot unmask the psychic layer – it is the brute strength of man that dominates. Men are rustic, manual, multi-dimensionally unskilled, emotionally limited, and bereft of inter-personal skills

Thus, in marriage and cohabitation, whether arranged or love-based, women always accommodate male intrusion and direction.

The situation is more marked for young girls who are married off. A young girl married off into a new setting, a new environment, a new family structure is at the bottom of that family’s pecking order in every way. She is, to all intents and purposes, defenceless and powerless.

To balance this inequality, a mature thought-based mechanism was put in place, whereby a woman’s opinions and thoughts could be represented by a male who had known her since childhood. The person had to be from her age group, and was usually her brother or her first male cousin.

The brother, acting both as his sister’s representative, and as his father’s ambassador, would appeal to his sister’s in-laws. If the appeal fell on deaf ears, then the woman’s paternal uncle’s would make the representation instead. And if that failed, then her father came and spoke privately to her husband’s father to resolve matters.

Representations and interventions by a woman’s paternal uncle signaled that the matter was serious. For her father to get directly involved signaled that the matter was nigh-on intransigent and insurmountable.

The role of the brother in assuming his sister’s or cousin-sister’s welfare is, by contrast, part of everyday social relationships. He counters his brother-in-law’s physical threat, safeguards his sister, acts as the link between two families, and assumes a critical role and set of observational responsibilities towards the welfare, rights and education of his sister’s children.

The day that commemorates this responsibility is called Rakhri, or Rakhari, or Raksha.

On this day, a sister ties a thick, symbolic, coloured cotton thread on her brother’s right wrist, and she feeds him barfi – a sweet made from milk, ghee, and honey/sugar. He in response, promises to protect and safeguard her interests in the coming year.

Originally, the promise took the form of a promissory note. In time, this was replaced by a nominal amount of money.

By the way, it is worth noting that Rakhri is not a Hindu festival. It is and always was a global, communal, mature, ancient festival that pre-dates the advent of Vedic concept.

The annual gesture of acknowledgement and promise, by sister and brother, indicates divine ethos and humanity. Arguably, a culture that finds such gestures inimical to their own belief degrades their own humaneness and divine connection. So, I ask those of you who are anti-brother/sister celebration of Rakhri – which this year took place on 7th August – what exactly is your problem???

Free Slaves

The western human-animal world cherishes freedom more than dignity. Rape has to be proven in a harsh and degrading sexual inquisition where the woman is emotionally re-raped and de-robed, and her private parts psychologically exposed to public gaze and comment. Her word and her trauma are considered, by the men who draw up society’s laws, insufficient evidence to sentence a man. Man-made laws are devised to protect the status quo of male law-framers and their cultural morality.

The cultural-moral genealogy of western, and English, laws can be traced to the Quran, Torah and Bible – books that were written by educated men bereft of divine awakening.

Until the late 1990s, a woman in the west could be beaten at home, and the United Kingdom’s police forces found excuses not to intervene on her behalf. She was owned. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically she was owned first by her father and then by her husband.

From the 1930s onwards, western, and in particular English, doctors led the way in imposing rules of conduct and behaviour on women – for example, forbidding them from expressing pain, stress, and agony during labour. Indian women who entered maternity wards were screamed and shouted at, and spoken down to by the nursing staff, for moving their bodies into positions that alleviated the pain of giving birth. English women, baulking at the naturalness of their Indian counterparts’ expression, claimed that they were somehow superior in dealing with pain!

Ironically, the British Medical Council now advises women in labour to express their discomfort, and contort their bodies to ensure maximum comfort during labour. ‘Enlightened’ staff in maternity wards also encourage women to express their agony vocally. The penny has dropped, and it is now widely acknowledged that screaming mutes pain and can in fact increase a person’s pain threshold.

A question worth asking is: Would women-run institutions have turned women into a conveyor belt of reproduction, like chickens laying the mandatory egg, as the medical men of yesteryear deemed fit?

No. I firmly believe they would not have entertained such an idea.

Another question worth asking is: What precipitated pregnant womens collusion in the conveyor-belt mentality imposed by men?

Free slavery.

Free slavery is a form of mental domination, where the subject is intellectually browbeaten into submission on the basis of ‘evidence’ marshaled by the educated. Postgraduate researchers come up with one fandangled idea that marks them out from the rest of the crowd, and institutions impose it as a kind of gold standard, the norm. In the context of the post-1930s English maternity mindset, pregnant women in labour felt they could not act contrary to what the ‘experts’ demanded. Hence, they were free slaves.

Similarly, immigrants and other powerless people in society – though they may feel themselves to be free to all intents and purposes – are treated as if they are non-people. They exist in the imagination (and in policy) as Schrodinger’s immigrant: too lazy to work while also taking our jobs.

Consider the Grenfall Tower fire in west London and the attacks that preceded it. Are we really to believe that these are unconnected? The fire at a predominantly Muslim tower block occurred just weeks after a spate of Muslim radical attacks elsewhere in London and in Manchester.

We are asked to believe that the Nazi gas chamber style cooking of a largely Muslim ethnic minority living in Grenfell Tower, mostly on welfare benefits, was triggered by a faulty appliance. I know from experience how regularly appliances in my own home malfunction and the brakes on my car fail. It is easy to create such situations. Trained security experts can enter a standard home and improvise an incident to take place at a later date. In Grenfell Tower, the fire started in a kitchen, and transferred itself along the outside of the building around right-angled corners.

I hope I am wrong, but it seems to me that accelerants were placed at convenient points to aid the progress of the flames around the tower. If my immediate premise and instincts, while watching the inferno unfold, are correct, then the security experts working for the state apparatus manufactured the Grenfell Tower deaths – of course, without the knowledge of government ministers. Until categorically proven otherwise, this must be understood as mass murder committed by renegade security personnel in order to settle scores following the carnage caused by Muslim radicals in preceding weeks.

But why?

Because immigrants and other powerless peoples, as I stated earlier, comprise a dispensable non-class, while believing they are free.

Globally, races live as slaves, albeit that they flourish financially and academically throughout the span of western, and especially the English, empire. The fact is that their lifestyle and success are micro-managed. Only a selected few are moved up the career ladder, promoted as window-dressing, and sometimes even given top positions as long as they spout European propaganda. However, when the powers-that-be tire of their presence, some personal weakness or other is brought to light, their impartiality and integrity are attacked, and ‘proof’ is wheedled out of some dark corner in order to dethrone them. Far graver misdeamours by a European race person in the same position of course go unpunished. The point is that there is no possibility of ability-linked advancement amongst the race-slaves; but they are made to believe that their successes are their own.

This is how free slavery works.

Indians encouraged into British East Africa are a prime example of free slavery. While the strings of power, and total arms control, were in the hands of the Europeans in East Africa, an Indian mercantile class was lured into running the artificially manufactured country. Kenya’s businesses and entire civil service structure were managed by Indians, while the British retained ultimate control.

In free slavery, people are compelled to follow a template for appropriate thought and conduct set by slave-masters. They are encouraged to believe that they are in charge of making decisions, when in fact these decisions are the inevitable outcome of the cultural logic and deductive process imposed on them. Which is to say that they are slaves to a system of thought and practice, but falsely believe themselves to be functioning as free individuals. They are dupes, compelled into a system that’s been rigged to subjugate them while instilling in them the illusion they are free.

The illusion of freedom has systematically corroded and destroyed intuitive-based racial-cultural psyches, de-culturalising and de-humanising people, and replacing primordial dignity with mimicry of the slave-master races. Witness Afro-Caribbeans in the western world – they have lost their language, culture, and heritage. Their DNA lineage has been virtually destroyed. But for a public announcement to the effect, they are a new species of humanity.

Global free slaves haven’t fared much better. Unceremoniously, systematically, and clinically, these races are perniciously engaged in their own psyche-gene editing. Their bio-organism is being thoroughly defused, and their intuitive-psyche capabilities curtailed. They are successfully being groomed into becoming non-beings.

Global free slaves are turning their backs on their natural heritage of divinity; they no longer entertain the idea of a seer-divine birth. They are culpable in pioneering a genome with a lower-awakening configuration, where the divine creative field and its attributes are diminishing. They are helping turn themselves into aberrant beings.

The narrowing of the neuro-thinking range is creating a landscape where the multi-gene is being replaced by a narrower bandwidth, where psychical mutations are rendered useless.

The only remaining difference, that of outer skin pigment, is also being procedurally tackled. The implementation of pigment-less skin, where once pigmented skin was hailed as a natural protection against the sun’s and earth’s electro-magnetic presence, is now a targeted and desirable outcome. Global free slaves will become like the race Europeans of the preceding generation. But then what?

The fear of artificial intelligence, created by race-European numbskulls chasing ever elusive financial gain, is a danger that human-animals have already suffered in our collective past.

You will not like the next paragraph…

Race-European pigment was created to make them stand them out from other human-animals: as a destructive psyche-genome (for use of a better word) that compels that bio-configuration to kill, destroy, and amalgamate; to overlook commonsense; and to champion artificial intelligence, where synthetic blood-like fluid (as yet awaiting formulation) will aid in developing an autopoietic AI race, culture, and communication with a sense of self-worth…all at the cost of natural-pigmented human-animals.

However, in tandem with that technical fear of AI, the viral/bacterial violence awaiting human-animals poses a far greater and imminent threat. Race-Europeans have, in their haste and haughtiness to eradicate viruses and bacteria, instead consolidated the eruption of those life-forms’ mastering control mechanism. I will not at this moment share what that controlling mechanism is. However, history is in the process of repeating itself all over again, unless race-Europeans amend their attitude to existence and forego the belief that they exist above the natural, creative force and energy system.

My humble warning…

It will take only a single bacterial attack on the new look-alike pigment-less humans, who will be unable to defend themselves against such a nature-induced attack, to end human civilisation as we know it.

Reflections on proposed caste discrimination legislation: or ‘What is this thing called caste?’

The question I put to the British parliament is this; Why is her Majesty and the entire stratum she occupies not included in the proposed caste law, and why is it limited to race and aimed only at South Asians as it is currently tabled?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions of caste are as follows:

  • One of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with members of other castes.
  • A division of society based on differences in wealth, inherited rank, or privilege, profession, occupation or race.
  • The position conferred by caste standing.
  • A system of rigid social stratification characterized by hereditary status, endogamy, and social barriers sanctioned by custom, law, or religion.

My argument:

Please read Caste, Class and Community in India: An Ethnography Approach by Balmurli Natrajan (William Paterson University).

The article’s argument supports my view that we are confusing class/economic distinctions with caste, such that the economic status of social groups is being projected onto, and even conflated with, social caste.

The fact is that like-minded social groups gel and function together as they have intimate nuanced understanding that cannot be accessed by other groups. To put it another way: we humans are neither psychologically nor socially identical, and do not share the same life experiences. This does not, at least in various Indian cultures, emerge as prejudice but is rather a form of snobbishness verging at times on hostility.

Precisely because of this, it makes sense therefore that individual social groups practice social endogamy and establish their own kinship clubs – Gurdwaras are a case in point. And they should be encouraged in doing so.

My point is that caste is a paradigm encased in structured cosociality rather than in subjugation and unequal power relations.

(And if we are talking about the latter, it is worth noting that I have repeatedly experienced rejection by well-to-do so-called lower castes – which blows apart the idea that oppression works in one direction only!)

The problem with the proposed legislation against caste discrimination is that it is embedded in the notion that caste is a form of unequal class/economics relations. It simply does not recognise the cosociality of caste as a valid, necessary and comforting form of in-group identity.

But consider this: in playgroups, babies can clearly be seen exhibiting strong likes and dislikes towards each other; they congregate in like-minded groups. Who taught them such prejudice? No-one. We human-animals psychologically attach ourselves to, and associate and intermingle with like minds.

This is not prejudice. What precisely it is, we have yet to sort out.

Now, for those who say caste as practiced today – in the form of class/economic inequality and hostility – is a historical phenomenon within South Asian societies… go learn your history!

Buddhism, Sikhism and Vedism in earlier times – before Bharat lost her substantial lands and succumbed to successive periods of colonization – did not apply caste divisions as we understand them today.

Indeed, caste division is not ‘Indian’ at all. It began in the west as a form of rigid social organisation whereby people were not permitted to work outside the occupational bandwidths set by the state, as happening to trades people in the United States. The Roman Empire relied on this to protect itself from implosion. Thus, caste refers in this sense to established western practices of restricting people to certain occupational domains, which restricted them socially and economically.

Such casteism continues to operate in the west today, as a cursory examination of recent English history illustrates. The cost of moving beyond the barriers of one’s caste was experienced by King Edward VIII when he deigned to marry Wallis Simpson – he had to abdicate. Even Prince Charles was not permitted to marry at will, but was shepherded into a marriage of convenience.

All of this is not to say that caste is not an aspect of Indian cultures. But as I noted earlier, it was certainly not a feature of earlier Buddhist, Sikh or Vedic societies, especially not in the western form of restricting people to particular occupational bandwidths.

Originally, in Bharat, children were given into the care of faith-teachers whose task was to find the appropriate occupation and role of their wards, and to encourage them to fulfil that. So, a farmer’s child with artisan skills would be encouraged in that direction, while the child of unskilled workers would move into farming if they exhibited the abilities for such work. It followed that people did not necessarily follow in their parents’ footsteps; they moved across groupings freely based on their skills-set.

It also follows that parents did not prize financial solvency when looking for life-partners for their children, rather they laid greater store by a prospective son- or daughter-in law’s capacity to manage their affairs responsibly and maturely.

However, older western societies have come to exert a strong influence on the modern construct that is Hinduism, which is itself the product of a socio-political revolution against the perceived rigidities of Vedic practices. Ironically, Hindusim has curated the kind of casteism for which the whole of India has become renowned, and which it erroneously embraces as an inalienable and intrinsic aspect of itself.

Consequently, we forget that caste refers to a bandwidth of in-group intimacies that in fact have been vital in enabling the successful transnational flow of people. Sikhs and others who moved to East Africa or to the United Kingdom were intrepid aspirants, but they were only able to ease the isolation that migration brings by congregating with others who shared their language, diet, rites and rituals, and who could advise them of local mores and provide a network of support.

Against the cosociality that caste traditionally referred to in older Indian societies and cultures, is the highly stratified system of difference which it exhibits in the west and which we forget to call out because we are so busy misunderstanding and denigrating our own eastern cultural heritages and practices.

And if we are in doubt as to the rigid boundaries that caste builds in the modern western world, let’s consider how our kids from North America and England emerge from university with degrees – equipping them to practice some trade or other, but which actively preclude them from switching trade or following another occupational strand. For that, they have to go right back to university and re-train, and get re-certified.

The same restrictions apply ofcourse to trades-people. Since the emphasis is on economic security and socio-economic mobility, very few people get to change occupational track despite showing flair and having accumulated skill-sets that make them ideal for jobs other than those they’ve been certified to do. The moral degeneracy of this situation is that it stratifies people, restricting them ‘to their own kind’. Yet, when they embody such stratification and hierarchy, we call them out and propose anti-caste legislation. When the system itself enforces this, why blame the people for imbibing it?!

And to what degree will anti-caste legislation be enforced? Will Gurdwaras have to provide a register of how many people of other castes (cosocial cultural groupings, as they themselves see it) attend in order to stay on the right side of the law? What counts as discrimination? Will I, as somebody who has repeatedly experienced discrimination from so-called lower castes, be safe-guarded and be able to pursue my case under law?

Will the British monarchy be allowed to continue to exist in its closed forms, while the average person on the street gets vilified for belonging to a group they know intimately and feel a sense of support, security and belonging with?

Clearly, I am missing the point of the anti-caste legislation, because it feels to me very much like a stick with which to beat Indians. And the best thing is, we Indians are culpable in this, because we know nothing of our own history or that of caste as a phenomenon.

Bhindrawale: an alternative view

‘The Sikhs are the only race, that I know of, who sacrificed their own nationhood in order to free the non-Sikh population of India from more than one thousand years of humiliation, subjugation and occupation at the hands of not just one but two (Semitic) Empires. They did so having fought for and secured their own independence as a nation under Islam rule more than 200 years earlier.’ Avtar

For you to appreciate this hard-hitting essay I need to explore, examine, and briefly lay bare what is a Sikh.

It is a misnomer that being born into a practicing Sikh family makes you a Sikh. Certainly, children practice the rites and ritual of Sikhi. But that is learned behaviour. Even when mimicking their elders, and perhaps even aspiring to be a proper Sikh through such mimicry, children are not Sikh in the metaphysical sense.

A Sikh, as I have written countless times, is a strata above the realm of advanced Sants, Svamis, Sufis, and Saints. A sant is one who has absolute mastery over the psychic realm. A Sikh is responsible for the welfare of the sant realm.

At the times of, and attendant in seva to, the ten Sikh Gurus, (and due to the high originality of advanced innovation), a Sikh was an unbelievably calm pacifist, who, when required, would to lay to rest a repeat killer. The Sikhs of those times never had need to raise their voice. Their psychic bearing and presence was enough.

Bear in mind, in those times artificial voice projecting apparatuses such as the megaphone and later the mic and loudspeaker system, had not yet been developed. So, an orator of that period, regardless of faith, literally had to shout to get his message across. Shouting behaviour has not died, in India at least. People there seem to forget that they are using microphones, and can therefore speak gently. The screaming and shouting automatically raises one’s blood pressure, heightens one’s nervous system activity, and leads to a tensed physiology, which renders one primed for a physical confrontation. The person sounds and behaves assertively.

Another problem of the birth-Sikhs is that they are reared on stories of historical events that highlight bravery, courage, chivalry, and heroism. These are stories of fighting the odds and succeeding, more often than not. However, the Sikh parent imparting such stories is themselves not a Sikh in its full reality, but like their child a Sikh by birth only. And therein lies the problem of Sikhism.

A Sikh is one who, coming from any faith, is the master of, and has hands-on responsibility for, those who are an authority over the so-called spiritual world. That was what separated the Sikhs of the Gurus from the faithful of all other faiths.

Only the best of the best, the most humble of the humble, found a way to be in the seva of the Sikh Gurus. Some attributes of a Sikh:

* An analyser, scrutiniser, and improver…of whatever they may confront

* Addressing every female as ‘Ma’am’ and treating every female with dignity, chivalry, and lack of misogyny

* Studies war tactics and stealth strategy

* Master of hand-arms combat

* Outmanoeuvers opponents strategically

* Sikh men/women are regarded as tender, passionate, sensual lovers by most South Asians

* Remain faithful and loyal to one partner

* Their word is sacrosanct

Only with the above clarity will you be able understand today’s essay.

Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale

According to web searches he was born Jarnail Singh Brar on 2nd June 1947, and he died on 6th June 1984 aged 37. Leader of Damdami Taksal, one of the five formal seats of Sikhism, he was an outspoken orator. He voiced the resentment of the ordinary Sikh about their betrayal by the Hindus: leading up to and even after India’s independence, the Hindus had promised a separate Sikh nation; they reneged on this promise.

His popularity stemmed from his insistence that the faithful remain vigilant, and abide by the high requirements of the elite Sikhs, the Khalsa. Like the majority of Sikhs, he saw the events of bygone times through rose-tinted glasses, rather than accepting that society has always been a multi-spectrum of misfits who dally with idealism and bemoan the failures of others.

The majority of Sikh ‘leaders’ increasingly fail to appreciate what it takes to become a Sikh, and that there are unbelievably high standards of advanced knowledge required to progress into the Khalsa realm. The same was true of Bhindranwale, except that in his case his heart was in the right place. Like other leaders, though, he was not advanced enough to recognise the what or the why that makes a Sikh and the Khalsa uniquely responsible and thus special.

An insight: The sublime is experienced by nearly all practicing Sikhs as a faith-right; however, collectively, it remains an unquantifiable realm. They are moved and ‘protected’ by this arena, but they are oblivious as to how best to describe its existence, or the experiences it yields.

He was precisely in the same boat as your average run-of-the-mill Sikh. Like them, he too sensed, but he could not explain the sensation.

He was a doer, a go-getter, one who could not sit still. He readily took a stance against anything or anyone whom he considered to have fallen from the excellence he thought all Sikhs should live by. Drugs, a hedonistic lifestyle, and irreverence for the image of the perceived Sikh status quo rankled him. His generation blamed all society’s ills on the wealth that Panjab enjoyed as the green, agricultural energy-field of India. Panjab literally fed, and to this day feeds, India. This brought prosperity.

Prosperity in tandem with zero pressure of either local wars or impending invasions, led to parents showering their children with monetary gifts hitherto unheard of in India. Sikhs were, and are, massively wealthy compared to the rest of the non-west European world. In fact, when I traveled the countries that were at that time locked behind the iron curtain almost twenty years after leaving Panjab, I was shocked to see those countries suffering from lower, weaker, almost non-existent infrastructure; and the local poverty was breathtakingly shocking even in comparison to the Panjab of twenty years earlier.

So, Panjab was wealthy. Wealthy enough to send members of their family to study abroad, and indeed to live abroad; these members in turn sending remittances back to the family village and home, thereby increasing the family’s earning and power-prestige further.

The handicap of wealth is improved health. Health, married to wealth, automatically childs conceit, self-importance and delusions of the self as an omnipotent being. Sikhs of his time suffered from the same disease of the avant-garde, technicolour palette of romanticism seducing monologue, with philosophies spiced with short-lived interactions with European industrial civilisation.

In a mixture of multi-complex rationales, he laced his oratory skills with the insistence that wealthy Sikhs ought to pressure their children towards the rites normally associated with a Sikh monastic lifestyle. Its conditions are so confusing to an outsider, especially when each male is meant to see each woman as his sister or mother, yet be anxiously prepared to marry one of these very women, and thereafter, to engage in and enjoy a full sexual life with her. It’s a case of heads I win, tails you cannot live a normal lifestyle, unless you marry. These rich kids, emasculated by the parental pressure he advocated, threw tantrums.

He, meanwhile, gained fame and popularity. For he constantly evoked age-old glories of sword-fighting, small hand-arms defence, and overcoming outrageous odds against trained armies of invaders, or indeed against ‘home grown’ newly settled Muslim rulers. He drew crowds. He spoke uncompromisingly, mired in passion as if he had returned fresh from sword-fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Sikhs so love tales of hand-to-hand combat against overwhelming odds…his popularity increased exponentially. However, he had never set a foot on a battlefield, and he had no formal or informal military and tactical training.

He was an orator, one who had the ability to inflame his audience. He evoked passions. His message stirred people. He became an irresistible force. This drew the attention of the politicians. However kitsch he appeared to seasoned politicians nevertheless he commanded a sizeable vote bank that they couldn’t ignore. So, his ego was massaged, and seduction-hypocrisy gained momentum. Everything has a price. He had a price. It was a matter of identifying that price and leveraging him into the politicians’ pocket.

His price?

A date with destiny, a reluctant delusion that he was ‘chosen’ to deliver respect, along with self-determination to Sikhs within the statehood of a collective India.

Expatriate Sikhs stoked, inflamed, and financially supported calls for an independent state named Khalistan (and not Panjab). I truthfully cannot recall him advancing that particular idea, but the theme of self-determination never left his lips. In reality, all he sought – and as is the demand of all Sikhs – was dignity via the fulfillment of a promise; and the honest barter of that promise made to Sikhs by Pandit Nehru and (Mohan Dass Gandhi) Mahatama Gandhi, in the days before India’s independence.

This set him on a collision course. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi stepped into the ring and offered a staged, well-practiced trade-off; stopping short of Sikh demands for the fulfillment of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution.

A dance of Shiva had begun.

Death was on the cards.

Each thought it would be the other’s.

The death drum gathered speed.

And he made one naive mistake after another. He miscalculated the world of politics. In fact, he had zero appreciation of politics. He did not understand that you cut a tree for firewood one day and the next day you stand on its stump delivering a speech pronouncing your credentials as an ecologist.

His lack of military service became evident in his utterances. He took the bait. He prepared to take on the might of the Indian army’s modern weaponry and tactics with his handful of men equipped with small arms weapons. He was neither a politician, nor a strategist or tactician. His popularity was based on his honesty, earnestness and frankness. He lacked guile. He lacked deceit. He lacked hypocrisy. He lacked cunning. What he said was what he meant. Wonderful attributes for a religious orator. But as a politician and military tactician he was a dead duck.

If he had had a cunning mind, then he would and could have instigated a war between Pakistan and India. This would have brought the Sikh regiments stationed far afield from Panjab back to the border with Pakistan, which in the main is shared by Pakistan and Panjab. Simultaneously, he would, on the quiet, have had his own followers present in various cities ready to occupy main-frame buildings; the armed occupation of which would have put him in control of mass broadcast, and of transportation, thereby causing maximum and immediate mayhem among the people. Thereafter, he could have incited the Sikh regiments to support his quest for the negotiation of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution from a position of reasonable strength. Just for the fun of creating discord and facilitating the possible breakup of India, Pakistan would have supported him to the hilt, politically and militarily.

However, he did what no Sikh army had done in Sikh history. He occupied the holy shrine of Amritsar not for its protection from an imminent attack but for sheltering in. After all, prior to his occupation Amritsar was under absolutely no threat from an imminent Indian army attack.

A majority of expatriate Sikhs were against his occupation of Amritsar. Yes, he had supporters, but they were a minority, albeit a vocal one.

The outcome?

A foregone conclusion.

A mere formality.

He totally played into the hands of the politicians.

The rest is history.

I witnessed the events here in the UK, and am shocked by how many of the people who ridiculed him at the time, including his lack of education, now address him as a glorified, proud, fearless Sikh General.

Yes, they call him General!

He was an innocent man, honest and sincere as the day is long. But a General? Are Sikhs really that desperate that they equate his tactics with those of a General? I absolutely will credit him with fearlessness, courage and strength of character. He did not sell himself short. But a General? Come on, please, you Sikhs can do better than that. Give him plaudits, but let us not get carried away with overly emotional praise either.

Having said that, for me as a Sikh, he gave me the one thing no one else had delivered up to that point.

Let me explain.

While traveling Europe I would come across veterans of the first and the second European war (1914-18 and 1939-45) who many a time would present themselves to me as admirers of the Sikh soldiers and battalion, and who would salute me as an orthodox young Sikh. Apart for these European war veterans, everyone else would confuse me for an Arab, Muslim or indeed a Hindu. I was never recognised as a Sikh.

Because of this sincere, honest, earnest Sikh preacher, today I am recognised globally as a Sikh, part of a nation of people who gave up their own kingdom, their country, in order to free India.

My nation, a people I am proud to call my own, the Sikhs, made a selfless sacrifice foregoing their own nation for the sake of securing freedom for what is now more than a billion people in India.

Yes, the ruling classes cheated us out of a promise. But that is the political Hindu for you. The citizen Hindu and Muslim of India, by contrast, categorically maintains that we do deserve our own statehood. I thank them for their support.

Yet in today’s India, the arrogance of some Hindu politicians is leading them to proclaim that all citizens of India are Hindus.

I once again want to remind them that ‘Hindu’ is neither a race nor a religion.

Hindi is a communal language of communication that slowly gathered momentum following its birth just over one hundred and fifty years after the establishment of Sikhism.

Hindi is like the fabled pan-European language Esperanto. Nothing more and nothing less.

And as for Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale: Sikhs, he was a seasoned preacher, a Giani. He was not a Sant in any shape or form. Please, let us not get over emotional about his credentials. Let us be sincere in our evaluation.

As a Giani, what he achieved for Sikhism is that which the best amongst us will never be able to emulate or attain. He gave me global recognition, a global presence. And, no, I do not accept the excuse that globally, in the age of the internet, race Europeans mistake me for a Muslim. The truth is that they hate me because of the colour of my skin – pure and simple. It is race and culture hatred that they exercise. And the easiest way to murder me is to call me a Muslim. Race Europeans are neither that ignorant nor that stupid that they cannot tell me apart from a Muslim. Exactly how many Muslims in the western world walk around with their traditional very loose cloth wound around their heads? I have only ever seen three in all my years of living in race European countries.

So, the fact that the world now views me as a Sikh must be credited entirely to this one, very basically educated, sincere orator/preacher, who merely wanted the dignity and self-esteem of the Sikhs to be respected by the Hindu Government – the very Hindus who until 1946 had been slaves in their own land for just a little over one thousand years.

Sikhs deserve their dignity and self-esteem to be respected by the Hindu Government of India.

And on the anniversary death of this preacher I hope and pray it will begin to accept a world where Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhist, Jains, Christians and Hindus can live in peace with each other in the land we now call India: as autonomous cultures, languages, heritages, and dignities that together protect our collective defence, economy and infrastructure as these exist now.



The Turban, The Skull Cap (Kippah), The Hijab, The Cross and the Sanitary Towel & The European Court of Justice

So harrowing is the nature of the European Court of Justice ruling on banning religious insignia, I start this blog with a Christian Prayer.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

The ECJ this week announced the beginning of the massacre of all non race-Europeans and non-Christians in the race-European empire that extends across Europe, north America, south America, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.

This much anticipated genocide of non-Christians and non-race-Europeans has been a long time coming. The piece-meal effigy justifying falling levels of morality, and a new generation of hate-philosophy-led global radio talk shows and newspapers of the race-European empire has finally arrived.

As a child, I witnessed the bloody massacre on both sides during the Kikuyu and east African call for independence.

As a child, I witnessed the family’s move to India, my enduring fear of its invasion by China, and Pakistani aircrafts flying over the border town of Panjab where we lived.

As a child, following our move to London, England, I saw the signs ‘No Irish. No Wogs. No Blacks. No dogs’, displayed in the windows of boarding houses.

As a child, I endured abject race hatred at school, on the streets, and in parks and shops. Adults physically punched me – a child – and many landed kicks in the side of my midriff or on my back for being a ‘Wog’ and having the long hair of a Sikh. I was always being told with venom to ‘go back where you come from…’.

As a child, I heard Enoch Powell’s ‘rivers of blood’ speech. I can still, even without closing my eyes, see the hatred in that man’s eyes. As a born-psychic I saw the statement becoming truth: of Europe leading the way in butchering all non-Europeans limb from limb; and consigning others to concentration camps where rape, starvation and death will be administered slowly and deliberately.

For me, then, the judgement by the ECJ against people wearing religious insignia and symbols including the turban, skull cap and hijab is a promise foretold.

Race-European, the only human race of psychopaths, will finally rid the lands it occupies of all non race-Europeans.

Congratulations. Please, all the journalists who spew venom and hatred, I humbly request that you pat yourself on the back for a wonderful, successful campaign. Your hatred, your psychopathic aspiration, is bearing fruit; and sooner than even you anticipated it will turn into a reality.

However, there are the odd twists and turns before your aspiration is fully and finally achieved.

The first thing that will happen is the marketing of a medicine that turns the proper developed humans among us into sub-humans, i.e. where they lose their pigment and become pigment-less like race-Europeans.

The next thing that will happen is the demand that women cannot be employed if they are still on the menstrual cycle. After all, women are less productive when they have PMT and are menstruating. And of course, post-menopausal women lose their ability to function at the same pace as men. But don’t worry, because a medication will permanently stop periods; and child conception, gestation and birth will be carried out in commercial incubators, housed in warehouses.

These are the futures resulting from race-European mentality and values, as welcomed by Manfred Weber, head of the centre-right European People’s Party, the biggest right-wing party in the European Parliament, who said of the headwear ban “European values must apply in public life”.

The European Human Rights Act of Religious Freedom – through which race-Europeans ritually humiliated other races, cultures and governments – now lies in tatters awaiting its final cremation. Freedom of expression and freedom of religion, once lauded as signs of ‘civilised behaviour’, now seem like used toilet tissue.

Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, meanwhile, cried foul of the ECJ ruling. My dear Chief Rabbi, if your race’s occupation of Palestine had not been so vehemently blood-thirsty then the future of your culture and religion in the race-European empire would not be facing the jeopardy they are.

My dear respected Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, did you imagine Hitler’s régime was a one-off? Have you forgotten the black shirts and Mosley of dear old England? Exactly what made you think that psychopathic hatred had transcended into mature benefaction?

Hebrews, along with all other non race-Europeans are going to suffer the holocaust, repeatedly, in each and every race-European country until race-Europeans either don’t exist or in fact evolve.

It is race-Europeans who will create the artificial intelligence that will enslave humanity.

But will they listen?

Like hell they will.

As for me, I am too old to move out to a non race-European country. My fate is to be murdered by my race-European neighbour.

Is there a way out of this mess?

Yes, but who’ll act globally on the indication I give?



Dignity NOT Equality

What is the western world’s greatest, albeit unrecognized, profanity?


Yes, equality.

Profanity: Obscene language, irreligious, unholiness, disrespectful…these are some of the many adjectives used to express what currently passes for the profane.

To this list I add equality.

Equality is one of those buzzwords used to challenge the orthodox, the normative. It implies modernity, and apparently cleaves to the Enlightenment ideas expounded by such pre-eminent European thinkers as Kant – you know, the white men who wrote of equality while wallowing in the largesse of colonial slave-economies.

Equality – a tongue-in-cheek term rolling around in aesthetic articulation and psychological creativity all rolled into one simple word. Fantastic.

Only upon examination does it occur that equality is not fantastic. It is not a word that freed society from its (in)visible chains or gave tradition artistic license to reformat itself. It is a word based on, and shot through with, illusion; a self-contradictory logic that has somehow become the cocaine of intellectual debate.

When race relations were written into British law, back in the 1970’s, I wrote a diary essay rejecting the word ‘equality’ on the basis that it lacked personalisation, albeit that it sounded great in the abstract.

To speak of equality is to enter a tall tower whose foundations are built on sand. Upon entering, you find all differences re-branded, re-named, and re-classified into sameness. Everything is identical.

I strongly object to the concept that you, the reader, are one and the same – are in fact identical – to me.

Let me assume that the ‘you’ reading this is a woman (while I, of course, am a man).

You are a life-giver, created to give life to life. I am designed to take life, without blinking an eyelid. No matter how hard my endeavours, I cannot give life to life.

Nevertheless, you are equal to me. It is not me who is equal to you. The law is very clear on this point. It states that a female is given equality with a man.

If we are equal, however, how come my sexual proclivities are laughed off – and even admired – earning me the epithet of ‘jack the lad’ who sows his wild oats; while you as a woman who does the same are called whore, slut, slag?

Equality, oh equality, where art thou?

Race-European psychiatry begins with birth and ends with death.

Non race-European psychiatry is based on life and death as phases, in a continuum, where death is simply a change of ‘clothing’. Part of the accepted wisdom of this non-European psychiatry is that you can be born as anything, from a minute aspect of an atom, anywhere in the cosmos, to a combination of atoms resulting in large life-forms. In fact, in this reckoning life is not limited to corporeal, material existence. You could be an entity in the higher dimensions, which exceed the limitations of three-dimensional materiality.

Race-European psychiatry is objective and limited. Whereas non race-European psychiatry is subjective, open-ended. To explain the distinction more succinctly: a turtle and a shark are debating. The shark, carrying the potent responsibility of death, insists that breathing without the need to break the surface of the water has advantages that make it a superior life-form. Fish remain safely obscured. By contrast, a turtle, which has limited capacity to remain submerged under water, is a sitting target.

In this example the shark represents a three dimensional world view and objective consciousness. The turtle represents a higher dimensional existence with its out-of-the-water life. The turtle has experience of living on dry land, and engaging with the wonders of that life’s dangers and realities. The shark, regardless of its superior death authority, is never going to experience any of this.

The turtle is woman; the shark, man. Now tell me, how can any logical mind articulate and defend a concept of equality between the two species and life-forms?

This is where dignity comes in. Dignity must be the primary frame within which to make sense of and contain the conflicts engendered between genders, individuals, races, cultures, languages, and heritages.

Dignity: Decorum, distinction, stateliness, worthiness, poise, pride, self-respect, self-esteem, individuality, value, merit, significance, self-importance, sense of worth. These are amongst the many adjectives attached to the term.

I as a Sikh do not need equality with an Englishman. I want dignity. I am born with different emphases and pathways in my DNA. I view life-death from a panoramic vista, whereas Englishmen, in my decades of living amongst them, have an incomplete, narrow imperfect perspective. Additionally, they have a decaying relationship with planet earth, her natural environment, and her internal DNA – deeming her commodities (oil, coal, gas, minerals etc.,) ripe for exploitation, without a thought about how to replace or replenish what’s been raped.

Englishmen have traveled the world, carrying out mass genocide in north America, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania and much of Africa. Spaniards did the same in south America.

By comparison, I as a Sikh consciously and thoughtfully gave up my own kingdom to eventually free Hindus from one thousand years of rape, pillage and subjugation. The very same Hindus who, upon threats from the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir in India’s post-independence, embarked upon a mass exodus and left behind their lives, homes, heritage, wealth and dignity.

I as a Sikh nation willingly fought, when asked, and won many a decisive battle with an enemy who had never threatened me nor had any problem with me during the second European war (1939-1945).

So please explain to your own mind how two world-apart systems of thought and being can be pooled under the umbrella of equality?

All they can do is maintain the dignity of their untarnished self.

On online communication platforms I have for some time now displayed ‘Dignity NOT equality’ as my banner.

I move that we collectively champion the replacement of the undignified term ‘equality’ with DIGNITY.

….I am never ever going to be the equal of one who gives life to life….

And to ‘grant’ women equality with the archaic, brute, inferiority complex-ridden, killing-machine of men… well, frankly, if that’s what we aspire to then watch out… as it means nothing more or less than that women should start mindlessly killing men who do not obey their each and every whim!

Equality. indeed.

Toothbrush, Worship, Contemplation & Meditation

We non race-Europeans living in the west or defined by the west, keenly mimic western behaviour and morality, even though our instincts are to reject it.

For example: It is assumed that race-Europeans would not eat from an unwashed spoon from the sink, or drink from an unwashed cup. Yet, every morning and night they pick up a toothbrush from the holder, use it, rinse it, and replace it; and we follow suit.

Now, how many of us use cutlery and dishes that are merely rinsed with water rather than properly cleaned with washing-up liquid? How many of you clean and use dishes in this way for a year, maybe two?

A toothbrush is rinsed in running water, used repeatedly, twice daily, for two to three years at a time.

Don’t you think that like your dishes your toothbrush should also be washed thoroughly with good quality washing-up liquid, rinsed under boiling water, dried, and stored before its next use?

It is like inviting someone over to your house for a meal, and insisting you sit in your recently used bathroom, which smells of your foul waste. Would your guest agree to eat in that bathroom?

Yet, race-Europeans not only use the bathroom to brush their teeth, they actually store their toothbrushes in the same foul-smelling area where the whole family defecates. They then brush their teeth after each family member has finished their stint in the bathroom.

How nice.

In many Indian families the toothbrush is kept in a separate room altogether, a room dedicated to oral hygiene alone.

So, what has this to do with worship, contemplation and meditation?

Figuratively speaking, argumentative analytical humans follow the very practice of keeping their oral hygiene instruments in the toilet cubicle when it comes to worship, contemplation, and meditation.

They have convinced themselves, and anyone willing to lend them an ear, that worship, contemplation, and meditation can be conducted anywhere, anytime and in any situation.

Then they meet someone from my background, and after repeated attempts to impress us with how deep, beneficial and rewarding their technique is, they are surprised when we invite them to join us for a session of real worship. The rite, ritual and rigidity of the routine confuses them. Having to sit motionless for three hours and twelve minutes in the morning, and then again in the evening… well let’s just say that after the first morning session we never see them again.

Regardless of your birth-faith, worship in every faith is a serious activity.

In Sikhism, the morning prayers are meant to last the full allotted time of two hours and forty minutes, as are the evening prayers. At this basic level of worship, one is expected to sit motionless, without breaking the cross-legged posture, the entire time.

The master should be able to point to a student, have them stand up straight, walk ten paces, turn, walk back, and sit down again without experiencing numbness in the legs from the cross-legged posture.

How is this done?

By conscious use of bio-energy. To retain bio-energy (it is not an energy per se, but an entity….a life form), the flow of this entity (not energy), and thus prevent the student suffering from numb legs, requires intense focused attention on one’s bio-system. At the same time, the student must be attuned to the master’s thought-pattern and psyche.

Furthermore, each living being attracts and distributes entity-presence through the base transference conduits of radiation, convection, and conduction. Above this is the rule that controls the flow of the psychic entity. Above that, more subtle refined entities have their pathways, and we corporeal beings (be that as rocks, dust, air or the atmosphere surrounding this planet) are touched. We interact, and absorb or deflect, according to our initial agreed operating parameters.

Now this is where the law of confusion comes into its own.

Many an evolved and refined entity-energy is hugely disruptive, disgustingly harmful and distorted. Its ethos is so anti-god in comparison with our concept that we may as well refer to this type of entity as the devil. This evolved and refined entity-energy is the equivalent of drinking a cup of water from your recently flushed toilet bowl.

Thus, it is dangerous to perform worship, contemplation and meditation in the presence of this type of entity-energy, as the entity will masquerade itself as ‘god-energy’ and seduce you to become its pawn. Subsequently, its unbalanced and perverted social, moral and ethical compass is portrayed to your own mindscape as the genuine article.

You become a global saviour who has all the answers…if only the whole human world would bow down to you. And, of course, there is no point in telling you that you might have screwed up. No, not you!

So, you see, worship, contemplation, and meditation are not as easy as the argumentative analytical humans would have you believe.

Here, I am having a dig at the numerous global new-age centres, yoga studios, and in Sikhism the cult of the Akhand Kirtani Jatha.

The leading lights of these centres, having visited India and spent a length of time in the company of a teacher (no, not a guru, albeit they may call them gurus), assume they have learned and understood, and are therefore capable of spreading spiritual vibes.

They fail to appreciate that it takes lifetimes to master rite, then ritual, then worship. However, these self-appointed saviours of planet earth think they are the chosen one, and begin to teach. Idiots teaching idiots: they hand out certificates to idiots who have completed a set course claiming the new idiot is qualified to practice, and the newly-qualified idiot spreads the idiotic message to other delusional idiots…and just like a rolling stone their idiotology gathers no moss as it moves ever forward…and you wonder why the planet is in such disarray!

The new-age centres, along with the commercial yoga centres and the cult of Akhand Kirtani Jatha, all practice a daily régime akin to keeping their toothbrushes in the same room where the stench of their faecal matter becomes airborne. This attaches onto their toothbrushes, and they use those toothbrushes religiously, without a moment’s thought about hygiene.

Please do not assume that worship, contemplation, and meditation are easy or can be conducted anywhere or at any time.

If the surrounding area is not conducive to meditation, one cannot begin worship, contemplation, or meditation.

An analogy: men do not pick up a street prostitute and engage in sex with that person in the open view of everyone. Even that basic transaction requires a closed environment and privacy to a degree. Brothels have become the exact environment for that type of activity.

In the same manner, worship, contemplation, and meditation can only be exercised and conducted at a set time, in a pre-designated area, for a particular length of time. The harmonics of that area have to be brought into line, over a period of time, with the exercise of worship, contemplation and meditation.

This is why advanced beings chose certain points of the earth’s surface for the general public to gather and conduct worship. These points were turned into places of worship. They then become institutions with management committees, where conflict evolved, and pseudo-political parties were established. However, to you the ordinarywala, I humbly indicate and request: please attend the prescribed centers associated with your birth-faith, conduct your prayers sitting in the main chamber, for the one hundred and sixty minutes, and then leave. Additionally, I plead, please do not get entrapped in the politics of the place.

Places of worship are the centres of antrekarna (soul) cleansing – cleansing here means re-harmonising. A cleansed antrekarna (soul) accommodates clarity of thought and aids one’s inner advancement.

Christmas & New Year 2017

According to ancient knowledge, a person called Jesus joined forces with a non-Hebrew King to re-create an older tale about the Messiah, who would be killed and then rise up from the dead several days later to save the world. Jesus of Nazareth agreed to have his name associated with the ‘legend’ as he was moving with his wives and children to the north of the European continent (to an area now defined as Denmark and Scandinavia). It was a godforsaken land steeped in ancient tales where god-awakened beings possessed of supernatural mysticism resided.

This fact has given rise to emotional tales and far-fetched fantasises that Jesus established the European royal bloodline. In truth, however, his lineage fell into decay within a few centuries of his death, as any normal bloodline does, and as per nature’s design.

Yet, Christianity persisted.

In Europe, the fathers of the Christian faith were deeply impressed with an older belief practice called Brahmanism, which was left behind when the Arya race withdrew from Europe and returned to Aryadesh (India). In this older practice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere (including the weeks leading up to it and several days following it) was a day of deep reflection and introspection. On this day, one considered the passing year and made fresh promises to be a considerate human being.

While the clans and tribes of Europe that practiced Christianity took political control of the region, the rites and rituals observed on the shortest day of the year – borrowed from Brahmanism and the Arya race – continued to be observed.

It is only in modern living memory that Christmas has taken on the commercial element of over-eating, drunkenness and sexual excess – all of which are the complete opposite of the original festival anchored around the shortest day of the year. Lest we forget, Christmas is aligned with the festival surrounding the shortest day of the year, and not with the actual birth of Jesus, which took place in summer.

Now, if I focus on his name and memory I am engulfed by the most serene essence, completely in keeping with the average layer of spirituality to which he belonged. It is a wonderful essence, and if you are sensitive enough then you too can enjoy that presence.

So, please, for the sake of Jesus’ serene essence refrain from commercial Christmas…

And what of the new year that follows Christmas?

Well, the organic year changes at the spring equinox, and is a time to reflect on the outgoing year and to assess the dawn of the new year. But for those who celebrate the new year on 1st January – when the old is made new and when pressing problems too often demote one’s best intentions for the coming year – it is still important to reflect and assess, to renew old vows and make new ones. I urge the Christians among you to continue to do this, this 1st January, if for no other reason than that all living beings are intrinsically good, kind, thoughtful, considerate and protective.

My prayers for the Christian world on its new year – similar to my prayers for other faiths upon their respective new years – is that the faithful remember and adhere to the core and the ethos of their faith’s humane teachings.

I humbly request that all the Christians among you accept my good wishes for you and your loved ones; and that you turn the other cheek where those who cause you pain are concerned. And I wish you a contented new year.


Tangible Common Constitution

Life is difficult when, like me, you are under constant surveillance: having my home raided virtually every time it is empty, and on top of that having my writings, concepts, impact statements and sound-bites stolen, only for them to then appear in some shape or form in the UK’s leading right-wing newspaper and on a talk radio station whose presenters use the same – all of this stamps and seals how highly valued, incisive and thought provoking my writing is.

On Tuesday 16th May 2016, I went to visit the Harmony Of The Seas docked at Southampton, UK. Upon arrival in the city and making my way to the open public park adjacent to where the ship was docked, I was surrounded by security personnel, and was even afforded the high respect of having a security helicopter circling overhead. Wow, just for me. I along with everyone else present photographed the ship. Later, while visiting the opposite side of the narrow sea inlet I was stopped by plainclothes officers in an unmarked car who wanted to see my camera and the photos I had taken. They know I am a keen photographer. This has now become a routine for me. They always tell me it is not personal; however, they look ashamed when I ask them how many indigenous natives they have stopped and searched.

A renowned British journalist in his article has already used a sound-bite from this essay in a right wing newspaper…

As indicated by the canon of our human heritage scripture (which regrettably has been commandeered by one national religious group) there was a time when female rule and authority superseded the male perspective and involvement in politics. It was a time when faith communities, along with army and security personnel, the governing community, and the business community, were not allowed to vote because they had influence beyond their station and remit; whereas the common person was allowed to vote precisely because they lacked pre-existing power.

The balance between those with power, and those without, which differentiatial voting rights established, was founded upon certain realities.

Might we able to re-establish this ethos today? And if so, what would it take? Can past practices have currency and be meaningful in today’s climate? Certainly, a sense of representation, having a voice with which to champion a cause, and being able to protect and promote one’s personal concerns seem key to communal well-being.

Frequently we hear and learn about unresolved issues and complaints, where the mechanisms devised to protect the common woman – rather than the common man – are found wanting or are themselves ill-intentioned.

A country’s constitution should foremost protect, enhance, and prescribe (without prohibitions) the ongoing concerns of women – be they young females or fully matured pensioners.

“Thou shalt not…” should not, and in a mature Tangible Common Constitution would not, limit or cast females to subordinate roles. Without a woman no man can be born and subsequently find meditational peace. Therefore, any set of governing rules must not conflict with the essence of female sensibilities. Indeed, the rules that govern ought to be anchored to, and guided by, female sensibilities.

Let me elaborate.

Women are far more inclined to react to situations with circumspection. This is a trait and a modality of behaviour that could have far-reaching and positive implications for everything from earth-rape activities to inter-group warfare.


Circumspection encases degree of movement and action that are tri-directional – one may push forward, retreat, or hold one’s position. These options are not zero-sum, they can be modified, changed and enacted in ways that do not offend one’s opponent.

Circumspection – careful, thoughtful, considered behaviour – renders inane the male perspective that every action has one, normatively aggressive, possible reaction. Insult and injury thus become sources of reflection rather than inciting immediate reactive action. Furthermore, female circumspection-based political power dovetails neatly with other forms of power, notably economic and social.

Another redeeming feature of womanhood is that of not pigeon-holing each and every thought and idea. In this, women have similarities with some non-western states.

Consider how, in the West, for example a penchant for classifying things leads to the development of categories, typologies, and formal structures that define some activities as corrupt (which needs to be stamped out); meanwhile formalizing a system that by these rules ought to be considered corrupt but which instead allows people to engage in legally corrupt activities, as for example, when they set off expenses against tax liabilities.

In other countries, where labeling and pigeon-holing is not a national pastime, and where activities are evaluated in terms of complex social contexts and relationships, corruption is a largely foreign concept. But these countries of honest barter and exchange are deemed by the classification-loving countries to be corrupt, while their own deceitful cunning masquerades as honest brokerage.

The same distinction can be applied to male and female power. The former is aggressive, evasive, classificatory, imposing value judgments on others while assuming superiority for itself. The latter has an affinity with social realities and relationships, and is focused on maintaining these while pursuing balance and accord, transparency and accountability.

Male power negates female power by overpowering it with shoddy unkemptness and bully-governing, where rules are made up as one goes along to maximize benefits to one’s self and one’s own power. Sure, a woman might make it to a governing council seat within a male power framework – may be ‘allowed’ to sit at the table of power – but she does so as window-dressing, and is consistently talked down, her voice drowned out, subjected to mansplaining. Because, male power is no more than a school-boys adventure club, its rules and practices conjured up on platforms high up in secret tree-houses.

Male power discards the fact that female governance is satisfying, fulfilling, elegant even; to do otherwise would be to accept that they (men) by comparison are valuable primarily as beasts of burden, and as the brawn to the female brains of warfare. In the current configuration, male power in analogous to a military coup-let government whose power has been secured without the formal vote. Femalehood, in this analogy, corresponds to the population ruled by threat of death at the hands of the armed man.

So, how to achieve natural high-grade female governance?

A Tangible Common Constitution

Its features would follow the female power ideal, in which the disenfranchised are incorporated as functioning and valuable members of society, their invigorated self-esteem renewing family and extended-family relationships in positive ways, their self-worth inspiring a happy and balanced sociality that extends beyond the personal and communal to the national and international. Concomitantly, characteristics of male power and governance subside, such as the merciless pressure to always compete and win, to be a relentless social climber, to pursue thinly veiled dictatorship as a panacea to crippling lack of self-esteem.

Governance and social structure in this mould would render the ego of male power subservient to the sociality of female power. Power would not be attained through first-past-the post or proportional representation electoral systems. Power would reside instead with the social group whose duty it is to govern – those who, importantly, regard it as a duty rather than a right. Similarly, the army would comprise the social group that coheres around the ideal of social protection, the business community would comprise that group which most closely aligns with the traits and ideals of that role, and so on and so forth.

Yet, the boundaries would be porous; individuals whose talents lie in particular directions would be able to follow the corresponding occupation. Overall governance would rest with female leaders, selected-elected by the population; and neither the military nor the business or other occupations and social roles would intervene but would function instead within and according to their own respective remits and talents.

On one hand, the Tangible Common Constitution negates the concept of majority rule; on the other, it safeguards the concept of a society that functions without fear of victimisation or marginalisation.

Is this not more redeeming than the current system in which the ‘free world’ has been overrun by idiots and buffoons for the past thirty years? Britain had a common-garden con-artist, liar, and murderer in Tony Blair, who hung on to the coat-tails of the U.S president, George W Bush, as they committed mass murder of innocent people instead of simply taking to task individual regime leaders.

I feel deeply appalled and disgusted that in my name innocent lives were taken in order to satisfy the bloodlust of two egotistical men who would hide under the table or indeed in the toilet if a bar-room brawl broke out. The truth is that these two sub-five inchers are not street fighters, yet they engaged in a proxy street fight using other women’s sons and daughters as their military.

Some of you may point to British prime minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher as either an example of, or indictment against, female power. The thing with Mrs.Thatcher is that she was competing in a mans world, and she had to have bigger balls than the men around her in order to attain power and be seen by the population as legitimately doing so. But what does it means to have balls, other than being prepared to be more heinous than the next guy. She is the exact opposite of the model and pathway of the Tangible Common Constitution I have described. She remains in my memory “Mrs. Thatcher, milk snatcher”, having stopped the daily distribution of milk to schoolchildren in the U.K. (made mandatory after the European war of 1939-45). Milk was a vital part of the diet. In stealing it, and thereby saving mere pennies on behalf of her beloved conservative government, Mrs. Thatcher showed she had balls. Her policy set in motion the removal of free school dinners by subsequent governments.

An entire social edifice brought down as the result of one person proving they had bigger balls than another person. Maybe an economist out there can tell me precisely what wealth was created, or has been enhanced, by stealing milk and food from the U.K’s schoolchildren, and thereby forcing them to consume cheap junk food, that causes health problems, which ends up burdening the NHS, impeding quality of life, contributing to sick days, leading to the development of mental health problems that compound the physical ones, systemically eroding any sense of self-worth and social value of a young growing child might have had?

Echoing the way that breast feeding is not frowned upon, but is seen as a natural rather than a sexual act in many countries outside Europe, a Tangible Common Constitution would redefine human dignity along the lines of femalehood and remove the spectre of malehood’s mindlessness in the process.

Is any of this possible?

Yes, in small stages.

Will I see it happen?



In one of the States in India.

Meditation & Witchcraft

What is meditation?

It is not a discipline. It is not an organised scheme with specific and unique rules. It is not an emotional procedure. Because it is not these things, because it lacks a logic-architectural schema, meditation opens itself up to the feverishly amateurish analysis of those who wish to induct the ill-disciplined secular masses into something whose rules and metaphors they themselves have no appreciation of.

This is when witchcraft comes into its own. Witchcraft is one of the arts of interference.

Originally, during the Brahma period, witchcraft signified living in tune with nature. This makes sense given that initially, bio-thought entity had absolute understanding of, and adhered to, the functions and boundaries of creation-rule, i.e. humans were attuned to nature.

Brahma is the initial stage of each bio-thought entity’s (for our purposes here: human) evolution – comprising part of the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Maiea symmetry of creation manifestations.

That witchcraft has since transformed into an act of interference flows from the fact that the creation-manifestations following Brahma – Vishnu, Shiva, and Maiea – entail more complex relationships and dynamics with nature. This is not to say that witchcraft is not still enmeshed in some basic nature-dynamic, but that this has become layered with other motivations more in sync with the post-Brahma creation-manifestation cycles.

It is worth noting, indeed, it is vital to acknowledge that the four stages of creation-manifestation are not Vedic or Hindu in the proper sense. These concepts were always already existing. Vedanta and Vedic theologians simply colonized these terms for their own use. Indeed, the Sikhism of antiquity also utilised concepts of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Maiea already in circulation.

Consequently, we can say that these terms – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Maiea – do not belong to any particular movement. They are our collective human inheritance. Their functions and boundaries are those which we too operate within, though not blindly or without struggle.

When the cycle and essence of Brahma was diluted, and replaced by a new set of rules, regulations and limitations, the next cycle – Vishnua – began. It had to vie for authority since bio-thought entities did not so easily relinquish the Brahma essence, nor let it transmute so totally into Vishnu ethos and parameters. So, there is some entanglement between outgoing and incoming creation manifestations, as well as the normal kind of setbacks that each cycle naturally has to go through in the course of what is its own evolution.

We are now in a (negative) Shiva cycle. The current Shiva cycle began to take presidency about seventy million years ago. This cycle, like those preceding it, has been slowly evolving, experiencing minor or major setbacks whenever bio-thought entities abuse nature. Such setbacks – aberrations of nature – effectively cause a reset to take place and everything reverts to its natural earth state within the cycle.

But, and this is where confusion arises, within each cycle exists the expressions of all the other cycles.

What of the bio-thought entities and their sometimes abusive relationship with nature? Well, of all the bio-thought entities on this planet, humans are the most impatient, irrational and illogical. It is these traits that compel them to challenge the parameters that confine them, e.g. nature and the various creation-manifestations. They do so partly by seeking short-cuts, and they join with others who share their ‘creative’ bent. This short-cut is witchcraft.

The potency of witchcraft is continually growing as those who seek short-cuts give themselves over to ever fantastical fits of imagination, evolving new ways to obtain their desired outcome – and, significantly, to impose that desire. They act, and come to be propelled by, a feeling of their own god-like existence and power.

So, it is the dissonance that bio-thought entities create between themselves and nature that has transmuted witchcraft from its original harmony-based practices into evil.

Now, we can see witchcraft not merely as a ‘thing’ but as existing along a continuum, from kind and compassionate to hurtful and evil. (FYI: there is another, fourth kind, which I shan’t discuss here).

One of the many pitfalls of delusional meditation, which most individuals participate in and practice, is the awakening of self-importance. For numerous inexplicable reasons this leads a person into the limelight – he is turning towards a search for short-cuts, and away from the genuine desire to assist and aid that characterized his initial encounters. The desire for short-cuts replaces sympathy with ever-increasing levels of manipulation. This is when witchcraft begins.

Witchcraft is the art of manipulating the status quo.

Beginning with kindness, the short-cutters’ own egos lead them into the murky arena of vengeful witchcraft when promises to fulfil their desires are not met. The downward spiral begins. There is no escape. Ego – a life entity in its own right – sucks the short-cutter ever deeper into its clutches. The short-cutter is mesmerised, and hypnotized by the allure of self-importance, which encourages further ventures, this time in the practice of hurtful witchcraft.

Let us now put some tangible reference to this.

Islam, Hebrew and Christianity are all encased in vengeful witchcraft. Race-Europeans are steeped in the same. Great Britain is the renowned seat of witchcraft in Europe, according to William Shakespeare – whose main works are plagiarised, according to two studies carried out by Cambridge University, England. However, nothing is ever simply light and dark; the grey area in the middle is ambiguous. Escape is very painful, but not impossible.

The problem is not with the creation, nor its unit manifestation of the individual. The problem with witchcraft lies with the secular who seek short-cuts for their life problems.

It is like not educating yourself when you were in the system, ending up with a low-paid dead-end job, and then longing for the material wealth of the intelligent, well-off and educated. In order to keep up with them, a very small proportion of the dead-end rob a bank; maybe kill in the process; and eventually get caught, and end up in prison.

Prisons are like witchcraft: emotionally brutal, escape-less, and sucking newcomers in. In subsequent births this type of seeker will automatically be placed into a scheme that allows ignorant, delusional meditation. The seeker eventually becomes a short-cutter in the process.

…and here is a warning…

Witchcrafters are found in each and every secular, religion, rite-ritual, dharma and divine arena.

Welcome to witchcraft…and you thought you were meditating!

Meditation without practicing humbleness is worshipping your own Ego.

And all bio-thought entities are engaged in 24/7 meditation.

Now that is a shock.

Emperor Nero and his Mistress

Emperor Nero wooed his Mistress in a lush oasis miles from dunes and sand, at a camp named after the Hebrew royal David. In Armenian, Kurdish, Russian, Sanskrit, Gurmukhi, Hindi, and Urdu, Jews are still called by their original name of Hebrew.

The Mistress opinioned that war was a last resort and even then only as a defence, but Emperor Nero was a determined charmer and seducer. He charmed, and the Mistress was duly seduced and gave an oath to lead the verbal charge laced in guile and deceit. Thus began a new world order: an order based on corruption, misinformation, falsification, sexing up of documents, and the feathering of one’s own pockets as well as of those of one’s generals and henchmen.

The Mistress, head of a clan-nation island off the shore of a mainland, spared no one upon return from Oasis David, four days’ sailing away, and galvanized the neuro-idiots with an emotionally cooked oral schedule reinventing Sodium Hazelbean, formerly an allay, as paradigmatic of an aggressive Lady-Boy prostitute who steals gentlemen’s wallets without providing much sought after relief in return. “Oh, the shameless thief” shouted the neuro-idiots in unison in tandem with the Gentlemen and Gentlewomen Dacoits ensconced in plush, leather green benches as the elected nose in trough representatives in the Home of Elected Representatives of the neuro-idiots and the rest of the islands asses.

To make the case righteous and honorable, an eminent expert Doctor who happened to have a PhD in an appropriate ology, was paid to waffle a document supporting Lady-Boy Sodium’s illegal procurement of weapons from a weapons wholesaler other than Emperor Nero. “What!” shouted the neuro-idiots, “what!” (they have a habit of repeating ‘what’) “another weapons wholesaler and not Emperor Nero…well, this simply will not do” and so documents were duly presented to the Home of Elected Representatives.

Flies, there is always one isn’t there, and this fly had an untimely rendezvous with its fatal enemy, ointment, was that the Doctor turned out to be a tad too honest. Must have been a signed-up practicing member at the altar of the church Atheist. Let’s face it, no self-respecting monkey wrench or upwardly mobile career ‘servant’ of a recognised religious fraternity would have the testicles to speak out…but our honest PhD certainly did.

His objection? The document carrying his name, as presented to the Home of the Elected Representatives, had zero content similar to the document he had delivered to the oily autocrat. In an attempt to balance the honesty, Doctor Honest secured the ear-hole of Beer Belly journalist, who in turn inked the facts of the difference between the two documents. I always thought sweat, saliva and bodily fluids were the preserve of human-animals having sex, but no, I be wrong here. Apparently, documents can be sexed up too. Well I never.

Unfortunately, in the midst of all of this Doctor Honest went out to clear his head and decided to have a tug of war to test a theory that if he sped away in his car he could pull a tree from its roots. He tied a rope to a tree trunk and sitting in his car he tied the other end to his neck and sped away. Tree trunk was unmoved. Doctor Honest was no more. Naturally, conspiracy theorists abound with various outlandish ideas suggesting he was taking a blood sample with a syringe from an alien encounter. Sad fact is, Doctor Honest is no more, and in some quarters is mourned as a victim of the impending war against Lady-Boy Sodium Hazelbean.

Now, Lady-Boy Sodium Hazelbean, as the Head Honcho of a far away isolated region – his two bit parcel of land was called U-Rack – well, his best aerial attack projectile was papier mache on thin bamboo sticks controlled by string. Apparently, Mistress had nightmares of an imminent attack by a squadron of papier mache on thin bamboo sticks controlled by a length of string. Neuro-idiots foamed at the mouth and demanded protection from the imminent attack. The fact it took ten sailing days from the isolated piece of land U-rack to Mistress’ island was neither here nor there. Neuro-idiots swam in the tidal belief that a squadron of papier mache on thin bamboo sticks controlled by a length of string could attack in forty five minutes from U-Rack.

The drums were struck, and Mistress, looking with dewy-eyed longing into the eyes of Emperor Nero, strode into war. Lady-Boy Sodium Hazelbean stood no chance with the rest of the world ganged up against him, for fear of becoming Emperor Nero and Mistress’ next target.

Papier mache on bamboo sticks controlled by string stood no chance against fire breathing dragons flying through the air in the middle of a moonless night. One day later the attack was over, and the former ally, Lady-Boy Sodium Hazelbean, was removed. The people of the land simply exchanged one brutal dictator with another. Mass killing of its people carried on mercilessly for countless moons, season after season.

In all of this, I find it objectionable that some people, living as free and fearless people on various pieces of land, have come to call Emperor Nero the slang for pubic hair, a four letter word starting with the letter B. I refuse to dishonour a brave honorable leader of free thinkers with such demeaning names. Emperor Nero is Emperor Nero. And as for the Mistress, at times it is most unpleasant to hear the adjective B-Liar shouted out at the Mistress.

We have to realise and accept that the Mistress was internally and deeply touched in a part that an ordinary man cannot touch. Thus, we must respect the coupling of Emperor Nero and the Mistress. Another thing that I find very distasteful is the allegation that the billions amassed by the love birds are ill-gotten gains. Hell no, they worked bloody hard for that cake.

Now, the issue is that there always has to be God in such equations for it to become quadratic, lest they fall into the ignominy of indices, or much worse loll around as algebra.

And as a new inductee into the higher realms I am going to share a secret with you. The God of Emperor Nero and the Mistress is the God named the Devil. And it has to be said, Ali-Looya is not the word that comes to mind when one thinks of God-Devil.

Now, if you profess an attachment to God-Kindness and Fair, then guys, forget material wealth. God-Kindness and Fair governs nature, you know, jungle type of nature.

So now, you decide which God you prefer to pay obeisance to.

…and one day I aim to meet a master who can teach me sardonic wit.

Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi & Bilawal Bhutto Zardari


Mayflies as adults have but a few hours in which to seek a female and mate before they die. The long tailed mayfly emerges, takes flight, mates with anything resembling the colours of a female and then dies, all in few brief hours. The female lays her eggs on the water’s surface. The eggs drift to the bottom of the river and after about forty-five days they hatch into larvae. The larvae dig burrows, construct interconnected tunnels, and thereby form a social structure. They stay in this for about three years. Then, they break free and surface, where the female moults once and the males twice. After a brief period they spurt into full adulthood, the few hours remaining to them are spent in a frantic flury of mating and death, before the cycle begins all over again.

What does the life-cycle activity of the mayfly have to do with global politics and the current ‘charismatic’ 64 year old Indian Prime Minister?

Before I table my opinion I need to the share the following: erudite, I am informed, do not like my opinions. They claim I flirt as an anonymous cocky capitalist nitpicking history and current events from an atheist’s vantage, narrowing my unencumbered criticism, shrouded in aesthetics obscurity, claiming metaphysical transcendence in my writing.

And my answer to that is ‘and…’ but I point to the fact that the right-wing press of UK and a right-wing radio presenter talk show regularly use words from these essays as banner statements for their utterance. To the point that the right-wing press reads, and then, seeks opinions from well known scientists for a view, which is then printed as newsworthy. Of course I do not get a mention…wow, right-wingers kissing my backside. Err, compliment I do like, but not from the right wing, please. You guys stick to being arrogant-nasty, you know, the way a ‘white’ God made you. And leave ‘brown’ God humane compassion to the likes of yours truly, thankyou. What gives me comfort is that more Race-Europeans share my thoughts on compassion, but their right-wing, a minority, wins the day usually. Many cultures have a saying; an empty vessel makes the loudest noise. However, in human terms that means that the right-wing are the unchecked killers on this planet.


Occasionally, a global leader arises who is destined to be a sitting duck. A leader so seduced by power that his addiction an aphrodisiac. David Bowie was drawn to sexuality. His sexual hunger manifested itself as a magnet drawing ‘partners’ to become a notch on his insatiable bi-sexual hunger and bedpost. Political leaders are also magnets and this is a very apt way to describe the latest charismatic leader of the ‘Free World’. Yes, Free World, since all democratic countries are free, and are therefore members of this unique club, meaning each leader of such countries has the accolade of being a leader of the ‘Free World’.

However, Sri Narendra Modi is a true leader of the Free World. He is the leader of the largest democracy on this planet. Thus, he really is the leader of the Free World. Of course, America has the greater firepower, but the combined populations of North America, Europe, the old USSR, and the Anzac countries is still not enough to counter that of India. So, at that level Modi is indeed the actual leader of the Free World.

However, Modi is also a sitting duck. And sitting ducks are targets.

But who would want to target him?

The beauty of democracy, in today’s age, is its hypocrisy. The ‘Free West’ seduces, beguiles the latest Free World leader, biding its time before it blows him to smithereens.

But why?

Because the Free West wants to, and it can, since no one on this planet has the fire power to stop it.

It is not publicly known, but prior to the first Gulf War, attempts were made to suck India into opposition against America and the ‘Free West’. If we glance back into historical events, the reason becomes obvious. After its intervention in Sri Lankan affairs, India was ego-massaged and it naively accepted the title of ‘regional superpower’ bestowed upon it by the Free West. And as a superpower, the west knew it could blow India apart on the flimsiest of excuses. Thankfully, the Indian Prime Minister at the time was more dignified than delusional, and chose to eat humble pie instead. Mercantile India paid for this stance by giving large concessions to the ‘Free West’ on many commercial deals, but at least the PM saved India from a one-sided war against the ‘Free West’.

During the second Gulf War, and then during the war against terror, India on each occasion was set up as the fall guy. On each occasion her leaders chose to eat humble pie. Dr Manmohan Singh, in conjunction with Sonia Gandhi, lavished unprecedented platitudes on the Free West, and committed commercial hara-kiri agreeing to virtually whatever the latter demanded, lest it bomb her citizens into the last century and the one preceding that.

So, the Free West chose another target. It did so via a well planned attack on its own self, and the rest as they say is history.

The problem with Prime Minister Narendra Modi is that he does not do humble pie. He is the quintessential Indian Hindu, who lives in his mind as a powerful and a formidable mythical god-creature-lion that cannot be defeated, but magnanimously gives way. In his case, Modi also believes because he has a >44 inch chest he is a powerhouse of courage and invincibility. He is so wrapped up in his own delusion of greatness, that he thinks his opinion will win the day in an actual war regardless of his foe.

The Chinese, Europeans, Russians and Americans read the signs long before Prime Minister Narendra Modi began running his campaign. The Chinese began testing Indian’s response and her military preparedness and army manoeuvres in an actual confrontation. The global powers watched how India placed and positioned her troops. Then, Pakistan taking its lead from the Americans created a second front. Once again, the global powers studied how India deployed its armed forces. Upon his election victory, Modi made high-profile state visits to both Japan and America, and then delivered a polished state welcome to China. It was veritable ego boost for the barrel-chested, mythical god Modi. His new friends and the rest of the superpowers, meanwhile, used the occasion to measure his emotional reactions and responses to situations. The ‘Free West’ has studied the man and his shortcomings thoroughly.

After his election, China tested him again, but withdrew giving him the feel good factor that his manliness, no nonsense attitude threatened them into withdrawal. Pakistan, upon instructions from Washington upped the ante. Modi responded by given the Indian armed forces full power to escalate confrontations to full-scale war if needed. Sadly, the one thing generals are not is diplomatic. They have the brawn not the brain. Modi has been well and truly set up. All we now need is an opportunity and the ‘Free West’ is going to smash the Indian army to bits and set her infrastructure back centuries.

Unfortunately for Prime Minister Modi and his ‘advisors’, they really do not understand the race European mindscape. Modi, like Saddam Hussein, believes before an actual war-war there will be time for a pow-wow. He is sadly mistaken.

The neo-Nazi party of the United Kingdom, UKIP, in tandem with all other rightwing European parties is now slowly jockeying to take over their respective governments reins, along with the neo-fascists waiting in the wings in the United States who will be chomping at the bit to have a decisive go at a so-called ‘global nuclear military power’. China is an unknown quantity so will be left alone. Russia is after all European race so it too will escape. This leaves India.

And unfortunately for India, it has chosen the worst possible person to lead it for what is planned ahead.

But did India have a choice?

Yes, of course India had a choice. It is a land of thinkers, seers, sages, and political activists and politicians capable of deep assessment. But when your backside is going to be kicked, then you usually make one silly mistake after another. In India’s case, she is ignoring her wealth of deep thinkers, instead ego-massaging a kid who has been a very bad playboy, a kid who grew up as a spoilt, stubborn, irresponsible bully who allegedly throws his weight around, and who surrounds himself with yes-men of his own age, who collectively think that India can be dragged into the twenty second century (yes 22nd century) simply by yelling, ordering, shouting, and demanding it does so.

In this 44 year old, India has a demented pit-bull. He yells his speeches. His body language, fist-clenching and shake of the head is more in keeping with someone suffering mental emotional anguish, anxiety and stress. A lad so unprepared and emotionally defunct that he couldn’t lead a football team, let alone a global powerhouse; and opposing him in Pakistan we have the 26 year old Bhutto lad, a tame Labrador pretending to be a rottweiler. These two ‘wet behind the ears’ lads who haven’t even mastered the art of kissing a woman, let alone been able to maintain a one-to-one relationship with a woman of their choice, are the best that India and Pakistan as the two nuclear powerhouses have to offer their respective electorates.

Something is very very wrong here.

The tame Labrador spoke recently at a public rally claiming he will not rest until Kashmir is won from India and becomes a part of Pakistan. If I had a say in Indian diplomatic affairs, my advice would be to allow Kashmir to join Pakistan.


The reality is that Pakistan’s elite has always lined its own pockets and allowed the killing of her own people whenever the European empire demanded. Pakistan will do the same with the people of Kashmir. In recompense for giving away Kashmir, I would allow the Indian army to walk into the Panjab that lies in Pakistan and hand that land to Sikhs to administer – in similar fashion to Israel – relocating all Muslims from that state to the new ‘azad’ Kashmir.

Pakistan does not understand that Pakistan itself is India in all but name. If the Pakistanis want a country, then go thieve someone else’s land. The land you call Pakistan is India, and will always be India. Stealing someone’s property does not make it yours. Then on top of that, they are demanding yet more of that other person’s property.

Once a thief always a thief.

If they are so enamoured with Islam, Pakistanis should beg a Muslim country to give them their piece of Islamic land and see exactly what they get in return.

A big fat zero.

That and nothing more.

So take a reality check Pakistan, and accept that you are in fact Indians who have embraced Islam for whatever reason. And remember, more Muslims live peacefully in India than in the entire land of Pakistan…guys, go figure where your future lies.

And as an old-fashioned Sikh I reiterate, we Sikhs are getting irritated with being hammered from all sides. If you keep harping on about Kashmir then we Sikhs will encourage the Indian forces to take back what is India’s historically. That is the whole of Pakistan. If you are going to wage a jihad against India in any case, then India might as well take by force what is hers, and the jihadis can then fight on the land you have stolen from us and which you call Pakistan…or you can live in peace with us as our extended-relative – but not as our neighbour.


Reverting…the sheer stupidity of not understanding real politics by both the pit-bull and the Labrador worries me intensely.

If Benazir Bhutto had remained a passive stateswoman working the global lecture circuit and not listened to her sidekicks, who without her were powerless, she would not have been deluded enough to think that she might be able to blackmail the Free West by threatening to expose the fact that Osama bin Laden had been killed about four years earlier. She threatened to name, with supporting evidence, the Pakistani man who pulled the trigger if the Free West did not support her re-election campaign. When she did that, her assassination became a foregone conclusion. Suddenly, Bhutto was past her sell-by date. The Free West could no longer use her as they once had done. It is for this self-same reason that Imran Khan will never come to power: he knows how the European mind works. He can be neither bought nor beguiled by them, thus he will remain on the political periphery. The west needs someone in Pakistan who will line his own pockets while allowing new military equipment to be field tested in real situations, which means Muslims along the border region will remain cannon-fodder for the time being. Interestingly, Osama’s death was not paraded about, but Saddam and Gaddafi’s were. Ask yourselves why.

Unfortunately, Bhutto’s son is caught up in the glory of being ego-massaged and he lacks depth to recognise that he can serve his country better by becoming apolitical on global affairs. But ego, guys, is ego.

So, now we have an irrational, emotionally overloaded, commonsense deficient man – brought up in an atmosphere where the elite Indian male’s self-worth is measured by how many European women they can try to bed, and who look dismissively at their own country’s folk – trying desperately to lead India. And on the other hand, we have a kid who is at that age where males compare their manhood on regular basis to what they see on porn sites. In the hands of these two immature, wholly unbalanced men, lie the lives of more than one billion and a quarter people.


Talk about being short-sighted. But given the choice between the pit-bull or the chest inflator, is it a wonder that India chose a mixture of faux Superman and Batman, and what they got is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A provincial politician, intellectually limited, never to attain the intellectual excellence of Dr Manmohan Singh, and this man is India’s representative to the world. America could get away with the buffoon Ronald Reagan and the narcissistic Emperor Nero in George W. Bush. India cannot.

My earnest prayer is that this man has enough maturity to eat humble pie and will sign away even more of India’s commercial interest, but not get involved in a ‘manly’ fight over a principle.

The problem with religious fanatics like the current Indian Prime Minister is that fanatics seldom know how to eat the proverbial humble pie. And therein lies India’s problem.

One man’s ego against the welfare of a billion people.

Easy to call, this one.

One ego wins.

One billion suffer.

And like all mayflies, our hero, chest pumped, will die in this attack on India. He will be replaced by another mayfly in another country, whose delusions of grandeur will force his citizens to be cannon-fodder for the killing machine of the Free West.

History teaches us one thing. And that one thing is: man learns nothing from history.

And I am left in a quandary. If the mayfly were to become celibate like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, would it live a long adult life, even becoming a sage into the bargain?

No, I don’t think so either.

1984 Sikh Genocide; 30,000 killed

Sikh genocide of 1984, the third in their history, has its roots in the age when ‘Indians’ retreated home, from their global occupation when their empire imploded. Time of this return is lost in antiquity. However, names, languages, syntax and grammar are still evident in Europe, America, Australia and all over Africa. Interestingly, once solar travel has become normal then evidence will shock how ‘humans’ had occupied the solar system and the penny will drop that we in fact originate from deep within this galaxy, and then another superlative truth will emerge. Of course, Indians were not called ‘Indians’ in that bygone age and language. They were called Arya – Noble.

However, the Arya were not the top most evolved humans then, nor are they now. In the evolution of inner awakening it is accepted that the highest seat is automatically reserved for those who have been programmed for excellence. The shocking discovery awaiting humanity is that the deeper and darker one’s skin pigment, the higher the status ‘programmed awakening’ one is capable of.

Dark skin is an absolute necessity. That one organ is the precise receiver of refined awakening. Inner awakening is absorbed through the skin. The dark skin of the Aborigines or of the original Africans is the catalyst that automatically places a person high up in the scheme of things.

However, two opposing things cannot happen in the human world. You cannot ride two horses in the opposite direction. Either you excel in materialism like the Arya, or you excel at inner understanding. If you automatically excel at inner understanding then you will be a victim of the materialists.

The Indians and Chinese are trapped between two worlds. One world seduces them with materialism, and the other seduces them with divine recognition. Caught in between and living in the intermediate space, these humans’ history ebbs and flows between two shores. And currently, we are in the process of another attempt by the intermediate world to try to balance and maintain control of the two opposite realities. However, as in the past, this will fail miserable. While some from that environment will progress into the full pigment world, and gain a deeper understanding of divinity. Once there they will remain constant victims of both the intermediate world and the junior world.

Lower than the intermediate, even lower than the junior order, is the subordinate world order. The subordinate world order is an environment that is dichotomy in comprehension. For, it is also the buffer ‘holding’ area where those awaiting exit from this iron ore, into a higher orb-environment in the galaxy, are ‘housed’ awaiting their exit into an environment that is no longer an imprisonment of oxygen-air mix of this orb.

Those races that do not have any definable skin pigment occupy the junior world.

It is seldom explained, and certainly neither accepted nor understood, that inner awareness is very dependent on the darkness of one’s skin pigment. Yes, of course, ‘teachers’ emanate from the intermediate world; however, their responsibility is to teach the masses, giving pointers, usually misinterpreted.

Regrettably, racial ignorance overwhelms the message, and we end up with wars and mutilations. Sikh genocide 1984 is the ongoing turmoil of that world. Nevertheless, we can still try to examine the hows and whys in the vain hope of learning a lesson.

But first two other important factors need to be shared for a better understanding of actions and subsequent reactions. I will use three examples. The Austro-Hungarian Empire. This empire included Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Then the Ottoman Empire, or to give its original name Uţmān, whose final collapse formed the new Turkey, the Balkan and the current Middle East States. Interestingly ISIS is fighting to reestablish the Uţmān State, thereby extinguishing the anomaly of the current Middle East countries. The third example is the Mohenjo-daro and Harappa area, currently in Pakistan, but which existed westward towards Tehran.

These three areas have generated more human brutality than most of the other areas globally. The reason for this is that land mass has a concentrated energy ebbing and flowing from deep earth. This energy has nothing at all to do with the earth lay-lines. Deep earth energy floats over the surface in a contour manner, easing its potency as it moves upwards into the atmosphere. Countering its presence is the solar system energy. This energy, also layered in a contour formation has a conflict within itself. The majority arrives from the sun, but countering that is the pulsating energy from the main planets of the solar system. It was the exact understanding of this solar system energy that allowed accurate prediction of how a person born at a particular point on the planet at a particular time would develop: the source of original astrology. Of course, current astrology has no notion of deep earth energy, nor how its contours are positioned or structured. Nor does it have accurate information about how solar system energy interacts with earth energy. Instead, they take a punt, and make vague assessments of what may happen and when.

Ok, now let me make sense of some of this before we can peel away how the combination of these energies, intersects and influences human decision-making, and how that impacted on events culminating in the Sikh genocide of 1984.

About four miles from where I live in London is a roundabout, with one equally large roundabout to the north and south. The traffic flows north and south, but at each junction it has east-west routes also. The middle roundabout is about half a mile south of one roundabout and about two hundred yards north of the other. This middle roundabout, especially on a Saturday, usually erupts in clashes involving drivers making their way along the north-south route. Yet at the other two roundabouts the same drivers allow each other safe passage. Additionally, at certain times of the year road rage intensifies at the middle roundabout. And two times of the month the same happens, but to a lesser degree.


Because the flow of solar and planetary energy has a conflict with deep earth energy at this very point. Anger and needless arguments flare up in ordinary people. Men and women react violently. More accidents occur here than at the other two roundabouts. More deaths occur here than at the other two.

When you transpose this phenomenon onto the three empires I alluded to above it will become clear empires ebb and flow in those areas, and why they suffer more wars and bloodshed than other regions.

Into this mix we have to add the genetic makeup of the humans living around or within those areas. Human genetic makeup also predisposes them to either violence or docile co-existence.

Muslims from Pakistan, and westwards towards the Middle East are hostile. We assume it is because of Islam. Yet in south India, the Muslims happily coexist with their Hindu neighbours without any conflict.


Because their genetics differ from those of the north-west region of South Asia. They share the same faith but are calm docile and peaceful. The Christians of south India are equally docile, and not blood-thirsty like their European counterparts.

I have seen south Indians living for generations in north India, their genetic makeup makes them relatively non-reactive whereas the north Indians express anger, and then rage. So, genetics is the trump card to a certain degree, when faced with planetary, solar energy and deep earth energy conflict.

For I have met Sikhs from south India who are in fact docile and laid back in comparison with their Panjabi brethren. In this instance, the planetary, solar energy and the deep earth energy conflict has a calmer effect on their genetic behaviour. It is with that background information in mind that we need to examine the conflict in Panjab.

Now into this mixture we have to examine the interplay of human mischief, arrogance, and stupidity. Before I go on, I need to clarify what we mean by stupid. We define stupid as those who know very little but assume that having read three to five books on a subject that they are masters thereof. We, from our position, refer to them as stupid.


The Berlin wall was still intact. The world was divided into two camps, the Soviets Union and the West. India favoured the Soviets as an immediate counter to communist China. So, the United States favoured Pakistan in turn.


China marched into India in the early 60s and Indian Foreign Minister (and later Prime Minister) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru begged the United States for immediate assistance. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had naively ring-fenced his country as a non-aligned non-aggressive state. India was defenseless. Nehru, in his simple mind, thought now that finally the aggressive race European was rooted out, this would allow South Asia, and Far East Asia to co-exist with mutual respect, dignity and not mimic race-European aggression and domination.

And this is the man whose negotiation skills made sure India gave away an integral part of its country to form Pakistan. Not having learned his lesson then – as his next great mark as a world leader – he went on to make his country totally defenseless. Had Nehru been a genuine craftsman of his chosen profession, a true Statesman, he would have made sure a Sikh country, Panjab, was equally established, since the Sikhs would automatically counter Muslim designs on India in the future.

But Nehru was a Hindu. And mired, in the traditional Hindu conceit and cunning, he thought that two birds in the bush are better than one in the hand. Regrettably, this typical Hindu cunning is still practiced in India, with people, undermining each other, like petty thieves, and anyone else who comes their way. Had India supported the formation of Panjab as an independent country as Britain had done with Israel, while allowing the formation of Pakistan, it can be argued China would not have marched into India as it had done in the 60’s.


Because the Sikhs of Panjab would have made sure they were armed to the teeth for any combat against them, and by default against India. And, a Sikh country would to this day have protected India without a second thought. The arming of independent Panjab, as Pakistan would have been armed, would have forced a genuine Statesman to arm India as well.

Unfortunately, having bedded Lady Mountbatten, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru considered himself bit of a ladies man, a jack-the-lad, a wide boy, whose chat-up line would have been a sentence from one of the books of antiquity he was so famous for reading. However, a Statesman he certainly was not. His autobiography, and historians’ work on him presents him as someone who looked down on his own people, since they had not read Shakespeare and could not communicate in English; someone who had an over-inflated opinion of his own cunning mind, excelling in the north Hindu art of manipulation, double-speak, while considering himself to be learned. The reams of work Nehru wrote are plagiarisations, work of others and his books are forever quoting others. Yes, granted, he regurgitated information that placed old India at the forefront of numerous technological discoveries, but is there anything innovative that he, and he alone, brought to the attention of the masses?

Certainly not.

So, in Nehru, we have a village idiot who parrot read English literature. And in his hands lay India’s future. A Holy Bovine negotiating at an abattoir.

It is in his design, and that of another protagonist, Mahatma Gandhi, that we find the smoldering embers that ignited the Sikh genocide of 1984.

Nehru along with Mahatma Gandhi, is entirely responsible for the genocide of Sikhs from 31st October to 4th November 1984, when 30,000 Sikhs from all over north India were burnt to death using tyres doused in fuel. Sikh women were gang-raped. Male children along with their fathers were burned alive. The police disarmed the Sikhs assuring them of their safe passage, then allowed the baying mob to lynch them, cut the bodies, scalp their hair and set on fire living person. Mobs were organised at the highest political level. The Sikhs were caught unprepared, defenseless, utterly outnumbered. It was akin to a computer game massacre.

The United Nations, by its own definition formally recognises the massacre of 30,000 Sikhs as genocide.

Now let us put some meat on the bones.

The the ordinary man in the streets of South Asia needs to bring a class action suit against the English Bar for giving substandard students like Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mohan Das Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) and Jawaharlal Nehru accreditation for passing their Bar examination. The fact remains that these three, as had been the tradition in South Asia and the United Kingdom were part of a system that allowed financial donations and political expediency to blur the exacting requirements needed to pass exams. One can argue that it appears that elite and rich families, as in the case of two of the three, ‘bought’ their sons’ passes in the Bar examination.

In the case of Pandit Nehru and Mohan Das Gandhi, if they were representing you today in a car accident where the other driver was totally at fault, these two would tell you the best deal on offer is that you buy the other guy a brand new car in the vain hope that one day he would return the gesture. This was the exacting height of these two lawyers. They confused theosophy with political reality. And South Asians to this day are paying the price.

In my time among the British, I too as a young teenager was mesmerised by the British. Then, under tutelage to His Holiness, I was astounded how He tore strips off the academic English elite. Initially I was shocked, but as I entered my late teens and had responsibility bestowed on me, I too had to master the art of tearing strips off the English educated elite. His Holiness’s group was fashioned only to include the well-educated and deep thinkers. The one things that has remained with me to this day is the sheer ‘stupidity’ of the English and Race-European.

I need to share this point because the South Asians are forever blaming the cunning deceit of the British elite for masterminding the split of India. As in Middle East, the French and British act of genuine management rearranged the landmass into Syria, Lebanon etc into what we have today in an attempt to control the Ottoman Empire, only to give life to ISIS. I do not call that genius at work but ‘stupid’ and short-sightedness. Europe has redrawn its maps numerous times, only to have the same regions under different names and kingdoms erupt to cause carnage throughout Europe. No, they did not and to this day they do not have the grey matter required to have mastered the agenda. The British are at best over apologetic for nature’s cruel manifestation. For example, if they see a dog that is lame in one leg they would fashion a splinter, attach it to the limb allowing the dog to use all four limbs. Whereas the Indians would have empathy with the dog, but announce it karmic, and walk on by.

Now let’s take this over-the-top apology for nature and use another example to illustrate the dangers of trying to correct nature.

The British and the Japanese are admired for their formal gardens. No one realises that these formal gardens are punishment isolation cells in which the poor locomotive-less plants are arbitrarily planted to please the gardener’s eye.

It was only when I had mastered the ESP ability to hear nature in dialogue, that I rationalised that nature too has misgivings, ambitions and fears in precisely the same manner as humans. Foliage ‘talk’ to each other in their natural environment. They too want and desire companionship of their own choosing.

Let me explain.

If alien science contrived humans to be remodeled with two facing hands on one wrist, eyes in the back as well as the side of the head, and a set of feet facing backwards, would you be grateful for that manipulation? Then if all men were segregated by race, height, and girth and set in concrete in all kinds of weather, would you be grateful?

Guys, formal gardens are an abuse to the homogeny of the plant environment.

In the same manner, autumn is admired as a beautiful scene when in fact those of my ability actual hear plant life dying and crying in their painful death. Humans will not understand the plant pain of death until science has developed a tool that allows two-way communication between species.

So to say that the British masterminded the split of India is over praising their masterly intelligence. The British are like all the odds and sods of humans globally, about as dumb as are we all humans.

No, the fault of India’s split lies fairly and squarely with the three incompetent amigos – Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mohan Das Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) and Jawaharlal Nehru. Their followers did not have the gall or the guts to tell them they were wrong in concocting the split.

If Pandit Nehru or Mohan Das Gandhi had been Sikhs instead of the confusion that is Hinduism, they would have stood their ground seeking an armed conflict, but never considered the split of their beloved country.

Add to this their double cunning, specifically their oath to the Sikhs that they would be given their own country once the British were ‘kicked’ out underpins the agony of Sikhs.

It is this false promise, a prime example of a Hindu promise, the duplicity of Hindu nature, that was behind the massacre of the Sikhs in 1984.

Race Europeans are one thing and nothing else. They are mischievously evil in their deliberations. The political fact is that the late 1970s witnessed the spooks (the secret service) of Israel, Britain, and the United States formally attempt to deflect Arab, and global Muslim, anger away from Palestine by agitating for war between Pakistan and India by igniting, and encouraging the Sikhs to rebel and seek their own statehood. Pakistan was encouraged to fuel Sikh separate nationhood. The Sikhs took one diplomatic discourse amongst many to assume that the west was indicating and aiding them, via Pakistan, to seek their own homeland. At the very high level of diplomacy that I by sheer default was privy to at that time an option was discussed which somehow leaked out as if it were the intended actual option. Indian diplomats heard the rumour mill and though it to be factual. They reported to Indra Gandhi their findings, and the Indian political elite panicked.

I, and a handful, explained to the Sikhs that Panjab lies (to this day) divided between Pakistan and India. That we were being ‘mugged’, as our historical and ancestral want lies in two places simultaneously. We would need to fight both countries to recover our homeland. But, misery endured at Hindu hands since independence washed away facts, and Sikh, lambs to slaughter, held the belief that the British were honest and honourable, just like the Sikh themselves…how sad.

In South Asia, one misread diplomatic message led to others being misconstrued. On one hand, Pakistan taunted that if Kashmir was not ‘given’ independence then it would agitate Indian states from the north-east region all the way to the Sikh state in the west to seek independence. Indra Gandhi, who was a dictator in all but name, had lost her only trusted aid, her son, mysteriously killed in an aircraft accident, and she had no one to trust who was not a ‘yes’ man to her. She was helpless And like all confused people, she repeatedly masterminded one operation after another against her kith and kin. In Panjab she formally tried bartering with a basically educated, a sincere down-to-earth honest man in Bhindranwale. Her negotiators used the usual Hindu double speak. He like all honest sincere Sikhs felt insulted and betrayed. He like the majority of global Sikhs, lived in the yester-years of Sikh armed conflict. He like the global Sikhs, did not recognise that the historical Sikhs they admired had formal military and strategy training. They forget that each human is a brave heart and is martial to a limited degree; that without seasoned, practical military training and strategy training, they are all just sitting targets.

So, a confused elderly woman, well past her youthful charm and vigour, clamoured for her youth by challenging the Sikh Bhindranwale who was throwing empty threats from behind the walled holy complex of Harmander Sahib (Golden temple).

That old woman, totally isolated in her position of power, devoid of factual dialogue to aid her decisions, mocked by Pakistan as a result of the mess her father and the great Mahatma Gandhi left that region in, attacked Harmander Sahib.

One thing can be said of Sikhs: they do not sit and regret. They take action to balance, punish, and reestablish their sense of honest fair play.

Indra Gandhi’s death, as well as that of some of the main protagonists, who were her aides, was a foregone conclusion. Globally, no Sikh was going to rest until as many of those involved had been killed.

However, the question remains why did the Sikhs not kill her at the first opportunity? Her guards, especially the two Sikh ones had ample opportunity to gun her down well before her actual assassination. Why did they not avail themselves of that opportunity?

To understand this anomaly I need to return to the decade prior to 1984.

Indra Gandhi was a confused person. On one hand, she vehemently opposed imperial occupation and domination. In that stance, she had the full backing of the Arab countries as well as of all non-aligned nations. African nations looked up to her at times. However, she had the singular mindset of a lonely individual. She lacked a husband, a partner, a companion with whom she could exchange her decisions. Like Margaret Thatcher, who lacked a husband who could and should have given an input into her decisions but did not, and who miscalculated the Falklands issue resulting in all out war, Indra Gandhi antagonized the Arabs by openly supporting the existence of Israel. Additionally, her ‘Hindu cunning’ had her labeled as ‘that witch who suckers anyone who deals with her’, as observed openly by president Richard Nixon and many leaders of the western countries.

Gandhi led her army into several confrontations with her own populations in the north-east region, be they communists or separatists. She wholly supported first the agitation and then the full war in Sri Lanka; and in the civil war between east Pakistan and west Pakistan, the internal affair of an independent country, she openly supported and later participated in east Pakistan’s desire to break away and seek independence from west Pakistan. This resulted in a full American fleet rushing to the Bay of Bengal. The reaction of all Far East Asians countries and as well of that of China was anti Indra Gandhi for supporting a division of a nation. She openly supported the Vietcong. The African nations turned against her also as did all the Arab nations. The woman was a loose cannon. Unpredictable and irrational. Politically she had to be removed.

The west wanted her eliminated, but Gandhi assassination needed the right catalyst and timing. So it began stoking the fires of Sikh agitation for independence after the formation of Bangladesh. The Sikhs were well and truly set up by the west.

Her Sikh bodyguards had ample time to kill Gandhi but chose not to take their opportunities. When the assassination did occur and details released Peter Ustinov who was present at the scene waiting to film an interview with Indra Gandhi contradicted the official version to his dying days.

Sikhs need to re-evaluate the assassination of Indra Gandhi and consider whether they have not been made the scapegoats in this event.

Yes, there are Sikhs who seek a legal redress against the genocide. Other Sikhs voice arguments in formal debate and dialogue. The real Sikhs will not rest until certain remaining protagonists have been killed. However, restraining them is the knowledge that there is a very strange reality connect to Sikhs. History details that their enemies have in time all disappeared leaving not a single off spring behind.

As an old-fashioned Sikh, I watch the drama and wonder if India would not be better off as a set of independent countries with a unified defence force, a single currency and a collective foreign policy. Then at least we may be able to coexist and not feel a sense of subjugation.

The reality is that the haves will always take advantage of the have-nots, but at least the abusers are one’s own kith and kin. However, when the abuser is different in race and religion, then the pain is emotionally worse and deeper.

Although I mentioned the deep past, but the current machinations have their roots in the forty-five years leading up to Indian independence in 1947 culminated in the Sikh genocide of 1984. I wholly blame the three amigos, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mohan Das Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) and Jawaharlal Nehru for the ongoing mess that has beset my ancestral home land.

And in examining the ancestry of the main protagonists we note that they all trace their lineage to the very crucible of the north-west region of South Asia. I wonder, had all the three main players in this drama been south Indians would they have negotiated away their own homeland whereby religion would fester an ongoing thirst for killing never to be quenched.

And in the same way I worry about the area of the Balkans in Europe and wait with concern how this time Europeans are going to create another killing fields.

Man we learn one thing from history never learns from history.

To Sikhs I say: a Sikh is defined not by his kingdom, but by the eloquence of his deeds, which are themselves Sikh.

A Sikh is an analyser, scrutinizer and improver of whatever is placed before him.

Colours: Birth & Death

The simplistic novelty of popular music theory ignores and then expels the status quo of the Seed-Notes. Then it replaces the core Seed-Notes with its own one-dimensional existence. Novelty inevitably and invariably changes the spiritual state of the core Seed-Notes. However, the change is artificial, transient, temporary and is cloaked in the ambiguities of ignorance; the prime secret uncared for, or glossed over. Popular musicians seemingly invoke originality, oblivious of the relationship between creation and the rule of the ‘unstruck melody’. The very melody without which, the creation of creations could not be.

Light, in similar manner, is in fact the co-element of the unstruck melody.

Suffice to say, at this level, that they are twins, though deeper dialogue would reveal another truth-reality. Light that I refer to is not the type of light registered by the ocular apparatus. For example, the night sky, the very blackness where the full moon is ploughing ground further afield, that very blackness is in fact unbelievably bright and is in fact light, pure light at that. But human eyes are not required to operate at that end of the spectrum, so our limited vision registers it as darkness.

However, light at its base gross level, with its manual colours, we recognise. The colour of flowers, dyed clothes and everything in nature, classified in colour, humans deem to be the sum total of the light spectrum.

Colours represent stages of advancement, functionality and purpose. For example, two different machines, a car and a boat, cannot operate in each other’s environment. Colours in the same way have a purpose, and their resonance within that colour configuration has a defining rationale.

Each of us at after birth, prior to the ability to focus our eyes, cognizes our attachment or preference to one particular colour. That colour is our homing signal. Our solar-signature. The core of our being is that very colour. It is our ‘solar-handle’. It is what defines us. However, each colour has its own individual bar code and is attached to other colours forming a unique colour scheme. This colour scheme defines our existence, our vibration, our harmonious or disharmonious relationships within so-called social structures and interpersonal relationships. And this solar-signature is what precipitates the initial fertilisation, the union between the ovum and the sperm. More about the intricate relationship of solar-signature in another essay.

Now let me put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Say that the initial colour is yellow. Two new-born babies could be attracted to the same colour. However the pattern alignment of the other colours (and I am going to limit this to the conscious colours of the rainbow only, when in fact the range of colours beyond the conscious layer has numerous distinct colours, and these have nothing to do with mixing the colour palate) attached to the preferred yellow will always be different. For one baby, red might be the next colour attached to the initial yellow, while for the other it could be blue.

The balance and the cooperation between the colour vibrations sums you up as the individual. You in fact are light. But in ignorance you are deemed only a physical corporeal body. And no, purity, normally associated with the pious and imagined to be a pure colour of one hue or another, is not a uniform reality either: for, when the combination of the notes from the initial unstruck melody and the apex colour of an individual are not in synchronization…one cannot appreciate the ‘play’ behind creation.The apex colour of an individual person, if it is to aid the individual into deeper clearer awareness, has to be harmoniously aligned with all the colours encapsulated and vibrating within a physical frame.

Hence, in all my writings, my insistence on calling each individual a bio-system.

However, there are basic laws, such as the founding stone of the colour symmetry. These founding stones are not limited to the seven colours of the rainbow, but to at least two more. In addition to the seven rainbow colours, we have to add white and black. Thus, we have nine colours. And these nine colours correspond to the main nine chakras of the given bio-system. (I have written about chakras in a previous essay). Furthermore, the current format of allocating a particular colour to a particular chakra – of course this only applies to the seven chakras – is not cast in stone either. Thus, the confusion among the ‘experts’ who teach further awareness, and who have an unbelievably limited understanding of how the mechanism of the inner bio-system actually functions…all of that is for another essay.

Reverting. The core base colours are limited to three: black, white and red. Here, red represents the opening of the portal of colour configuration itself. Black and white represent certain limiting environments and administration centres. Black and white are the polarities that indicate the type of awareness one is involved in and attached to.

Within these two polarities exists the following: You enter a state through a portal. This portal is the emergence portal. The presence of the emergence portal decreases fast as you move away from it towards the convergence portal, and thence to the progressive dimension. The area within the emergence and convergence portal is the arena that You exist in, and is denoted by the colour Red.  The emergence portal is referred to as Black, only because once out of that you are not allowed to identify or distinguish it from its surroundings. The ongoing target destination, however, is the convergence portal, which in relative terms shines and is therefore referred to as White.

The bio-structure is housed between the energies of the emergence portal located at the lowest confluence of a bio-structure and the convergence portal located at the apex chakra of a bio-structure. Thus, the arena of the remaining seven chakras is reactive, and referred to as Red. This Red represents activity and is split into the seven colours of the rainbow. Having said that, this arena and its colour symmetry is not as straight forward as I have explained. That for another time.

Emerging Portal – Black

Black represents retrograde awareness. It exists only because its other presence exists. The other presence is shining, labeled white, denoting expansion and/or explosion. Indistinguishable matter labeled black represents negativity, regressiveness or implosion. For purposes of explanation I too, at times, use extreme terms like negative and positive awareness. When, in reality, that is not factually accurate. However, advancement in negative awareness is equally powerful as that of positive awareness.

If the Master-Being of blackness stood before your secular bio-awareness, you would be extremely hard pressed to differentiate between it and the Master-Being of whiteness. They are identical in their power and kindness. The purity of the two, experienced at a secular level, is identical. Only at the advanced level are we able to differentiate between them. It is only then that we are able to determine that one environment is absolutely reliant for its existence upon the presence of the other. In this case, regressive presence in order to exist needs the progressive presence. At this level suffice to say that progressive presence can, however, exist of its own accord.

[In reality, the two states are neither progressive (white) nor repressive (black). White refers to expansion, as in inhaling to puff the cheat. Black refers to exhaling and deflating the chest.]

In everyday existence, a strong association with the colour black means that you, the bio-system, are the pawn of its Master-Being (in English, the Devil) who is your ‘God’ and who you consider to be the ultimate God-creator. Therefore, at funerals, when as mourners you wear black, you are stating that the person you have come to cremate or bury was a pawn of the Devil, as are you; and you thereby willingly accept the deceased’s negative qualities into yourself. Thereafter, this negative quality is passed through you to your partner and offspring the moment you meet them.

It is like wearing, as people do in western culture, the wedding ring on the very hand that you use to wipe your bottom. It is asking Black and Devil to be the guardian of your relationship. Fingers are the expulsion outlets of bio-energy from your bio-system. A malfunction restrictor, such as a ring, is expressly used to control the excessive loss of energy, or to enhance the methodical expulsion of a particular energy from the bio-system. The best place to wear an ornament if one must be worn to identify a relationship, is above and never below the heart chakra.

Black is the colour of the Devil and his mistress Evil.

Converging Portal – White

White represents a new beginning. And all beginnings start as a null and a void. A bud waiting to bloom. This colour represents the nest positive expression of creation. The Master-Being of this environment is God and his mistress Nature-Mother. White is the environment, both the end of one dimension, one layer, one existence and opening portal to the next. It is inert. To attach your emotion to this colour, for example at a Christian wedding and marriage, is to claim that the relationship is inert and non-committal, albeit that the passion and lust of the relationship is anything but inert and passive.

White should only be worn at funerals or religious functions. White also indicates that your emotional rationality is balanced and steady, and additionally that you are looking or aiming in your life to progress through a positive energy portal. And this also avoids you taking home, to your nearest and dearest, any negative energy of the deceased, when worn at funerals.

Operational Field – Red

Red represents the rainbow. Red represents active, directional, thoughtful progression in respect of the parameters of nature. Red is therefore the colour of marriage, or of a new relationship. Red is also the colour of financial well-being and accumulation of wealth. Hence, from red, movement takes place in co-operation with one’s own birth colour symmetry. In addition, red is the arena that allows the flow of the other colours associated with the seven (normal) chakras. That flow is controlled by the birth bar-code symmetry attained at conception, which then regulates the actual moment of birth.

You are born at conception. It is that moment that decides your totality henceforth. Red is the entry portal of your personality. However, you will be attracted to a given colour other than the red that facilitates your entry into the world. That colour is your bio-solar-signature.

Along with that colour, at conception, you are also a Tone. A note. A note that is part of the unstruck melody. You resonate that note. That note could be harmonious, meaning it bonds easily with other notes to make an expanding sound. Or, you could be the note that is seldom used and usually stands alone in its initial pure configuration.

Humans see and draw the wrong conclusions from social interaction: your popularity is a measure of how well you are liked and admired and how often your company is sought. This is fantastic for your ego, but in terms of allowing you advancement into deeper refined awareness it is the very opposite of what you need. Compared to this is the individual who is least liked, seldom sought, usually ignored and generally looked down upon. The social outcast. This person has the best configuration for advancing further and deeper into self-awareness.

But when ignorance felicitates ignorance then of course the retrograde awareness reaps rewards. And retrograde awareness is the worship of the Devil. And if that is what has been prescribed for you then that is what you will participate in. After all, we cannot all become detached and materially reclusive. Although I accept that it is the best thing, and know that all advanced persons are detached and materially reclusive, you secular beings are not configured for that type of thought and alignment. For you, insatiable materialism is the order of the day. And I have to respect that.

For you, too, are the Seed-Note. And your Seed-Note is popularism. Like popular music, based on two, three or the maximum four notes repeatedly played in a sequence to make music, you too have a function and a reason. So enjoy your participation as a cog in the scheme of things. For you are created for a reason, and only reason knows its Reason. As for the rest of us, we need to sit back and participate as cogs, by playing our own part, in the scheme of things.


The recent debate (January 2014) in the UK press sensationalizing abortion within ‘certain cultures’ is part and parcel of the time-honoured debate flagged up every decade.

The rights and wrongs of the matter I intend to leave as a matter of private discussion between consenting adults in conjunction with the views of their extended families.

But someone has to be blamed for the debacle.

The fault lies fairly and squarely with the male-dominated, female-supported, rites and ritual brigade. Look around you and point to one world religious body dominated by women, run by women, for the female mentality and psyche. Not a single one exists. In each of these self-applauding vestiges of God, we find men running the show, declaring that ‘abstinence’ is Godliness. Yeh right. What next, hidden away from prying eyes, self-pleasure, conducted hidden in closets off the cloisters is a private matter, which that voyeur God only enjoys watching? And how about defecating? Is that not impurity of a God state they claim to uphold? Why is passing urine and defecating an acceptable Godly performance, but self-pleasure, which is equally an emotional-neuro-chemically urge ungodly?

Globally, the problem of gender-selective abortions is a male problem and a male problem alone.

If technology has moved forward enough for gender selection at birth to take place, then what precisely is wrong with that? After all, cyber-organs and limbs are already a reality. Why is a cyber-limb an acceptable possibility yet the same advance in technology bringing us closer to gender selection is somehow ‘the Devil in practice’. Hypocrites.

If families, in ‘certain cultures’ want sons only, then let them have only sons, (and this used to be equally true for the European race too, where every advantage was sought to ensure one had a son over a daughter). Let them spend their hard-earned money creating a biased environment whereby they only have sons. Fantastic. This way another of the global red-herrings will have to gain respect too: male homosexuality. After all, given the dearth of women, these men will have to realign their sexual needs and find comfort in the arms of other men. An instance where a pain in the rear becomes a welcoming passing pleasure dome… two birds, one stone…no?

After all, it has been all those caped crusaders in their ornate magnificent headquarters of holier-than-holy faith shines of ‘spiritual enclaves’ who have masterminded this holier-than-thou ‘male-only God pleasing wonderment’ where only men are allowed entry and ‘women the unclean’ remain outsiders. Wow, what a reality, and not a warped mind in sight.

Which begs the question: why is God not openly decreed gay? After all, let’s face it, it is only socially inept men, the old farts with their barrel bellies who are ‘advanced’ enough to enter heaven. Sod women (Devils advocate here)…if the men from these enclaves had a chance liaison with a woman just what are the chances that they may be inclined to do with her that which they do behind closed doors among themselves…but the point is that women, according to this configuration, will never enter heaven.

And yet without women, these pious privies to Godliness would never take birth. So what does that make women? Devil’s creation of course.

Fits in well, this argument does, with the deluded ‘men-only God-Club’.

So, now the men in our morally high-handed religious establishment who are against abortions, but deem that heaven is a men-only club, are being total hypocrites in declaring abortion as against the will of God.

What bloody God?

And this God, where is this elusive symphony serial plagiarizer of the very tenants of muggery, who has declared, and that too only to the high-brow religious elite, that abortion is against His will. Mass killing of other animal species, and of other humans in the name of one type of God who speaks through this other flock, in a different language, in tandem with a different rite, is somehow an acceptable activity, but heaven help us when abortion is mentioned?

Of course, the holier-than-thou educated, right-wing brigade wheel out the tried and tested argument: the embryo has no choice, it is defenseless. As if the massacre of humans already existing in the world is innocent! Why? Because these humans defecate outside a womb?

The whole argument is led and conducted by the type of individuals who claim they recently participated in an orgy, but when asked for greater details, admit that they masturbated with their other hand for a change.

If that meat meal on your western table is an acceptable ‘murder’ that you eat, when all along you have a vast array of non-animal food to eat, then what is wrong with the selective murder of an embryo if the gender does not fit the family’s bill?

The crass beauty of the western attitude to speak through its backside, on each and every subject, as if it is the only reality, is as stupid as saying that an orgasm is a standard experience. No doubt, one day the white-coat-wearing idiots from the scientific world will define for the rest of the motley crew what passes for a standard orgasm…only for it to be changed a few ‘scientific studies’ later.

Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that ‘other cultures’ work as a collective unit of decision-making. From buying casual items of furniture to the bigger questions, each and every family member is consulted. But once again, I am speaking at cross purposes. Let’s clarify the basic ground rules first.

In the west, you have ‘me’ and ‘mine’. Where ‘me’ is you and ‘mine’ is your partner. The ‘me’ precludes kids. They are an extra add-on. Then comes the rest of the family. The ‘other culture’ view is where ‘me’ means partner, kids, parents, siblings and their kids, from both sides. Thus, the ‘me’ of the other culture is way more complicated than the ‘me’ of the race European thought.

In the other culture, seldom is anything done without input from the collective ‘me’: from furnishing and clothing, to schooling, careers and marriages. Thus, the combined collective can appear as a pressure cooker system from the outside, and yet when you ask those who are ostracised from such a collective they all would welcome a return to it. The collective is enormously supporting. Which means, rank antagonistic individuality cannot function in such a set up, leading such a person to announce to the outsider that life within the collective is harsh and choiceless. Yes, the collective can only function if all concerned co-operate and co-drive its mechanism. But to claim that the collective is an absolutist and draconian state is not true.

What is true, and I will state this until I go blue in the face, is that the collective does not appeal to all. It, like any mechanism, has individuals who cannot function for whatever period of time within the mindscape of the collective. And all collectives have different degrees of what passes for normal. Guys, we are humans, and thus we are organic. We have not all succumbed, as yet, to becoming clones of the State with chips in our heads to control our thoughts and expectations. Thus, as organic beings we are going to be different. That difference is accommodated in the collective.

If, within a collective, all that is desired is male offspring, then let them have this. One day those sons will scour the earth seeking a female from their own cultural norm, and guess what? They will not find enough females to support their particular morality and cultural practice. Their collective, as has happened in the past and will do so again in the future, will automatically die out.

The world I come from accepts, as a first truth, that it is women whom men cannot be born nor survive without, and not the other way around.

Guys, pressures within the collective cannot be examined as if the ethos of its inclusive culture is identical to the so-called individual of the western world. And in any case, where is this western individual who functions as an independent individual at any given time? Each and every western individual has to cooperate within the set regime of the state collective. In old age, it is the state collective that looks after the individual. Even from finding a partner to birthing a child, the western individual is interwoven with a collective. The collective is the state collective. So, explain to me what is the advantage of the clinical and uncaring state collective as opposed to the collective of the ‘other culture’?

There are no easy choices in this debate. But if fault exists then it lies in the enclaves of those holier-than-thou emissaries of the men-only God clubs where male gay sex is practiced, but women via whom these very hypocrites took birth are somehow undesirable.

Shame on you.

For it is you, with your frosty religiosity who states that woman was made from the rib of a man, or indeed that woman is the undersole of a man’s footwear, and that beating a wife is a man’s right. Why then take the moral high road when a female embryo is terminated, and blame the entire shite on the syndrome of ‘other cultural’.

You, the elite kite flyers from the religious fraternity, are to be blamed for this misogyny. Now, pat yourselves on your back and rightly claim in the murder of a female embryo that you have done a Godly deed. Brownie, nay blood, points you have indeed earned, please collect as you pass Go.

Government slave

HOTMAIL – rabbit in headlights

I, over the years, have refused, following my inner awareness, to use emails. Additionally, I make severely restricted use of SMS other than for hi’s and bye’s with immediate family.

My inner awareness informed me, and I shared this with anyone willing to listen, that ever since the advent of fax systems, the security apparatus of any government is automatically obliged to intercept all communication exchanges, especially among ethnic communities and fringe political groups. People scoffed at me. When mobile phones came into existence, commonsense and basic understanding of the technology told me the same would happen.

Of course, prior to modern technology snail-mail and landline telephones were also intercepted and information gleaned by a country’s security apparatus. Thus, the idea that we are being snooped on is neither new nor acceptable, then or now.

The state security always lies through its teeth, using smoking mirrors to justify its need to intervene, intercept and scrutinise each and every communication between fellow humans.

In the 1960s, MI5 and MI6 (the state security apparatuses of the United Kingdom) snooped on the then newly elected labour Prime Minister Mr. Harold Wilson in order to derail his government in favour of the right-wing Conservative opposition. Incensed, he broadcast a speech hinting at snoopers (my word) attempting to derail a lawfully elected government. Within months of his election he went to the polls again, and this time the snoopers left him alone and he formed a majority in parliament.

To say that snoopers are a current phenomenon is to miss the point. In fact that famous Russian mystic Rasputin’s communication with folk within his sphere of influence was totally compromised by the British secret service of the time, which ‘amended’ the sense of many a hand-written communique between the parties. The British considered Rasputin to be a pivotal anti-British force whose influence threatened Britain’s interests about how they needed the Russian military machine to move and function. Of course, Rasputin’s assisination was a coup d’etat organised and executed by British agents who pulled the trigger personally rather than trust any of their Russian counterparts.

It would not be too far wrong to claim that state security is older than the oldest profession in the world.

In my case, since 1988 I and my entire family have been on the terrorist register simply because I defended my family from attack by a large number of our English neighbours over planning approval to build a family home extension.

This allowed the UK police to totally ruin our lives. Please read the horror of our ongoing experience under the post ‘UK Police Brutality’ on this blog. You will find a link to it at the top of this page. To this day my local MP Mary Macleod, a right-winger who I classify as a PSR (a new term in English language, PSR stands for Practicing Sly Racism or Practicing Sly Racist), has repeatedly refused to represent my family’s plight to the police authorities.

The best my MP bothered to do was to get a part-time, wet-behind-the-ears, learn-on-the-job-bobby to call me on a late Sunday evening. He was shocked to learn of our family’s deplorable state of existence and left me with the impression that he would reconsider if his decision to join the UK police force. Other than that, we’ve had no assistance or contact.

The UK police force has attempted to kill me more than once. No doubt, they would have done it by now if they were serious about it – and they would totally get away with it too. This same police force was well within its remit when it asked the Indian police to kill me on its behalf. And the Indian police force would do so because, as their officer said to me: ‘Sir, they pay us, and we are told what to do, and we do it’.

In my case, then, interception of communication has gone beyond state security to attempted state murder.

How is this possible?

Because today’s Anglo-Saxons have sleep-walked into the arms of state imprisonment as a result of the second European war – the war that had England begging India, along with various African nations under its draconian rule (ask the Kikuyu of Kenya of how they were routinely rounded up for a beatings, rape and murder) to come to her aid under the slogan of freedom of speech and life.


Initially, the nod-nod-wink-wink style of state interception of communication was conceived as a way of keeping tabs on the ethnic communities in European-governed countries. But laypeople are laypeople the world over. They are willing to accept deception and sound-bites as long as it is not their ‘freedom’ or their perception of ‘freedom’ that is being affected. Unfortunately, the chickens have come home to roost. Now, human beings are just a number, with the algorithm of their identity and face saved on a global database.

Now, the soiled toilet paper you flush down the loo is trapped, collected and examined to check what you have consumed, so that this can be married up to the data that has been collected from recording your movements over the past few days. If the excrement tests reveal food that the security apparatuses know you could not have purchased during the days of your scrutiny then you are a terrorist, as it means you have acted in ways not captured by their scrutiny or knowledge.

Each person you contact, visit or have a passing joke with on the street is ‘your contact’ and followed. That person’s global activity is securitised using identity and movement algorithms. Eventually, your faeces conundrum will be solved, and details of the food you consumed, who brought it for you, from where, and when, will all be known.

All of this in the name of protecting us from imminent attack by the terrorist under-the-bed, living under our own roof. Nice.

Recently, I was forced to use an online application system for a government approval document, and I had to use a hotmail-based email account in order for my application to be processed. Reluctantly, I conformed and thus become more enslaved.

Some time later, hotmail refused me access to this account. They insisted that I provide them with a phone number via which they would forward me a security pass, thus helping them determine that it is in fact me using the email facility and not another person. The fact that all our computers are already automatically under constant surveillance is not enough, but now I need to formally give these people information they already hold about me.

I am, in their eyes, mentally incapacitated to decide whether I indeed need additional security to use a facility they control in any case.

This raised a question in my mind: as men, when we have a need to masturbate then how long before the state security will send another man to give us a blowjob because they do not want us to damage our wrist? Of course, all this would be done to protect us from harm in case our arm, hand, wrist were to become an instrument of terror.

After all, my safety is paramount to the snoopers. Now, in this case will they allow us the luxury of choosing if the blowjob functionary is of the gender we choose or will that also be imposed on us for our own safety – you do understand their reasoning for choosing the functionary don’t you?

So now, not only are we followed as their prisoner-slaves wherever we go, and our activity logged for our safety, it is only a matter of time before we will be given a surrogate to make love to our own loved ones. Wow, so much care! I don’t want them to think I feel suffocated; and as long as they are better arbiters of what is necessary for my safety then all is well and good. No?

Then, another thought arose in my mind: that having legs is very dangerous to my safety, since they could arguably harm me in one way or another. So aren’t we the lucky ones when the day arrives that the state security, for our protection, amputates our legs for our safety. Modernity, along with her sibling automation, will provide us with automated, semi-floating, hover-chairs for our movement. Wow, can’t wait, can you? All this for our safety from the terrorist under-the-bed.

Then, my thought observed, ‘but I could self-harm using my hands and arms’. No worries, came back the answer. They will amputate your arms as well, inserting tubes to feed you soup and tubes to expel the waste. And all of this for my own safety from terrorists who are similarly protected from terrorists who may want to do them harm!!!

My thoughts… surely they are sacrosanct? Er no. Terrorists could hijack our thoughts, so our brains will have to be replaced by a chip. Wow, that would mean all humans are able to communicate without age, gender, race or language based barriers. No breakdown in communication, ever. Peace at long last!

Now, I long for and have worked hard for global peace, so please show me the dotted line and I’ll sign up. Oh, shite, it’s an online application. And I can’t get online because hotmail refuses to allow me access to my email account unless I give them a phone number they already hold for me.

And I was so looking forward to becoming a Cyber-Borg. I cannot put in words my disappointment at being thus refused the opportunity to become my cherished ideal, so that I may be protected from a terrorist who has no cause to harm me in the first place… unlike the state security apparatus, which only wants to protect me from something that does not exist until it creates it in one form or another in the first place.

And the idiots say the Devil has a wicked sense of humour.

Now, at least, I can understand why God is so boring. Can’t you? God would never allow humans to become Cyber-Borgs, unlike the Devil.

Oh, oh, hotmail, there is a wasp flying outside my window; please, please come to my aid and protect me from harm as it might be a terrorist wasp!

Not without a phone number…